I'm Not Happy (version 2.0)

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I'm Not Happy (version 2.0)

This thread will be where all my rants go, upon Harvey's request.

Just read off the Mountain Creek website "Updated 3:30pm, Bear Peak will be closed for race training from 3pm-8pm".  That lift closes at 8, so it's basically closed completely to the night crowd.  As a result, there is now only one trail (with a couple offshoots) open on that entire side of the mountain, and it's the terrain park.  This is the 3rd time they've allowed this since the weekend, and Monday was the weekend, so they're 0 for 3 on opening that section this week.  I did the math and this means that they're renting out about a quarter of their currently open terrain to the race teams and an entire lift.  Guess what, ticket prices are still the same.

Up through 06-07, this area was the best part of the mountain.  South had a terrain park and the rest was a bunch of long groomers, especially by NJ standards.  Bear Peak had one designated race trail, and the rest was open to the public all day every day, no exceptions.  The runs there were shorter than South, but slightly steeper as well.  In 07-08 this area was turned completely into terrain parks.  It worked great for the years it existed this way and Mountain Creek won "best parks in the east" for multiple years in a row.  In 13-14, they decided to bring back racing and took the terrain park off Bear Peak.  This totally outraged most of their park crowd and sent much of them to Big Boulder, Mount Snow, and other destinations in PA.  Lines were very long on South the entire year as it was the only lift that served terrain parks.  Meanwhile, their race program did not grow significantly, and Bear was so quiet, that even on weekends, you could ski right onto the lift.  The biggest problem was that to get to the non-park terrain on Bear Peak, you had to go through the terrain park on South Peak.  In 14-15, the racing program grew a lot and this arrangement made more sense, however, it did result in a few maddening race closures of Bear Peak.  I shook this off and figured they'd fix this problem as they year went on and they did.  I though that it would be better this year, but is now far worse.

What used to be the best skiing south of the Catskills is now this section is a race arena that oh, by the way has a mediocre terrain park that's actually open to the public, but filled with wannabe x-games athletes.  These kids think they can snowboard way better than they actually can and go at completely reckless speeds, frequently taking each other out.  The racers are equally bad, acting like snotty, rich brats that think they own the place.  Even when Bear Peak is fully closed and reserved for racing, they still go through the terrain park and cut in front of every takeoff and landing adding to the close call factor even more.  They also leave their crap all over the lodge despite signs saying that it isn't allowed.

The other issue is the lifts.  You'd think this area would ski great with 2 HSQ's and plenty of acreage with few bottlenecks.  This is not the case.  Remember wannabe gangsta snowboard crowd?  They also cannot seem to load even a high speed lift, so both lifts can't run at full speed and constantly stop and start.  The lifts used to run great and never stop and start, but the skier/snowboarder quality has gone down significantly causing all the slows and stops.  How anyone who isn't a first time beginner can't load a HSQ without slowing it or stopping it is totally beyond me.

My feeling is that they don't care about regular customers anymore since Mount Peter is the only other nearby option and has a fraction of the terrain.  They basically have a monopoly and are taking advantage of it in a bad way.  They jacked up their pass prices this year and reduced terrain availability.  The majority of my days so far this year have been mediocre at best.  While the recent change in administration has greatly improved the experience at North (new lodge, no more single runout), and they have plans to make it even better by reopening a previously abandoned trail and installing a HSQ or 6-pack to replace the triple, the experience at South has gone to heck.  Half of it is so crowded that I fear for my life everytime I ski there, and the other half can only be skied by race teams that rent it out and no, you can't put lipstick on a pig and remodel the lodge to try to hide it.

If anything is pissing me off that's related to skiing, you can find it here.
I've lived in New York my entire life.
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Re: I'm Not Happy (version 2.0)

Get some cheese and crackers and just chill
"No Falls=No Bslls
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Re: I'm Not Happy (version 2.0)

Benny Profane
Go West, young man.
funny like a clown
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Re: I'm Not Happy (version 2.0)

In reply to this post by snoloco
Racers bring big $ to the mts
And thank you for confining your rants to here. It is greatly appreciated.
Tele turns are optional not mandatory.
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Re: I'm Not Happy (version 2.0)

this will become the longest thread in NYSB history!!!!
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Re: I'm Not Happy (version 2.0)

