R.I.P. Greek Peak

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Re: R.I.P. Greek Peak

warp daddy
Camp there are worse things than having to ski LAB !  I've taken my crew there a few times and always had a pretty fair day of skiing . with Song and Togg closeby u have CHOICES dude !  how far time wise u from Bristol ??
Life ain't a dress rehearsal: Spread enthusiasm , avoid negative nuts.
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Re: R.I.P. Greek Peak

I know Warp, it's just frustrating to think that we may lose this gem that's right in our backyard and that we've grown up skiing as little kids. Other than a couple guys who have just started skiing in the past few years our crew has been skiing at GP for at least 35 years.....that's 175 years combined ....hell my father started at Snow Crest in the 40's

Bristol is too far.....hour and a half or something like that

Lab IS cool
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Re: R.I.P. Greek Peak

In reply to this post by warp daddy
I would guess that most people already purchased their passes back in the spring with the early season discounts.  That revenue is most likely already gone.  What concerns me are the millions that will be lost in group bookings, conference center bookings, and HLL bookings.  That is really where the revenue is generated.  I don't care if GP receives 500 inches of snow this year.  Revenue is still going to be down.

I wish the FDIC would have appointed an on-site individual to over see the resort as part of the $1.6M loan and bankruptcy proceedings.

This is a bit reminiscent of the American Skiing Company.  Les Otten bought every resort he could get his hands on, ran up massive debt by building hotels and installing lifts, and then he walked away and the company liquidated. It takes little talent to run up debt. The art is being able to manage it.

What I would really like to know is what fractional ownership sales are like at HLL. I have heard all sort of percentages and numbers, but have yet to get a strait answer.
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Re: R.I.P. Greek Peak

warp daddy
In reply to this post by campgottagopee
Oh I agree and would be pissed if I had that in my backyard and saw it tank.  It's just a damn shame that mgt took its eye off the ball and failed to operate with due diligence in terms of both scope and some anticipatory downside worst case planning during the pro forma . These main street meltdowns are tragic for local economies and certainly employees and those businesses that support GP .They too will take a hit on the bottom line and potential job loss .

A fugly story but one that too often seems to play out lately .
Life ain't a dress rehearsal: Spread enthusiasm , avoid negative nuts.
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Re: R.I.P. Greek Peak

I know at least 6 co workers who decided not to renew their season's passes for the upcoming season due to how Greek handled what was admittedly a very poor season as far as weather goes.  A large part of what sealed the deal for these guys was that Elk is about the same driving distance as Greek is and although they had the same lousy weather they managed to provide substantially better conditions.  Multiply that by skiers who could easily have had similar experiences and their pass numbers must have taken a big hit.  

I initially wasn't going to renew the passes for my son and I due to how the management fielded a number of questions I had.  Greek sent out a post card extending the discount rate and given that my son plans to be in ski club again this year I went for the passes in late spring.  It really is a shame that they dropped the ball to the extent that they have.
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Re: R.I.P. Greek Peak

What agitated me about their snow making last season is that they devoted an enormous amount of resources to their tubing hill, and then a month later abandoned it to make snow on their new Adventure Center tubing hill. I think they should have held off on opening the new tubing hill until this year, due to the poor season they had last year.
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Re: R.I.P. Greek Peak

Big D
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Re: R.I.P. Greek Peak

Ineresting article Big D---thanks for posting that up

Hopefully with the help of the FDIC, GP management and Ma Natch we'll get this thing turned around and have our kickass hill back in action

GEEZUS im ready to ski
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Re: R.I.P. Greek Peak

G.P is putting OUR 1.8 million to work alright. It's not to retain their inflated 300 summer employees that they claim to have either.

Drove by the other day and see they're grading that unfinished "all season tubing hill". This FDIC money is going to be used to finish projects that they were already given cash to complete!  Sorry, I just don't feel this is right! not at all...
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Re: R.I.P. Greek Peak

SS, I hear ya and on some level feel the same way. At this point there's nothing that can be done except to hope for the best and pray the LE machine cranks this year.
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Re: R.I.P. Greek Peak

crank THIS campfarts!  hhahahahahahahahahaha  
I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: R.I.P. Greek Peak

ScottyJack wrote
crank THIS campfarts!  hhahahahahahahahahaha  
Nice to have you on top of your game this morning SJ...funny stuff!!!
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Re: R.I.P. Greek Peak

they're probably going to use the "logic" that they'll make more money off of a tubing hill than the ski hill.  The mess that they're in is completely of their own doing and if the place goes down at the end of the season like others have said hopefully there'll be someone in the wings to pick up the pieces and bring it back.
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Re: R.I.P. Greek Peak

"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: R.I.P. Greek Peak

good one Harv

I had a couple beers the other day with a kid who works part time at HLL....said from he's seen they've been fairly busy this summer . He also told me Kevin is no longer employed at GP. Not sure if that's good or bad.
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Re: R.I.P. Greek Peak

I have no issues with Kevin other than it appears he was in over his head. There was very little creativity in terms of marketing.  Of course, maybe the Kryger's didn't afford Kevin the opportunity to shine.
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Re: R.I.P. Greek Peak

Big D
I see Kevin is working for Tompkins County Chamber of Commerce as Director of Membership Services and Public Relations.
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Re: R.I.P. Greek Peak

Big D wrote
I see Kevin is working for Tompkins County Chamber of Commerce as Director of Membership Services and Public Relations.
That reinforces what I sensed from convos with Kevin over the last few weeks - it was his decision to leave GP.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: R.I.P. Greek Peak

I dare say that it sounds like a step backwards for Kevin.  Any ideas why he made the move?  I would imagine the Chapter 11 filing didn't help.
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Re: R.I.P. Greek Peak

Hollenbecks opens tomorrow   
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