Fantastic last day at Magic! It was cloudy and somewhat cool in the morning, so it was firm enough to make some quick turns and not lose much speed. Once the clouds burned off in the early afternoon, the slush monkees came out and it was time to carve deep and long. I was at Sugarbush yesterday, so I missed the Sunshine Corner wedding and reception, where the bride and groom invited everyone to join them. I heard it was quite the day. I finally got to ride the Miami Vice chair to boot. Looking forward to a great summer season there and seeing them continue to make more upgrades.
Getting a kick out of Snoloco hassling Magic about the placement of the new Black Line on Instagram. According to his calculations there is some skating involved to get to the base? Magic telling him to use his muscles.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
That’s pretty funny. I’m gonna have to take a look at that
"You want your skis? Go get 'em!" -W. Miller
Concrete footings set for towers 16 and 15 in the clouds on Pitch Black...
October is a big month here at Magic. The foliage is peaking, so come peek with us on our new Saturday Fall Foliage rides up the Green Chair to Sunshine Corner where we have cold brews, wine, ciders, beverages waiting for you along with the grill going. There's also cornhole to play and picnic tables set up there with spectacular views of the valley and mountains beyond. The lift runs from 11-4:30 and the weather looks great on Saturday with clear, sunny skies and temps in the 50s. The lift rides are $15 for adults, $5 for kids 3-17, and it's free for our 19/20 season pass holders. Speaking of Season Pass Holders, we hope more of you become one as it's a great way to support our throwback, indie culture and be a integral part of our passionate ski and ride community here. Our Season Pass pre-season sale only runs through Oct 15th so now is the time to realize those savings on already very affordable passes. As noted last week, we take a different approach to skiing and the juxtaposition is highlighted by Vail Corp CEO commenting this week on its positive operating results to Wall Street: "With a strong base of high-end consumers, we are continuing to leverage our growing network of resorts and sophisticated marketing strategies to drive guest spending across our Mountain segment." Well, our mountain segment is Magic and we welcome and support all skiers and riders regardless of whether they are high income, luxury travelers or modest income adventurers seeking an affordable but exciting way to experience all that winter and the sport of skiing/riding has to offer. Regardless of whether you travel out West every season for a vacation or just travel locally 15 minutes to get here, every one is equally vital to Magic's community and the future of skiing. And, we try hard to offer products that fit your needs so you can discover some "magic" whether it's twice a year or throughout the season. As I said, October is an important month here, and our pre-season sale on a variety of passes, Freedom 4-Packs and Throwback Cards is vital to sustaining this great ski area. While we are really only accountable for our product and service to our fellow skiers, not Wall Street, every dollar spent here goes a long way to securing our future as an independent ski area. And, we thank you all for past and future purchases and involvement with Magic! _____________ The Work October is also huge here as we continue to make progress toward opening Magic for the Winter season. Montana received record levels of snow in the past week which gets thoughts turning to winter turns here, but frankly, we're happiest when it never dumps too early up here so we can get our work in and save it for when it really starts to count in late November and December. Our indefatigable Ops Crew has been busy with trail work, the Thompsonburg Brook pump addition, lift maintenance (Red & Green), worker safety regulatory compliance and assisting with Quad lift install. We thank our "Friends of Magic" work crew last weekend for the glade clearing and base lift shack painting! The next FoM Work Day is October 12 and we are looking for a big turnout! For the new Quad, the setting of concrete footings is continuing this week in hard to access towers (16,15, 14, 8) which leaves 9-13 by next week. Once the concrete cures after two weeks, we expect to stand towers late October/early November. Electrical work for the base terminal shack has begun and will continue next week. While there is still much to do, our contractors are doing everything they can to get the Quad complete sometime around the New Year so it is available for most of the ski season _____________. The Fun October is also a critical time to imagine all the fun stuff that happens here. The Black Line Tavern has already planned out most of the bands for Saturday Nights here this ski season (Black Line Music Series) and these include some favorites like Saints & Liars, Back in Black, Max Recoil, The Big Takeover, Swimmer, Rebels and more. For this month, we have music on Oct 12/13, an adult Halloween Costume Dance Party on the 26th and then ski season opening night Ullrfest Celebration on November 30th. And, our big triathlon of non-sanctioned extreme events is being finalized for December 31st (Tuck It! radar gunned speed race), February 1st (Road to Ruin mass downhill) and March 1st (Master of the Mountain Freeride/GS Biathlon). Plus, plenty of apres ski parties together and more Sunshine Corner Snow Bar shenanigans to look forward to! Hope to see you here for Peak / Peek Foliage at Sunshine Corner on Saturday or the BLT this week for dinner. In the meantime...think peak! - Geoff
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
