Resurface Open Terrain or Expand Terrain?

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Resurface Open Terrain or Expand Terrain?

This question has come into play quite a bit in recent weeks, so I wanted to get a discussion going on it.

I've found Whiteface to be too conservative when it comes to terrain expansion, but has done a great job resurfacing open terrain recently, as I saw on Sunday.  For example, in the last two snowmaking windows, they didn't do any terrain expansion and only resurfaced.  While neither window was enough to open Wilmington, I think they should've at least tried to open one or more shorter trails, such as Lower Thruway, Upper Mac, Parkway (full length), Upper Boreen/Boreen Loop, or Lower Skyward.

I think that Gore is overly aggressive with terrain expansion and often leaves sub par conditions on open terrain in favor of expanding to cover new terrain.  This can leave them very vulnerable to major thaws.  I'm worried that if we get a major r*in event next week, that Gore will lose a lot of terrain.

I'd vote for making terrain expansion top priority, but to resurface high traffic areas periodically, or any terrain that is in need after major thaws.  For example, I think in the last two snowmaking windows that Whiteface should've tried to open one of the listed trails each time, but put the rest of their resources to resurfacing.  This might mean not blowing snow in the same area for multiple days, but just doing it for maybe 12 hours to keep things fresh.
What's the Best Snowmaking Plan?
I've lived in New York my entire life.
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Re: Resurface Open Terrain or Expand Terrain?

Ethan Snow
Gore and Whiteface both have 30 acre feet per day of snowmaking capability. I think Hunter has about 100 acre feet per day. Maybe you can enlighten me there. Anyway, when the system was built, we seemed to get more natural snow, and not nearly as much rain, and warm. In my vague memory, winters prior to 2012 involved much fewer rain events and more natural dumps. With the location of Gore and Whiteface in a good winter which would have been considered normal 5-10 years ago 30 acre feet per day was plenty to get everything open by MLK weekend. I agree that both mountains should probably upgrade pumping capacity to 45+ acre feet per day. I know Hunter is in a very poor location for snow, but it is also much smaller, and the fact that Hunter has 3X the snowmaking capacity seems like a problem to me.

 But everything costs money, and that will effect the cost of lift tickets. However, the cost of adding an additional 2000 GPM, and maybe another 10,000 CFM of air would probably cost less than the ADK express II. And those numbers would give Gore and WF roughly an additional 15 Acre feet per day.   My highly educated guess is as follows:

When it comes to high pressure water pumping you have to figure $150 per gallon per minute. That means that adding 2000 GPM would cost roughly 30K.

With compressed air, you have to figure about $90 per CFM. This is putting the cost of additional air capacity at 90K. You would only need this much air if you continued using high energy air/water guns. I am starting to see more and more Low E guns popping up around Gore, so more than likely they are not using all their air most of the time. By using as many lowE and fan guns as possible in areas where they are acceptable, the need for additional air might be slim to none. I know Gore can run Low E Guns at the top of the gondola. The only places they can't are in areas that are very far away, or at higher elevations such as the summit. I peaked in a valve house near the intersection of Cloud and Headwaters once and saw that the pressure was only about 200 PSI which leads me to believe they probably only have 125 PSI or so at the very top. Just enough to run an air/water gun. Anyway I think 10,000 CFM is a generous amount of air to add, and they may not need that much.

The other factor to consider is water velocity in the pipes. Based on the size of the pipes I see, they should be able to handle quite a lot of water, but I could be wrong. In order to effectively handle additional water flow, the main from the plant to where it can be split off onto different trails may need to be increased. It's hard to say, I would hope they made it large enough to support additional water flow. Putting in a new pipeline would be difficult considering it has to go under the road, and all the way down to the Hudson river. Once it gets to the point where it can split off onto different trails, the water velocity shouldn't be a problem. I have no idea what that part of the project would cost, or if it would even need to be done.
But if it did need to be upgraded, I could see that being a huge stumbling block, and could get really expensive really fast.
Anyone else have any ideas?

