Greek Peak Conditions (2016 - 2017)

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Greek Peak Conditions (2016 - 2017)

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GP has cranked the guns back up. For those interested in the WROD or the tubing hill  it shouldn't be long guess is the second weekend in Dec
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Re: Greek Peak Conditions

It's nice to see they are making an attempt, albeit the warm weather is not helping. Yeah, the second weekend in December looks about right, assuming the forecast holds true. As we have said for years, it's all about mother nature cooperating, and GP's limited snowmaking capacity.
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Re: Greek Peak Conditions

We've had high-speed lifts since 1958

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Re: Greek Peak Conditions

I love it!
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Re: Greek Peak Conditions

Rj1972 wrote
I love it!
I did/do as well....who would've thought we have been advertising high-speed lifts since 1958.
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Re: Greek Peak Conditions

Greek started blowing snow again last night? Or yesterday maybe?

Do they not have access to the weather forecast?
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Re: Greek Peak Conditions

Probably, do you have access to a calendar?
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Re: Greek Peak Conditions


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Re: Greek Peak Conditions

In reply to this post by billyymc
Let em Blow!!
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Re: Greek Peak Conditions

In reply to this post by tjf1967
tjf1967 wrote
Probably, do you have access to a calendar?
I do. So the snow won't melt because it's that what you think? Do you still believe in Santa?

Wednesday - high 45, low 39
Thursday - high 48, low 39
Friday - high 52, low 41
Saturday - high 55, low 45
Sunday - high 58, low 44
Monday (12/14) high 51, low 34 with chance of a thunderstorm
Tuesday (12/15) high 40, low 31

Tell me next Tuesday how much of what they blew yesterday/last night is left.

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Re: Greek Peak Conditions

billyymc wrote
tjf1967 wrote
Probably, do you have access to a calendar?
I do. So the snow won't melt because it's that what you think? Do you still believe in Santa?

Wednesday - high 45, low 39
Thursday - high 48, low 39
Friday - high 52, low 41
Saturday - high 55, low 45
Sunday - high 58, low 44
Monday (12/14) high 51, low 34 with chance of a thunderstorm
Tuesday (12/15) high 40, low 31

Tell me next Tuesday how much of what they blew yesterday/last night is left.

I agree..These operators need to conserve their funds so that  when the cold does come, they can blow in with reckless abandon..
"Peace and Love"
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Re: Greek Peak Conditions

I'm no genius, but I'm guessing that the people who actually make snow have a better idea of when, where, and why to make snow than those of us who don't.  

We're only 2 weeks from Xmas. If they're going to try and get the WROD open they will need to blow every chance they get from now until then,no matter how small of a window that may be.
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Re: Greek Peak Conditions

OK.  So tell us all RJ why are you so down on GP.  Its that time of year they have to go for it.  I'm pretty sure they have in the budget blowing 24/7 this time of year.  They are saving money by not being able to blow.  Do you think if they hold off now they will add time at the end?  The people in charge know where the opportunity is to make money and its a no brainer to blow snow  every chance they get.  
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Re: Greek Peak Conditions

In reply to this post by campgottagopee
campgottagopee wrote
I'm no genius

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Re: Greek Peak Conditions

In reply to this post by JasonWx
poppi cock.  Its already in the budget.  They need snow on the trails.  Look at all the snow that K and Sunday river have blowing for a month as  opportunities arise.  In line with your thinking if the patterns stay as it is they may as well bank the snow making budget and try again next year...or better yet send RJ the a check for the money they saved..  Ah he would probably complain about the taxes.
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Re: Greek Peak Conditions

In reply to this post by tjf1967
tjf1967 wrote
OK.  So tell us all RJ why are you so down on GP.
Asking why the are making snow with the forecast the way it is is being down on them?

And who is RJ?

Is reading hard for you?
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Re: Greek Peak Conditions

Yeah sorry RJ  you get the idea Billy.  
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Re: Greek Peak Conditions

Whatever...there won't be two flakes of that snow left by next Tuesday morning.

I don't care if they blow it, just wondering why. I'm assuming it's a marketing effort - turn the guns on, get some stoke going, put something on their facebook page to show people they have snow.

Anyone go by there yesterday or last night? How many guns were going?

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Re: Greek Peak Conditions

In reply to this post by billyymc
billyymc wrote
campgottagopee wrote
I'm no genius

You'll get no argument from me
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Re: Greek Peak Conditions

Banned User
In reply to this post by billyymc
billyymc wrote
Asking why the are making snow with the forecast the way it is is being down on them?
It is odd how something benign makes some take it personally.

It's a crap shoot. A catch 22 gamble. Those with big budgets, latitude and elevation advantages have better odds. Others with less advantage, think Willard/West, face more risk of a loss.

It is what it is so they roll the dice to see what comes of it. C'est la vie.

It's like going for it on 4th down. If you make it, you're a genius ! If you don't you're a fool.
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