Greek Peak Conditions (2017 - 2018)

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Re: Greek Peak Conditions

I'm here to report that Hollenbeck's donuts are simply the best God ever put on the planet.

that is all
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Re: Greek Peak Conditions

One of you guys need to take a pic or two. We keep hearing about this place. Why are they only open in the fall? Do just make apple cider doughnuts when it’s Apple season or do they make all kinds?
"You want your skis? Go get 'em!" -W. Miller
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Re: Greek Peak Conditions

Virgil NY is known for two things, Greek Peak and Hollenbeck's Cider Mill. Hollenbeck's has been around longer (since the 30's) and up until this year was only open in the fall and winter selling apples, apple cider, fudge and donuts. It's now 3rd generation selling baked goods, cheese, maple syrup, pizza, apples, apple cider, fudge and donuts.

Part of the experience is watching them press the apples into cider. They use the same press from the 30's. They're a local family and super nice people.

Bruce (one of the originals) was my bus driver --- it will be strange going there and not seeing him. NO locals will go in there at least until mid October, the place is a zoo. LOL
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Re: Greek Peak Conditions

campgottagopee wrote
Virgil NY is known for two things, Greek Peak and Hollenbeck's Cider Mill. Hollenbeck's has been around longer (since the 30's) and up until this year was only open in the fall and winter selling apples, apple cider, fudge and donuts. It's now 3rd generation selling baked goods, cheese, maple syrup, pizza, apples, apple cider, fudge and donuts.

Part of the experience is watching them press the apples into cider. They use the same press from the 30's. They're a local family and super nice people.

Bruce (one of the originals) was my bus driver --- it will be strange going there and not seeing him. NO locals will go in there at least until mid October, the place is a zoo. LOL
Added to the list of places to visit when I'm in the northeast in Oct.  Saw that they don't make apple pie during the summer because there aren't fresh apples available. :-)
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Re: Greek Peak Conditions

I'm serious in saying this ----- their pies are as close to what Grams used to make that you'll find anywhere. They're all good, my fav is their Dutch peach or blueberry. Damn, maybe I'll have to wait in line and get one tonight on my way home.
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Re: Greek Peak Conditions

you are killing me...those are my favorites..
gonna bake a apple pie tonight
"Peace and Love"
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Re: Greek Peak Conditions

damn dude, i  look forward to it every year for our anniversary and /or skiers picnic weekends but doesn't look like its gonna happen this year  
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Re: Greek Peak Conditions

gorgonzola wrote
damn dude, i  look forward to it every year for our anniversary and /or skiers picnic weekends but doesn't look like its gonna happen this year

Ugh -- that sucks bro. It will still be there whenever you get up. Hopefully lots of POW POW, as you know we're due for one.
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Re: Greek Peak Conditions

In reply to this post by JasonWx
JasonWx wrote
you are killing me...those are my favorites..
gonna bake a apple pie tonight
pics or it didn't happen
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Re: Greek Peak Conditions

Anyone going to Hops and Swaps?

Should be a fun day -----

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Re: Greek Peak Conditions

Nope.  I stupidly scheduled myself to be someplace else.  
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Re: Greek Peak Conditions

The Triumphant Return. Of wonderpony.

"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Greek Peak Conditions

Harvey wrote
The Triumphant Return. Of wonderpony.


That's too bad Wonder --- should be a good time
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Re: Greek Peak Conditions

I have been lurking all summer.   Not much to say.  

I do vaguely remember that I picked up my pass last time I was at GP.
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Re: Greek Peak Conditions

Give me some good intel, Camp!  Work has been hell and I cancelled a scheduled vacation day (when what I wanted to go to was cancelled), knowing that I could/would save the vacation day for a bluebird day at GP.  Right about now, I would pretty much kill to go down the bunny slope on some rentals with dull edges, and (after swearing off it was a waste of my time), go up and do it again!
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Re: Greek Peak Conditions

Snowed yesterday --- calling for more on and off this week.

You should be skiing by T-day!
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Re: Greek Peak Conditions

campgottagopee wrote
You should be skiing by T-day!

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