Problems at Belleayre

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Re: Problems at Belleayre

ausable skier wrote
The cheddar is also not as good over there across the lake.
Neither is there Maple Syrup!!  
I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Problems at Belleayre

ausable skier
ScottyJack wrote
Neither is there Maple Syrup!!  
best syrup I've ever had comes from Harrisville NY on the western edge of the park.  Get the grade B dark stuff - so much more flavor than the more expensive light amber that the tourists buy
A true measure of a person's intelligence is how much they agree with you.
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Re: Problems at Belleayre

ausable skier wrote
ScottyJack wrote
Neither is there Maple Syrup!!  
best syrup I've ever had comes from Harrisville NY on the western edge of the park.  Get the grade B dark stuff - so much more flavor than the more expensive light amber that the tourists buy
Agree, the B is the way to go
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Re: Problems at Belleayre

Benny Profane
In reply to this post by ScottyJack
ScottyJack wrote
ausable skier wrote
don't know anything about gambling but besides the indian casinos are there legal private gambling operations in NYS?
NYS NYRA is involved in Saratoga, Aqueduct and Bellmont race tracks.  Also, somehow, casino gambling is legal at the Saratoga Harness track.

I think NYS should legalize gambling and marijuana!!  Tax it and we be set!

Far from private, dude. NYRA is one of the most corrupt quasi state agencies ever to exist. Horse racing brings out the worst in NY state  politicians. Can you say OTB? But, as a former Saratoga resident and frequent visitor and lover of the place, I concur with your proposal. When they finally bring real casinos to Saratoga, watch out real estate values. Year round, 24/7 +420 party time.
funny like a clown
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Re: Problems at Belleayre

In reply to this post by ml242
ml242 wrote

That map cant be accurate, because without even fact checking or anything, I know for a fact that New Hampshire and Colorado are two states that actually get LEAST for their tax money (i.e. put more in then they take out), and you're saying they take more, which I know isnt true.
Can we get SOME snow?  Please?
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Re: Problems at Belleayre

Don't remember exactly (2004?) what year that map was from but here is the most recent data I can find right now if you want to look.

Colorado and NH seem like losers according to this data. Maybe they're more purple than red now?
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Re: Problems at Belleayre

Who'da thunk it? NJ takin one for the team!
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp