Coach Z wrote
Don't sell yourself short
There are lots more reasons living in NJ sucks but I could see if MC had to be the main place you ski that would be really high on the list
I don't think skiing at MC sucks at all, except for the fact that many other people think this way (cause of the monster lift lines), and the fact that they are almost always the last to open and first to close. I live just over the NJ border in Orange County NY. MC is one of the closest places to where I live. Why should I burn through gallons and gallons of gas and sit for hours and hours driving further north when MC is perfectly good and I enjoy myself almost every time I go there? Why should I settle for sitting in front of this site or going bowling or to the movies when I can go skiing instead? That would be selling myself short.
IMO, I have it way better than most people. I could live up north and be stuck skiing only on weekends and losing a whole day if I needed to or wanted to do something else on a weekend. Or I could be able to ski anytime I wanted on weekends from 8am to 10pm as well as anytime from when I get out of school to 9pm during the week (10pm on Fridays). I guess if you live up north you will think that what your options are are better than mine, but if all of us can appreciate what we have, life will be better. I value the ability to go skiing whenever I want regardless of whether the sun is out or not and that is why I believe MC is the perfect fit for me. Most people on here would rather spend 4-8 hours each weekend driving north and limit their ski days to 1 or 2 a week, but if that is what they want to do, then so be it.
I've lived in New York my entire life.