Specifically, What is it you'd like to change?

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Re: Specifically, What is it you'd like to change?

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Re: Specifically, What is it you'd like to change?

In reply to this post by skimore
skimore wrote
Do you really think it was a lunch order
I didn't think it was a lunch order tho, I was trying to be funneh.  But it was a sincere question, I really couldn't tell what the fax was about.  

I say send her to jail. Even if it was a sandwich we need to make an example of her.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Specifically, What is it you'd like to change?

In reply to this post by Harvey
Harvey wrote
P, I'm not saying it's some huge scandal, it's certainly not proof that Trump is awesome.  Tons of rich people give money to charity to prove they are awesome, not because they care.  In this world lots of good things happen for reasons that aren't exactly pure.  Like that lady who wanted to give $20M to Paul Smiths so they would change it to That Lady College.

FYI I wasn't trying to attack you, not sure why you are questioning my integrity.
Well it sure felt like you were, I certainly expect it from Matt, kind of a little game we seem to like to play.
What Trump did was a good thing and I would question anyone's integrity that says otherwise. You may hate him but sometimes even a sleeze can do something right. He may have been slow in doing it, he may have needed a little prodding to complete it but we don't know what the circumstances were. I will not praise him for his action as they were clearly politically motivated but they were also good. Would you have rather him send the money to the NRA or the Clinton Family Slush Fund which is currently sitting on over $300M of money doing nothing but giving Bill a power trip?
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Re: Specifically, What is it you'd like to change?

In reply to this post by campgottagopee
Oh come on - she voted for the Iraq war, surely Matt gets behind that.
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Re: Specifically, What is it you'd like to change?

MC2 5678F589
In reply to this post by PeeTex
PeeTex wrote
I am more of a single issue voter than ever before in the past and that issue is about fixing our political system. I am willing to suffer through 4 years of a bad administration if Trump wins if the end result is a better system
I still want you to game this out.

Step 1: Elect Trump
Step 2: ???????????
Step 3: Political system is fixed!!!!

What could possibly happen in step 2 to justify support for Trump?
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Re: Specifically, What is it you'd like to change?

mattchuck2 wrote
PeeTex wrote
I am more of a single issue voter than ever before in the past and that issue is about fixing our political system. I am willing to suffer through 4 years of a bad administration if Trump wins if the end result is a better system
I still want you to game this out.

Step 1: Elect Trump
Step 2: ???????????
Step 3: Political system is fixed!!!!

What could possibly happen in step 2 to justify support for Trump?
Better yet, how about I game out the other alternative
Step 1: Elect Hillary
Step 2: We end of Nuking England because she is a fucking incompetent
Step 3: We sell Washington to Putin because he gives Bill a couple of Billion dollars and a few Russian hookers.
Step 4: We are all working for the Chinese and Billary owns the Virgin Islands.
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Re: Specifically, What is it you'd like to change?

MC2 5678F589
If that's actually what you think is going to happen, you are a complete fucking idiot.

So I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that's some kind of hyberbole meant for comedy? Pretty... ummm.. good job?

PeeTex wrote
Better yet, how about I game out the other alternative
Step 1: Elect Hillary
Step 2: We end of Nuking England because she is a fucking incompetent
Step 3: We sell Washington to Putin because he gives Bill a couple of Billion dollars and a few Russian hookers.
Step 4: We are all working for the Chinese and Billary owns the Virgin Islands.
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Re: Specifically, What is it you'd like to change?

In reply to this post by campgottagopee

I dont even have to read the article to know it's true. Handing her the senate seat was unfair to Nita Lowey.

Here's an idea I came up with today: Michelle for prez. First black woman president, and she's actually likeable.

Fuck these old people. Obama was a step forward, if we can't trade him for Trudeau I think his wife is the next best thing.
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Re: Specifically, What is it you'd like to change?

warp daddy
Maybe we could trade the Obama's to Canada and get the Trudeau's , have you seen Sophie Gregoire ??
Life ain't a dress rehearsal: Spread enthusiasm , avoid negative nuts.
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Re: Specifically, What is it you'd like to change?

