I'm Not Happy (version 2.0)

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Re: I'm Not Happy (version 2.0)

snoloco wrote
 or else they would melt down and say how they are being "treated like low life's".  
Kind of just like you are now
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Re: I'm Not Happy (version 2.0)

I don't have favorite trails. I am generally happy anywhere or I find something that is acceptable and enjoyable. Theres your answer.

In the 80's I only skied at Vernon Valley on the weekends and like you are pointing out back then Grand Prix was always closed as well. In fact, in complete honesty I have never skied that trail from the top, ever.

I wasn't ever upset, I was stoked to be out skiing. Growing up I knew plenty of kids that would be happy to get to go to Pizza Hut one day out of the month, have new cloths that weren't hand me downs from a donation organization, or have an actual loving and present parent.

So answer my question, have you ever dug ditches just so you could eat that day? I don't mean this literally, it's more metaphorical but you get the idea.

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Re: I'm Not Happy (version 2.0)

Look, I'm glad to have a decent sized mountain close by.  Most days it skis quite well and I'm enjoying myself on the Vernon/Granite Peaks right now.  The way it is run causes these little annoyances to happen.  There is one resort president, no middle management and a bunch of department directors each running their own little show, some doing a great job, and others not so much.  Snowmaking, Grooming, Food and Beverage, and Ski Patrol are the best run departments.  There is little communication between them, so things aren't done always in the most efficient way.  Sometimes you get these little annoyances like slow, unorganized lift lines, trails closed for racing that shouldn't be, etc.  While one of these can easily be overlooked, a bunch of them add up really quick and can be quite maddening.  You'd have to ski the place a lot to really understand it.
I've lived in New York my entire life.
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Re: I'm Not Happy (version 2.0)

Well in your defense sno if I skied MC a lot I would probably get pretty annoyed to but you don't have to go there. Write them a letter or get a job and a car and start venturing else where. Once I had that ability I never looked back at VV.
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