A little snow this week... Mother nature is starting to hint at wintry weather ahead as we've picked up a couple inches of snow this week. Nothing big yet but hopefully a precursor to a super white winter by the time ski season gets into full swing during the Christmas-New Year's holiday. We had hoped to begin making snow starting last week, but repairs to multiple key air and water snowmaking pipes crushed during the tower concrete installation with heavy machinery has hampered our efforts. In addition, considerable sediment from these broken pipes had entered the system which has caused further delays this week along with a few blown pipes with system start-up. We are currently clearing the line today with forced air from our compressors and this should allow water to flow to guns this Friday night. Now, of course, we will be looking for those windows of cold weather in the low 20s to do as much snowmaking as our system allows to get us open for skiing. The weather over the next week looks a lot less cold than the prior two weeks--just a few nights seems cold enough. With that in mind, our opening day for skiing most likely will be the 1st weekend in December rather than November 30th as originally planned. But we will certainly do our best to make it happen earlier if at all possible. Matt, Travis, Don, Brownie, Jeremy and crew have been working tirelessly every day to get the system repaired and going.. At the same time, we are also having to deal with a Quad lift sub-contractor for concrete that has not finished the last of their work at the top terminal despite numerous opportunities to do so over the past 3 weeks. That still means heavy equipment needs to access the top of the mountain via the work road which cuts across the hill for this final pour scheduled Friday morning. We certainly hope they show up as promised to finally finish their work so we can finally get on with ours. As always, we take these obstacles and address them head on and with determination. And, we want to keep you all posted so you can make your plans. With the issues encountered by the new lift installation, it has certainly stretched the patience and limits of our relatively small work force. I can't thank them enough for their dedication and perseverance. The extra time and money will definitely pay off over the long-term for our ski area, but it's certainly not without some short-term pain. And, we thank you all for your faith and trust in Magic as we work through this project to "make better Magic". ____________ In addition to the new lift project and snowmaking, Magic has been spending much time, effort and tens of thousands of dollars on state work-safe regulatory compliance. As one might expect with a ski area that has much legacy infrastructure, it's quite an undertaking. All our employees have taken the job seriously with a keen eye on safety upgrades which will have long-lasting benefits. The process continues under the leadership of Andy Belcher, head of Ski Patrol and Safety Compliance and we thank him for his Herculean efforts. Ski Patrol has also begun a fundraiser which will continue through December 3rd: For every $1 given to National Ski Patrol, 50 cents will go back to our local Magic Ski Patrol. These these funds will be used for equipment for the training of our patrol members in order to improve their readiness to take care of our fellow customers. Should you care to donate, it is being done through a facebook donation page set up by our assistant patrol director, Ted Johnson here _____________ We had a great few days in Boston for the ski show and appreciated the opportunity to meet so many of you at our booth. We are excited about the upcoming ski season and we plan on opening at least the Black Line Tavern on Friday and Saturday of Thanksgiving weekend. There will be an Ullfest party to insure copious amounts of snow this season starting on Friday afternoon, Nov. 29th (4pm) and then The Equalites play the Black Line Tavern at 7pm. DJ Joe Bell will be hitting the BLT stage on Saturday Nov 30th at 7pm as well, with the Black Line Tavern open for lunch at 11am and dinner from 5-9pm each day. ____________ Great deals can still be had for season passes, Freedom 4-Packs (while they are still on sale until 11/30) and Throwback Cards (still save $10). Own some Magic here _____________ Our partnership with the new Indy Pass has been gaining traction with less frequent skiers and riders as an independent, affordable option to the more expensive mega-resort Epic & Ikon passes. The Indy Pass is having its pre-season sale price of $199 end on December 1 so now's a good time to check out their 44 ski area (with two days at each) multi-resort pass alternative! Speaking of independents, there's now one less indie out there in Vermont as Sugarbush recently announced their planned purchase by Alterra. Win Smith and his team have done a tremendous job with Sugarbush over the years as a profitable, premier resort, but he felt that with all the increased competition from the corporate passes, expensive regulatory and cost-of-business environments here in Vermont, that a purchase by Alterra would better secure their future. We certainly understand how difficult it is, and we wish Sugarbush continued success, but, we are as determined as ever to "carve our own trail" as a soulful, throwback, indie ski area here in the great state of Vermont! We will keep you posted on developments as we start-up snowmaking during any cold weather windows, and in the meantime, think cold and snow... - Geoff Magic Mountain. Where skiing still has its soul. P.S. 2019/20 Day Lift Tickets on SALE at bargain basement prices with limited quantities at these prices just for pre-season. FALL TICKET SALE _____________________ Vermont's most affordable and fun Youth Seasonal Programs like Devo, Racing & Freeride are on sale here. FUN UPCOMING EVENTS - November 29 Ullrfest Party 4p and The Equalites live on EQX Stage 7p - November 30 DJ Joe Bell 7p - December 7th Opening Day Skiing _______________________________________ The New Indy Pass now has 2 days at each of 44 independent ski areas for just $199 until November 30th. Check it out here: _______________________________________ YOUR OWN PRIVATE SKI AREA: Takeover Magic and make it your own for a company outing, private party, charitable event, or branded marketing event! It's not as expensive as you might think and we can be as creative as you want. Any non-holiday Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday during the winter, magic can be yours for the day. Contact Kerry Mara at Magic or are already being booked for this winter, so hurry!
