Yes, it's true. I want to buy you a beer. It's my birthday tradition.
Of course there is a "catch."
Play hooky, come to Plattekill this Friday. (First 50 people get a $15 lift ticket).
Ski. I'll be there too, skiing as long as I can last.
At the end of the day, or at the end of my day, I'll head into the bar and buy anyone with a lift ticket from the day (1/9/15) a beer.
Good chance to check out Plattekill if you've never been or get back.
From Laszlo this morning:
"We are blowing Northface now, Plunge by Weds on the new system, maybe Block by Friday with some luck."
Forecast is cold all week with a chance for snow:
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp