News on the Stowe Stone Hut fire

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News on the Stowe Stone Hut fire

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Re: News on the Stowe Stone Hut fire

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Re: News on the Stowe Stone Hut fire

I wish I'd said that
"You want your skis? Go get 'em!" -W. Miller
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Stowe's Stone Hut burnt

In reply to this post by Brownski

Wicked bummer

that place was soooooo cool

never spent a night there in the winter but plenty in the summer
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Re: Stowe's Stone Hut burnt

Damn, that is unfortunate.. However, it doesn't seemed like it "burned down".  More ruined the inside. From the pics it looks restore-able (especially with Burton money)
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Re: Stowe's Stone Hut burnt

Yep, I'm sure it will get rebuilt. Sucks tho.
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Re: Stowe's Stone Hut burnt

This post was updated on .
Here's some pic's

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Re: Stowe's Stone Hut burnt

If I were Stowe management, I'd be getting a lawyer and suing the crap out of the people who caused the fire.  Would be an easy case to win IMO.  Say that they were the ones that didn't report an obvious fire hazard and make them pay for the entire rebuild.
I've lived in New York my entire life.
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Re: Stowe's Stone Hut burnt

snoloco wrote
If I were Stowe management, I'd be getting a lawyer and suing the crap out of the people who caused the fire.  Would be an easy case to win IMO.  Say that they were the ones that didn't report an obvious fire hazard and make them pay for the entire rebuild.
Probably a bad idea Loco. That was the Burton family kid or kids involved. You know, as in Jake Burton one of the two major pioneers of snowboarding. It will be paid for and then some if needed.
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Re: Stowe's Stone Hut burnt

Sue the people with deep pockets.      
I've lived in New York my entire life.
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Re: Stowe's Stone Hut burnt

snoloco wrote
Sue the people with deep pockets.
In this case it would be very bad business. You would be saying a big f-you to one of the godfathers of snowboarding and in a way a big f-you to probably almost half of your market.

Show a little respect to a pioneer. Or don't and cut your own head off.
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Re: Stowe's Stone Hut burnt

Benny Profane
Big deal. He and his family is untouchable? What is this, the Vermont mafia? Don't piss off the Burton's, oh, it's "bad for business". Give me a break. What "business" will be harmed?
funny like a clown
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Re: Stowe's Stone Hut burnt

Benny Profane wrote
Big deal. He and his family is untouchable? What is this, the Vermont mafia? Don't piss off the Burton's, oh, it's "bad for business". Give me a break. What "business" will be harmed?
No, that's not what I mean. I imagine that he already has some what of a relationship with Stowe management and probably the actual owners so suing isn't necessary. He doesn't want to look bad so I'm sure everything can quietly be taken care of. Even if that's not the case if I were Stowe management I wouldn't want to be in the media as the villain trying to strong arm the pioneer of snowboarding in a court battle when a huge chunk of your market are dedicated Burton customers. That's what I mean by don't go cutting your head off when this can be taken care of in a friendly sort of way.

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Re: Stowe's Stone Hut burnt

Benny Profane
Fine. Then just offer to pay for the historic cabin your children burnt down, in public. How hard is that?
funny like a clown
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Re: Stowe's Stone Hut burnt

I actually agree with Benny on this.  Big business shouldn't be immune to consequences for their actions.  They need to either announce publicly that they will pay for the historic cabin they burnt down, or this needs to be taken to court.  It would be a very easy case to win in court.
I've lived in New York my entire life.
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Re: Stowe's Stone Hut burnt

Oh really Sno, why can't they just pay for it without a public statement? I truly don't give a shit if they make a public statement as long as it gets fixed. Im sure they are terribly embarrassed by the whole thing, do we need to publicly shame them?

The fact you're so quick to say "sue them" is pretty sad, its barely been a few days.
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Re: Stowe's Stone Hut burnt

Normally I don't support the "sue them" mentality, but in this case it was completely their fault and they should offer to pay publicly, and if they don't, they need to be brought to court.
I've lived in New York my entire life.
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Re: Stowe's Stone Hut burnt

In reply to this post by snoloco
snoloco wrote
Sue the people with deep pockets.
You sound like your from "Jersey" or the city, Oh - right.
Don't ski the trees, ski the spaces between the trees.
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Re: Stowe's Stone Hut burnt

That's some small minded prejudice PeeTex, normally you are a pretty thoughtful person.

I'm with RA on the suing thing.  First, from a cost point of view if you can get what you want without suing it's cheaper. Even if you get a new hut paid for, suing costs time and money.  I guess you can sue for legal fees too, but you never get your time back.

Second WTF?  If you can accomplish the same thing without lawyers you take an influential icon and strengthen his relationship as an ally. The other way all you have is a new hut, that you might have had anyway.

I bet a donut there has been a conversation and a plan is being worked out.

"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Stowe's Stone Hut burnt

In reply to this post by snoloco
snoloco wrote
If I were Stowe management, I'd be getting a lawyer and suing the crap out of the people who caused the fire.  

$towe has nothing to do with the Stone Hut, it's owned by the state of VT park service. Reservations are done by lottery, that said Jake Burton certainly "wins" that lottery a lot

I'd be shocked if Jake hasn't already committed to funding the rebuild of the hut as he's spent a lot of time there. He's a chill dude. I was at a couple of his parties during my stay at Smuggs.