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
In reply to this post by Harvey
Ha! I’m going to go find this here shortly. |
In reply to this post by Harvey
I think this is the link to the NSP Fundraiser that benefits NSP and Magic Ski Patrol. Goal is $2000 and already have over $600 in two days. It's on Facebook so don't know if people who don't have a FB account can access it. |
Happy Thanksgiving from everyone here at Magic!
As part of our extended family of skiers and riders, we hope you have a wonderful time re-connecting with family and friends during Thanksgiving and embracing, from afar, those who can't be there with you. We here have much to be thankful for, including this thrilling mountain we call home, our fun and spirited ski community which gives life to this place, and, most of all, the opportunity to be together during the winter season enjoying nature's gift of snow. Thank you all for making Magic happen with us. ____________ Speaking of snow, as you know, we've been repairing a bunch of pipe, and after starting up the snowmaking system briefly Sunday night (see picture below from Monday morning), we expect to regain temperatures after this warm weather system moves through on Thanksgiving. There looks to be some solid snowmaking temps into next week. This will allow us to open officially for the ski season on December 7th with the Green Mid-Mtn lift.. We are shooting for summit skiing with Red Chair by December 14th! The general consensus is pointing toward normal or below normal temperatures for December which bodes really well for Christmas week, especially if we can also mix in a few snow storms #thinksnow. Only 4 more days to grab Freedom 4-Packs as they are no longer on sale after November ($209) and they make super gifts for the holidays! Also, you can still save on Throwback Cards (still save $10) which gets you $29 tickets all season long, no black outs! Now, that's some 1980s pricing right there... Own some Magic here ___________ Since the last update, we did complete the final concrete setting for the top terminal. The weather was difficult but our ops team put a lot of effort to make sure the road to the top was passable with the right equipment and there was no excuse for the concrete contractor not to show. They did. Now the concrete needs to cure over the next two weeks before Pfister Mountain Services can begin installation of the top terminal bullwheel. The base terminal housing and bullwheel is expected to be placed next week.Still much to do in adverse conditions but Pfister will be dedicated to this project over the next two months. _____________ The Black Line Tavern re-opens for the season on Friday and Saturday this weekend! The BLT crew want to welcome every one back to Vermont this weekend and will be open for lunch and dinner starting at 11am both days. We're also going to have our Ullfest party to insure copious amounts of snow this season on Friday afternoon at 4pm, starting with a parade from the Upper Pass Lodge to the BLT deck where we will toast Ullr and burn some skis at the fire pit, followed by a Stein Holding contest (male and female winners) and a banner raising ceremony in the BLT. Later that night at 7p, the celebration continues with the reggae funk sound of The Equalites playing the EQX stage as we kick off the Black Line Winter Music Series which is bigger and better than ever! On Saturday, if you ski elsewhere or are going to the World Cup race, head on back here for apres, dinner and DJ Joe Bell doing his dance party thing at 7pm. The college football games will be on all afternoon including the big Ohio State vs Michigan game. Craig, Melissa, Josh, Denise and crew look forward to seeing you! ____________ Magic Merchants will be open both Friday and Saturday as Sharon has purchased some fine new Magic-wear (even some new flannels!), Doors open at 11am on Black Friday and Saturday. She will also take in any skis and boards for season tuning for our Red Line Rental & Tuning shop to get your equipment ready for the new season. _____________ There is some stormy weather in store both tonight and then again on Sunday--one warm, the other cold (think snow!)--so please drive carefully over the weekend. From all of us here at Magic, Happy Thanksgiving and thank you for all your support! - Geoff Magic Mountain. Where skiing still has its soul. P.S. 2019/20 Day Lift Tickets on SALE at low pre-season prices TICKET SALE
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
I think it's safe to say Magic will be 100% open on opening day this coming Saturday.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
25/43 trails open on Saturday according to their website.
Any trails without snowmaking support, and ungroomed, will be thin. If you go on those, bring your rock skis. I'm going to take a long look before I try them this weekend.
Should be a fun one. |
In reply to this post by GetAmped
We’re hitting Magic today, almost there, excited to be out there
should be great
I don't know how you guys round trip it from Rockland ??
"Peace and Love"
In reply to this post by Saratogahalfday
These types of situations ^^ always remind me of going to Plattekill in Feb 2008 with Jason. |
In reply to this post by JasonWx
Meant to leave at 5:30- got out the door by 6. It was worth it. ![]()
"You want your skis? Go get 'em!" -W. Miller
Nice! It looks beautiful brownski!
In reply to this post by Brownski
Pretty sweet opening day! Used my little ice/rocks skis instead of fatties, and glad I did even though the powder was perfect. Under the powder wasn't so good. Another awesome first day there again, it should be a great season.
It looks/sounds like Magic won't bother opening this weekend.
Hopefully the weather reverts to more of a constant winter pattern soon. |
I was wrong, they're open! Green only Saturday, Red only Sunday.