Anyway, add the cost of the additional water and air and you get about 1.2 million. That number is based off brand new equipment. Go Plattekill style, and you could probably cut that number 1/2.  Also add the cost of installation, and potentially expanding putting an addition of the plant. I'm going to add another 500K for this. Then Lets assume that we do in fact have to upgrade the first part of the pipeline, and I am going to be aggressive and  say that will also cost a Million. But it could even be more.   That puts the total cost of the project at 2.8 Million.

Does anyone know how much the ADK Express II cost? I could be totally wrong here, but I think the upgrade could be completed for less than 2.8M. Would be very beneficial to both mountains IMO.
I'll take boilerplate ice over wet snow any day
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Re: Resurface Open Terrain or Expand Terrain?

Ethan Snow
I'm leaving this here since you asked a couple weeks ago in the other thread.
I'll take boilerplate ice over wet snow any day
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Re: Resurface Open Terrain or Expand Terrain?

Hunter's snowmaking plant is 60 acre feet/day.

10 years ago, none of the most recent wave of terrain expansions existed, so both mountains could open all lifts by Christmas as they didn't have as many.  There have always been good and bad years as long as there has been eastern skiing.  06-07 had a lot of r*in events in January.

Gore's snowmaking capacity used to only be 15 acre feet/day, but they doubled it to 30 when they tapped the Hudson River.

I think Whiteface has done 30 for quite a while.  Whiteface's theoretical maximum snowmaking capacity is 54 acre feet/day due to water rights, and Gore's is about 80 for the same thing.  Whiteface has more air than Gore, so they can run more guns in marginal temps.

Is your number upgrading both mountain's snowmaking or just Whiteface?  I think they need to do both mountains in the same year to be fair, and also give Belleayre a snowmaking upgrade.  Not sure what the size of their plant is currently.
I've lived in New York my entire life.
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Re: Resurface Open Terrain or Expand Terrain?

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snoloco wrote
Gore's snowmaking capacity used to only be 15 acre feet/day, but they doubled it to 30 when they tapped the Hudson River.
What is the source of this information? My source says that acre feet went from 15 to 30 in 2011.

The choices you offered reveal your new terrain bias.  I'll take one trail with soft snow over any number of trails with boilerplate.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Resurface Open Terrain or Expand Terrain?

Ethan Snow
In reply to this post by snoloco
I agree both mountains should do it. That number was based on Gore and the fact that the creek is much further away. WF would probably be a little cheaper because things aren't spread out as much.

Do you have any idea how much the ADK express II cost?
I'll take boilerplate ice over wet snow any day
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Re: Resurface Open Terrain or Expand Terrain?

Ethan Snow
In reply to this post by Harvey
I would guess that Hunter actually has more than 60 Acre feet per day. Doesn't mean they always use that much though. You told me yesterday that WF has water rights for 6000 GPM which gives them 54 acre feet per day. Hunter has 11,000 GPM posted on their website.  When you put those numbers in a proportion and solve for the missing number which is Hunters Acre feet per day you get 99 acre feet per day.

So, one of these numbers is wrong. I could have something wrong too.
I'll take boilerplate ice over wet snow any day
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Re: Resurface Open Terrain or Expand Terrain?

In reply to this post by snoloco
An additional 15 acre feet/day allows snowmaking on an additional trail about the size of Showcase, as Harvey mentioned a while back.  Assuming Whiteface did the snowmaking upgrade from 30 to 45 acre feet/day, I'd figure they'd be able to open one additional trail for every week they were open up to Christmas.

Here's a week by week run down on WF's terrain expansion from Thanksgiving to Christmas, calculated on Saturday's.

11/26:  Excelsior-Valley-Fox

12/3:  Essex-Lower Northway

12/10:  Connector-Victoria, Broadway, Wolf, Mountain Run, Otter, Porcupine Pass

12/17:  Upper Thruway-Draper's Drop, Boreen, Bobcat

12/24:  Easy Way, Brookside, Paron's/Follies, Approach, Brookside

With the upgrade, I'm assuming they could've added 4 additional runs (one a week) about the length of Easy Way-Boreen by Christmas.  I would've added Wilderness, Mac (full length), Upper Skyward-Niagara, and Parkway.  If the 3rd Lookout trail was there, I would've opened that section with Hoyt's and the new trail instead of Mac and Parkway.

