Specifically, What is it you'd like to change?

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Re: Specifically, What is it you'd like to change?

MC2 5678F589
You just said Hillary wants to steal the Crown Jewels and you think I'm a fool?

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Re: Specifically, What is it you'd like to change?

In reply to this post by PeeTex
As far as which of the two presents more of a danger I gotta say.....I'm stumped.

I can't come up with a personal conclusion on that. They are both pretty darn scary imho.

I did drop one of the most beautiful turds earlier today. It was incredible. I even took a picture just incase anyone wants to debate over who has the better and more spectacular turd.
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Re: Specifically, What is it you'd like to change?

........blatant disregard for process and procedure.
Matt....can you REALLY disagree that the Clinton's are guilty of this?  Oh, and by virtue of Bill talking advantage of his position to put himself in the position of accepting hummers from interns....disregarding human decency and societal convention?  I don't want more of that in our White House, sorry!
We REALLY need a proper roll eyes emoji!!
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Re: Specifically, What is it you'd like to change?

MC2 5678F589
Bill isn't running for President, bro.
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Re: Specifically, What is it you'd like to change?

mattchuck2 wrote
Bill isn't running for President, bro.
No duh!  However, that shit is typical of what Team Clinton is all about.  That, and Hillary will make Bill a part of her administration, you know that.  Answer the questions and stop being obtuse!!!
We REALLY need a proper roll eyes emoji!!
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Re: Specifically, What is it you'd like to change?

MC2 5678F589
What was the question?

Because it sounded like you said I should hold a guy's wife responsible for something he did?
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Re: Specifically, What is it you'd like to change?

In reply to this post by MC2 5678F589
mattchuck2 wrote
You just said Hillary wants to steal the Crown Jewels and you think I'm a fool?

That's not what I said - I said she would give away anything not to loose power. If she were put in a compromising situation she would lie, steal or give away national secrets to prevent a fall from power. Do you think otherwise? If you do you are as gullible as they come - oh, you believe the Clintons are pure and good, you are as dumb as they come.

You keep saying you are not convinced, I don't give a flying F whether or not you are convinced - you are not convincing anybody with your lame defense of the Clintons either so nobody is convinced, that's the way it usually goes.
Don't ski the trees, ski the spaces between the trees.
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Re: Specifically, What is it you'd like to change?

MC2 5678F589
Then why do you seem to care so much?
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Re: Specifically, What is it you'd like to change?

I'll go with more Obama transparency. This is quite comical

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Re: Specifically, What is it you'd like to change?

MC2 5678F589
In reply to this post by tjf1967
tjf1967 wrote
My big pet peeve is our debt.  They do forward forecasts taking into account a GDP growth factor.  Sounds a little like the way real estate was being sold not to long ago. Well your mortgage is this but when you factor in the capital appreciation you are going to he ahead of the game.   Are growth is minimal and our debt is growing.  What if we have a negative growth year, yeah cant happen the economy is always expanding. Sounds a little like real estate crowd a few years ago.  We could be in for a world of hurt if we are not careful.  
Here's one for tjf: interest rates are now negative in Europe. Financial markets are clamoring for us to run bigger deficits:

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Re: Specifically, What is it you'd like to change?

In reply to this post by JTG4eva!
JTG4eva! wrote
Oh, and thanks for agreeing with me on the big business aspect of both candidates.....even though you tried to hide said agreement behind 'for argument's sake'!
To me being "Pro business" means nothing. It's an empty notion, everyone is pro-biz, pro-people, pro America. As such, every politician can disagree on what it means to be pro-anything though only a few will go so far as to say someone like Obama is Anti-America (Like Trump has).

But it is impossible to insist Trump is pro-business, when you look at his actions and statements like:

not paying contractors, threatening default, doing away with the EPA. In each of those examples we have short term fixes that leave us with much worse problems.

So to me, the lesser of two evils is pretty clear when it comes to the future of this country.
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Re: Specifically, What is it you'd like to change?

In reply to this post by MC2 5678F589
I would like to shine light on our secretive government coverups that prove alien life forms exist.

Hillary Clinton and proof of the Grey's visiting earth.


Hey, it's on the internets.
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Re: Specifically, What is it you'd like to change?

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Re: Specifically, What is it you'd like to change?

In reply to this post by PeeTex
PeeTex wrote
Rework Obamacare
PeeTex do you know the 5 steps of engineering design?  Step 5 has been overlooked.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Specifically, What is it you'd like to change?

Harvey wrote
PeeTex wrote
Rework Obamacare
PeeTex do you know the 5 steps of engineering design?  Step 5 has been overlooked.
I certainly agree - step 5 is to improve the design and so far no improvements are on the table. In reality a good design is never your first design, it's usually occurs somewhere between the 3rd and 4th attempts. Sometimes an earlier attempt is good enough but it is usually sub optimal.
Don't ski the trees, ski the spaces between the trees.
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Re: Specifically, What is it you'd like to change?

MC2 5678F589
In reply to this post by PeeTex
PeeTex wrote
mattchuck2 wrote
PeeTex wrote
I am more of a single issue voter than ever before in the past and that issue is about fixing our political system. I am willing to suffer through 4 years of a bad administration if Trump wins if the end result is a better system
I still want you to game this out.

Step 1: Elect Trump
Step 2: ???????????
Step 3: Political system is fixed!!!!

What could possibly happen in step 2 to justify support for Trump?
Better yet, how about I game out the other alternative
Step 1: Elect Hillary
Step 2: We end of Nuking England because she is a fucking incompetent
Step 3: We sell Washington to Putin because he gives Bill a couple of Billion dollars and a few Russian hookers.
Step 4: We are all working for the Chinese and Billary owns the Virgin Islands.
Hahahahaha PeeTex. Great point for number 3!!! This is fucking hilarious, in light of recent disclosures. The only redeeming thing that will come from this administration will be me just searching these forums for tidbits like this to prove how fucking wrong you are and how you helped elect a fucking madman to the White House.

PeeTex's chickens are coming home to roost!!!
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Re: Specifically, What is it you'd like to change?

I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Specifically, What is it you'd like to change?

This post was updated on .
In reply to this post by PeeTex
Regardless of what ends up happening with health insurance, one thing Obama has done is force the issue.  It seems unlikely that the new Trump/Republican gov't would be addressing the issue if they weren't forced to do so.

O and DJ should take it to court. A game of one-on-one to 21, winner gets his health plan.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Specifically, What is it you'd like to change?

MC2 5678F589
The people most opposed to single-payer insurance for everyone is the group that currently has it:

Conservative motto: Entitlements for me, but not for thee.

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Re: Specifically, What is it you'd like to change?

Matt, this time I'm not trying to be a douche  but could it be they oppose it because it sucks? The insurance I pay for on a weekly basis sucks so I'm used to it. If a single-payer system would bring down my personal out of pocket expense for health insurance I'm all for it. Health care costs in this country is down right criminal.
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