Skidds wrote
The thing that surprised me most about dexter's post is that they have a house in the mountains. I can see a flatlander who rarely skis being silly enough to give up on the season already.......but somebody invested in the sport enough to have a house in the mountains should know better.
I don't know how many of you work full time and drive 550 miles round trip every weekend, but it gets to be a real drag, especially when the conditions aren't going to be ideal. If we lived in Albany or Saratoga, that might be a different story, but we have to weigh the benefits of skiing over the fatigue of the trip, the kids missing their spring sports games, and the cost of gas. I hope you all do have a fantastic late March. One of the benefits to owning a house in the area is that we are not locked into a reservation for times when the weather is not great. By the end of the weekend, we will have had 30 great days at Gore, and while I would love more, I also need a break. Of course, if the storm of the century were to hit in the next week or two, we could always come back, but the forecast right now is for temperatures in the 50s from Sunday through the following weekend.