Unless you ski in the trees, you can still get whacked pretty good even if you are not going so fast. And if you wipe out when you are going fast, you really don't want that extra skull? I'd take it! Statistics are one thing, common sense tells me that a helmet is a good idea. Plus they are comfy.
Oh okay, I wasn't going to wear a helmet, but that comment convinced me. Wow.
![]() |
I talk to people all day about their health, its nice to see someone listening :)
In reply to this post by MC2 5678F589
But you wear one while mountain biking, right? I'm not criticizing your decision Matt, it's yours and yours alone. I am just interested in why a skier whose opinion I respect makes a choice that's different from the 90% (SWAG) of skiers who choose to wear a helmet. |
I suck at mountain biking and I hit my head a lot.
I'm a bit better on skis. |
In reply to this post by MC2 5678F589
What scientific literature says it doesn't matter? There are many degrees and types of impact, not just a 14mph drop test. Does your broad statement cover all impacts? That glancing blow my helmet absorbs during a 40mph crash is going to put a nice dent in your head. They wear helmets when they go more than 20 mph without being surrounded by a car. |
In reply to this post by Adk Jeff
We bought a spine protector for my son as he was starting with speed events. Many older racers use them for GS as well given the speeds they are skiing at. I also hear the free ride and slope style competitors wear them.
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
In reply to this post by Z
![]() I was avoiding posting in this thread (about helmets anyways - my heart goes out to this young man's family and friends) as I am a firm believer in personal freedoms to choose what is best for each of us. I've worn a helmet for the past 10 years or so - started when I forced my children to wear them and didn't want to be a hipocritic a-hole. Felt natural being I've worn one for hockey and mtb so it made sense - risky activty wear a lid.It's funny how perspectives change - mc2 posted some pics a wile back of some peeps skiing that, except for the terrain, looked a bit gaperish as the only people I really see without helmets these day are usually in jeans and eagles/giants starter jackets. Not that it's gonna change anyones mind but I also want to share something that happened last weekend. One of our crew got tangled up in a minor collision with another skier (sorry no snowboarder involved this time) at a trail merge, everybody was ok and polite - shit happens . When we all met at the top of the lift, yukking it up for a bit, we noticed his lid had a huge gash and crack - I'd hate to see what his skull would have looked like without it. He definately would have taken an ambulance ride or worse for an otherwise benign incident.... Anyway, Sure is windy here in Wilmington tonight ![]() |
In reply to this post by x10003q
This is the kind of BS point scoring that helmet threads turn into. Your argument has devolved into "glancing blows"? Just give up. And people always wear helmets when moving over 20 mph, not surrounded by a car? Tell that to Jet skiers, water Skiers, people in boats, sailors, a lot of cyclists, skiers before 1990, snow tubers, Usain Bolt, rowers, and sea plane pilots. These arguments are so stupid. Why can't you just accept that this is a matter of personal preference? I don't berate you for your choices. I'd start with your insistence on living in Jersey. I don't come on here every time someone in New Jersey dies and claim that if he had only lived in the Adirondacks, he wouldn't have died. Sure, I can't prove that, but he could've lessened his chance of "glancing Jersey" by moving up here. |
In reply to this post by 64ER
Quite an accomplishment Matt, I know that takes a lot of hard work and dedication......congrats ![]() |
Thanks! It was definitely many, many years of training leading up to that. I was really excited when they announced it. |
In reply to this post by campgottagopee
Totally respect everyone's personal choices, but I just want to relate an anecdote from earlier this winter. The hospital where I work was abuzz about a snowboarder that had been brought in from Gore. He had hit a tree and his helmet was broken and cracked from the impact. He walked out of the ER and went home that evening.
and some people should be wearing a helmet walking down the st.......others not so much
In reply to this post by MC2 5678F589
This thread has turned into a stupid helmet thread, so please tell me about making the team. Where was the exam? Who was your examiner? Any specifics from the exam that were harder than others?? At one point in my life I was involved in PSIA so that's why I'm interested. When I was involved there was Registered, Associate, and Full Cert levels (i think is what they called them). I made it as far as Associate be4 I got out, it took me 4 years to get that far, so I understand your excitement. |
In reply to this post by MC2 5678F589
Aren't we sensitive. Show me where I am berating you for not wearing a helmet. I do not care if you wear a helmet. I just would like to see the scientific literature that says 'it really doesn't matter if you wear a helmet or not at the high speeds you ski at' (your words). I am sure those words do not exist in any studies about skiing and helmets. By the way - 8 man crew (rowing) doing a 5:20 for 2000 meters is about 14 mph. Just to be clear - I do not care if you or any other adults wear a helmet. When you say that helmets offer very little protection during high speed crashes you are just being obtuse. |
In reply to this post by campgottagopee
Yes huge accomplishment congrats ![]()
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
In reply to this post by x10003q
Your continued posting on the topic says otherwise. You obviously care. You should probably just admit that to yourself. And way to pick out the one example that isn't quite 20mph! And using the deceiving statistic of total race pace instead of top speed. Top speed is around 18mph (http://www.wired.com/playbook/2012/07/jason-read-on-rowing/), so, sorry, I was 2mph off. Still don't see any of them wearing helmets. |
In reply to this post by Z
Thanks! |
This post was updated on .
In reply to this post by Z
Could someone educate me, what is the Nordic Dev Team? I know there's PSIA Levels I, II and III for alpine and nordic, what exactly is Nordic Dev Team? Matt, were you already a Level III instructor prior? In any case, congratulations! I have a number of friends who are or have been instructors and I know the huge amount of time and work that goes into advancement from Level 1 to 2 and 2 to 3. *EDIT- Suggestion: moderator should break out "Matt just made PSIA Nordic Dev Team" to it's own thread. |
In reply to this post by MC2 5678F589
I don't care if you wear a helmet. What is mixing you up? Still no support for your inane statement. What a surprise. |