4 weeks later by MLK Weekend, that would've allowed for additions of 4 additional trails the same size I mentioned earlier.  Without the 3rd Lookout trail, those trails would be Lower Skyward, Wilmington Trail (weighted as 2), and Hoyt's.  With the 3rd Lookout trail, those trails would be Mac, Parkway, Lower Skyward, and Lower Thruway.  That would only leave Wilmington Trail, Lookout Below, Upper Cloud, and Upper Northway not open.
I've lived in New York my entire life.
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Re: Resurface Open Terrain or Expand Terrain?

According to this, Whiteface's theoretical maximum snowmaking capacity limited by water rights is 48 acre feet/day.  That would put Hunter's at 88, but they say their plant is 60.  This would make Gore's theoretical maximum capacity 72.

Also, the ADK Express was 6 million.
I've lived in New York my entire life.
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Re: Resurface Open Terrain or Expand Terrain?

Ethan Snow
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In reply to this post by Harvey
Harvey wrote
The choices you offered reveal your new terrain bias.  I'll take one trail with soft snow over any number of trails with boilerplate.
Thats true. I was thinking that But didn't say anything. You should really offer options both opposing, and for your bias if you really want to know what people think.
I'll take boilerplate ice over wet snow any day
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Re: Resurface Open Terrain or Expand Terrain?

How do the options I gave show my bias?  I provided 4 options, 2 favoring resurfacing open terrain and 2 favoring terrain expansion, one more extreme than the other.  I voted for the one that I prefer.
I've lived in New York my entire life.
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Re: Resurface Open Terrain or Expand Terrain?

I without question have a bias towards terrain expansion.  When I ski, I like to experience everything the mountain has to offer, get on all the trail sections, ride all the lifts, see all the different views.  I rarely lap a specific trail more than 3-4 times in a day.

While I was wrong in the other thread that Whiteface not opening Lookout for this past weekend was going to cause long lift lines, I still feel very strongly that it needs to be opened this year, and will be highly disappointed in management if they decide not to if they clearly have the snowmaking temps to do so.  That's an opinion of mine that isn't changing.
I've lived in New York my entire life.
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Re: Resurface Open Terrain or Expand Terrain?

In reply to this post by snoloco
snoloco wrote
How do the options I gave show my bias?  I provided 4 options, 2 favoring resurfacing open terrain and 2 favoring terrain expansion, one more extreme than the other.  I voted for the one that I prefer.
Where is the button to vote "Trust the operations and snowmaking managers to be able read a weather report and make a judgement call without being second guessed by a spoiled millennial" ?
"You want your skis? Go get 'em!" -W. Miller
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Re: Resurface Open Terrain or Expand Terrain?

Because that has nothing to do with this thread.  Planning how to make ski areas better is one of my past times, and you should've realized this by now.  If you don't like it, then don't read the threads I start.
I've lived in New York my entire life.
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Re: Resurface Open Terrain or Expand Terrain?

In reply to this post by snoloco
why are we still talking about this?  WF was 100% right to do what they did

Move onto a new topic - anything really please
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
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Re: Resurface Open Terrain or Expand Terrain?

Ethan Snow
In reply to this post by snoloco
snoloco wrote
How do the options I gave show my bias?  I provided 4 options, 2 favoring resurfacing open terrain and 2 favoring terrain expansion, one more extreme than the other.  I voted for the one that I prefer.
Ok, sorry.  
I'll take boilerplate ice over wet snow any day
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Re: Resurface Open Terrain or Expand Terrain?

Ethan Snow
This is your first week back to school, right? You must be sitting in your dorm room bored out of your mind. PeeTex, and Campgottagopee and those guys might have a point LOL.
I'll take boilerplate ice over wet snow any day
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Re: Resurface Open Terrain or Expand Terrain?

In reply to this post by Z
Coach Z wrote
why are we still talking about this?  WF was 100% right to do what they did

Move onto a new topic - anything really please
I concur!
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Re: Resurface Open Terrain or Expand Terrain?

Banned User
Is the Willie open yet ?
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Re: Resurface Open Terrain or Expand Terrain?

Snowballs wrote
Is the Willie open yet ?
Does that mean that if it rains tonight it will be a wet Willie?
Don't ski the trees, ski the spaces between the trees.