Can everyone just pretend to agree with upchuck, I picture him banging on is key board screaming IDIOTS as his face keeps getting redder and redder.   I am voting for Hillary if she makes it.  
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Re: Specifically, What is it you'd like to change?

tjf1967 wrote
Can everyone just pretend to agree with upchuck, I picture him banging on is key board screaming IDIOTS as his face keeps getting redder and redder.   I am voting for Hillary if she makes it.
I agree, I was thinking the same thing. I can just imagine the headline, liberal extremist head explodes while read obscure Web blog, makes huge mess.

I love Hilkary, I think I'll send her a check tonight.
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Re: Specifically, What is it you'd like to change?

MC2 5678F589
Great! Good to have you guys on board.

Read this today, about classifying Bernie voters:

Like any political movement (including the Democratic Party, which is, yes, a coalition of interest groups) Sandersism has been an assemblage of people with a variety of motives, not all of them pretty. Here’s a short list based on my own encounters:

1.Genuine idealists: For sure, quite a few Sanders supporters dream of a better society, and for whatever reason – maybe just because they’re very young – are ready to dismiss practical arguments about why all their dreams can’t be accomplished in a day.

2.Romantics: This kind of idealism shades over into something that’s less about changing society than about the fun and ego gratification of being part of The Movement. (Those of us who were students in the 60s and early 70s very much recognize the type.) For a while there – especially for those who didn’t understand delegate math – it felt like a wonderful joy ride, the scrappy young on the march about to overthrow the villainous old. But there’s a thin line between love and hate: when reality began to set in, all too many romantics reacted by descending into bitterness, with angry claims that they were being cheated.

3.Purists: A somewhat different strand in the movement, also familiar to those of us of a certain age, consists of those for whom political activism is less about achieving things and more about striking a personal pose. They are the pure, the unsullied, who reject the corruptions of this world and all those even slightly tainted – which means anyone who actually has gotten anything done. Quite a few Sanders surrogates were Naderites in 2000; the results of that venture don’t bother them, because it was never really about results, only about affirming personal identity.

4.CDS victims: Quite a few Sanders supporters are mainly Clinton-haters, deep in the grip of Clinton Derangement Syndrome; they know that Hillary is corrupt and evil, because that’s what they hear all the time; they don’t realize that the reason it’s what they hear all the time is that right-wing billionaires have spent more than two decades promoting that message. Sanders has gotten a number of votes from conservative Democrats who are voting against her, not for him, and for sure there are liberal supporters who have absorbed the same message, even if they don’t watch Fox News.
I'm a combination of 1/2. PeeTex is a combination of 3/4 - someone who despises Hillary, even though her positions are much more in line with Bernie than Trump, who he defends. He's also a purist, thinking that writing in Bernie will do more for the country than voting third party.

It's okay to be who you are, but it's really sketchy and dumb to support someone because they will blow up the American political system and you think you can benefit from the fractured result.
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Re: Specifically, What is it you'd like to change?

mattchuck2 wrote

It's okay to be who you are, but it's really sketchy and dumb to support someone because they will blow up the American political system and you think you can benefit from the fractured result.
No! It's sketchy and dumb to continue to support a corrupt government. ie TRUMP OR HILLARY!! This shit needs to stop!!! It is not what our forefathers had intended for us.
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Re: Specifically, What is it you'd like to change?

campgottagopee wrote

No! It's sketchy and dumb to continue to support a corrupt government. ie TRUMP OR HILLARY!! This shit needs to stop!!! It is not what our forefathers had intended for us.
Well said, you have to break some eggs to make an omelet. Now is the time to break the viscous cycle before correction becomes catastrophic.
Don't ski the trees, ski the spaces between the trees.
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Re: Specifically, What is it you'd like to change?

PeeTex wrote
Well said, you have to break some eggs to make an omelet. Now is the time to break the viscous cycle before correction becomes catastrophic.
Agree 100%
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Re: Specifically, What is it you'd like to change?