In reply to this post by freeheeln
freeheeln wrote
Racers bring big $ to the mts
And thank you for confining your rants to here. It is greatly appreciated.
They also turned the best skiing on the mountain into crap.
I've lived in New York my entire life.
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Re: I'm Not Happy (version 2.0)

snoloco wrote
freeheeln wrote
Racers bring big $ to the mts
And thank you for confining your rants to here. It is greatly appreciated.
They also turned the best skiing on the mountain into crap.
Money talks ,bullshit walks. Life lesson.
Tele turns are optional not mandatory.
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Re: I'm Not Happy (version 2.0)

warp daddy
Adapt and deal with it  kid , you better learn how to be flexible in life or you will be left by the wayside socially , economically and turn into a lonely puppy. The world does not revolve aroundyou , your desires and expectations . Grow up !
Life ain't a dress rehearsal: Spread enthusiasm , avoid negative nuts.
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Re: I'm Not Happy (version 2.0)

In reply to this post by snoloco
I suggest moving to Lake Tahoe bro brah, about a dozen awesome mountains to choose from and medical marijuana dispensaries everywhere. If you can't get laid by the snow bunnies everywhere, there are tons of hookers across the border, you can get all Lamar Odom up in that bitch.
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Re: I'm Not Happy (version 2.0)

In reply to this post by warp daddy
I don't think that opening all the trails that can safely be opened is too much to ask.  There are two open runs on the section I'm referring to.  One had a race on it and the other was completely unused.  The decision to keep the lift closed to the public was purely an entitlement based decision.  These kids think they're better than everyone else and too good to share a lift with anyone but themselves.
I've lived in New York my entire life.
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Re: I'm Not Happy (version 2.0)

snoloco wrote
The decision to keep the lift closed to the public was purely an entitlement based decision.  These kids think they're better than everyone else and too good to share a lift with anyone but themselves.
Said the entitled
Tele turns are optional not mandatory.
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Re: I'm Not Happy (version 2.0)

In reply to this post by snoloco

Why don't you join your high school ski team so you can have all the access you want?
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
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Re: I'm Not Happy (version 2.0)

In reply to this post by freeheeln
As a consumer you can make the decision to purchase the product or to not.

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Re: I'm Not Happy (version 2.0)

In reply to this post by Z
Coach Z wrote

Why don't you join your high school ski team so you can have all the access you want?
They don't go to Mountain Creek and I'd already gotten a pass there by the time I could have joined.  I haven't raced since 07-08, so I'd have little chance of actually racing.  There are kids on that team who've been in some race program since they were younger than I was when I started skiing period.  Most races are slot restricted, so they're going to get those slots each and every time.
I've lived in New York my entire life.
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Re: I'm Not Happy (version 2.0)

This post was updated on .
Running gates and training will make you better period.  It would have put you in touch with other kids including girls that love skiing as much as you do.  Go earn your spot.

I coached some NJ high school racers last winter.  The level is not really all that high compared to up here.
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
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Re: I'm Not Happy (version 2.0)

When I was in high school we had an A and a B squad on the ski team.  Even if you don't actually race, like Coach said, skiing and training and running gates will make anyone better.  Too late maybe, but you aren't a senior yet (?) so there is time.
We REALLY need a proper roll eyes emoji!!
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Re: I'm Not Happy (version 2.0)

I didn't read Sno's full original post due to its length, but what I did read I can at least partially agree with. Somewhat.

I get that mountains want races and race programs. I know that when I buy my season pass. No problem. But put the event on your website / conditions page so I know before I get there that I can't ski certain trails. Especially this year when open terrain is at a premium. Don't show a trail as open if I can't show up and ski it.

Once the racers are off the course, they should ski like they are off the course. Too often in my experience some (not all) of the racer kids ski like lunatics down from the course to the lift, with little regard for anyone else on the hill.

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Re: I'm Not Happy (version 2.0)

sorry i didn't read the full rant but i agree with coach  if you love skiing so much why arent you are part of it, race team, freeride, instructing etc? at least make you days at the crick  mean something besides something to bitch about

i see my situation at blue very similar, it wouldnt be my first choice of mountains and theres alot to bitch about but being 20 minutes away its where i spend 90% of my ski time so we make the best of it. it gets boring day after day unless you broaden your horizons and get involved. my family and i have met alot of great friends, improved our skiing and had just a great time doing race, mogul and general skiing clinics, so much that my wife and son are now instructors and now teach them. i'm sure the crick  (woot gonna be a fun friday night, some things never get old!) has the same type of programs, embrace it man!
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Re: I'm Not Happy (version 2.0)

In reply to this post by snoloco
Some constructive suggestions here -- better to channel your frustration into something productive.  That's how the world gets better (or worse, I guess, depending on who is doing the channeling).

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Re: I'm Not Happy (version 2.0)

In reply to this post by snoloco
"This is pure snow! Do you have any idea what the street value of this mountain is?"
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