MC2 5678F589
In reply to this post by campgottagopee
campgottagopee wrote
mattchuck2 wrote

It's okay to be who you are, but it's really sketchy and dumb to support someone because they will blow up the American political system and you think you can benefit from the fractured result.
No! It's sketchy and dumb to continue to support a corrupt government. ie TRUMP OR HILLARY!! This shit needs to stop!!! It is not what our forefathers had intended for us.
I made this thread to see what people wanted to change any nobody mentioned "corruption in government". The U.S. has one of the least corrupt governments in the world:

(From: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corruption_Perceptions_Index)

And every day, more corrupt politicians are thrown out of office (Skelos, Silver, Bruno etc.). Our system is working. It's even working in that we all know about Hillary's BS associations with Foreign governments and can track her decisions and make certain that they're not driven by quid pro quo.

There's no reason to blow the system up with a madmen. We tried to elect a sincere politician with a leftward lean and we failed. If Hillary sucks, inequality increases, and the money keeps accumulating to the rentier class, we can try again in 2020. This isn't a situation where we have to take drastic action and destabilize the entire world.

Camp, you have a beautiful house and what appears to be a great life. PeeTex, your posts make you seem like a miserable prick, but you're probably doing pretty good for yourself as well. Why destroy the system that enabled you to build such a life? Why throw in with a racist authoritarian in hopes that it will "disrupt the system"? First of all, it won't disrupt the system (what it will do is normalize racism and give a blueprint to every asshole billionaire in the world on how to sway public opinion). Secondly, there's no reason to even try - life is good.
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Re: Specifically, What is it you'd like to change?

Sorry, MC, I can't agree. Our government  is pathetic. Our big business is pathetic. All the backdoor deals, the payola, etc etc. It turns my stomach. Many respected economists predicted 2008 well in advance, too many crooked bankers, CEO's, politicians, were all on the take to do a damn thing about it. These major corp's NOT paying taxes ---- NOT PAYING TAXES!!! You know why I have a decent life and a decent house??? Cause I'm on the up and up. I work, I pay taxes, I love where I live, I help my neighbors and friends, and don't stab them in the back.

The LEAST corrupt??? Isn't that kinda like being a little pregnant???? We're the World Leader. We should have NO corruption. It should be on the up and up.

That's just me. I'm different than most, I guess.

Carry on ---- I'm going back and talk about the NBA and the best cans in town with TJ --- this shit is ruining my appetite, and I have a date with my smokin hot girl tonight --- WOOT  
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Re: Specifically, What is it you'd like to change?

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Re: Specifically, What is it you'd like to change?

MC2 5678F589
Not sure Gary Hart is the best vehicle for that message.

Agree that people and companies are shady about dodging taxes. But the solution is not to elect and orange maniac who dodges personal and business taxes.

In fact, I don't know why anyone would pull the lever for a Republican if that was the issue they were trying to solve. Republicans have gutted the IRS enforcement ability, and consistently argued that corporations should pay less taxes (which they try to justify by saying they'll cut down on loopholes, but that never seems to happen).

If you want corporations and rich people to pay their fair share (and I agree, they should), maybe you should vote for the party that's trying to make that happen?

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Re: Specifically, What is it you'd like to change?

warp daddy
In reply to this post by campgottagopee
Camp you are NOT alone in your frustration. The situation we face now is our own making , democracy has matured to the point that decent people simply are too busy making a living , trying to stay ahead  while the taker class including politicians have filled the void left when good men and women are unable /unwilling to get involved in public service .

We can argue over the reasons , but what matters more is that the system has hit the wall and is full of inertia and minutia little of which feeds the soul of the populace . The spirit has been sapped and the less than ethical and the less than egalitarian and special interests have now gamed the system to the point at which it is now .

It is tired , old , inefficient and very ineffective and when one looks at mature democracies this happens on occasion . So have we become more like tired old bureaucratic Europe ?  The answer is a definite maybe . There are some entrepreneurial bright spots , there are some well intended pols ( mostly at the local level , where their feet are held CLOSE to The FIRE )

But generally people are very dissatisfied with the status quo and with corruption in both the corporate world as well as the public sector . It IS past time for change YET we have these two miscreants vying for leadership , neither of which generate hope nor the ability to coaleasce divergent factions . The situation is akin to engendeing a sense of ENNUI  in many .

So things need to change like the title of. book by Kriegel  entitled "IF it Ain't Broke, Break It ! "
Life ain't a dress rehearsal: Spread enthusiasm , avoid negative nuts.
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