Utah court hands Park City Mountain Resort to Vail

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Re: Utah court hands Park City Mountain Resort to Vail

I have to admit I don't follow it closely enough to know it Powdr or Killington are truly good players.  I do know that K found it in their budget to go after the branding benefits of the longest eastern season.  They don't have to do it. It helps me ski more and IMO elevates the eastern season.

I see the efficiency of taking ONE trail in the east and burying it.  And K is somewhat centrally located.  On closing day there were as many people on one trail and one lift at K as there was when I was at Gore (4 lifts) on April 10.  And it looked like they did a decent amount of F&B.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Utah court hands Park City Mountain Resort to Vail

In reply to this post by Benny Profane
Benny Profane wrote
Eh, whatever, I'm with Coach. Park City sucks. To bad it's got the only decent ski town in the whole SLC circus at it's base. Oh well, looks like eating and sleeping in strip mall hell in Sandy before the drive up the canyon to Alta/Snowbird.

I still worry that this will negatively affect the finances of Killington, just as it's back on it's feet a few years after bankruptcy. I really don't want to drive another hour to the Bush.
Park City is by far the most over rated and in my book the worst major ski area in the west.  It won't be missed or visited by me again.  

I assume Vail intends to connect it to the Canyons and operate it that way.  The Canyons is the 2nd worst.  

What is kind of ironic to me is that this general area could end up screwing Killington for the 2nd time.  The first was when Otten over reached building the Canyons back In the late 90s.  If it wasn't for that the Pico Killington interconnect would have happened.
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
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Re: Utah court hands Park City Mountain Resort to Vail

ASC has royally screwed up every ski area they ran.  From Skilifts.org, I learned this about The Canyons.  They have only installed 1 lift with footrests and that it the Orange Bubble Express where they spared no expense with custom orange terminal windows, bubble chairs imported from Europe, and heated seats.  The new Iron Mountain Express has the same orange terminals, but no footrests.  The rest of the lifts were installed when ASC was running out of money, but still spending on expansion.  This is similar to what I have noticed about ORDA's lifts.  They are mostly bottom drive, no footrest, and they bought used fixed grips instead of the planned new detachables.  The only lifts with footrests did not begin their life under ASC.  The twice relocated Dreamscape Quad from the Wolf Mountain era, and the Day Break Triple from Deer Valley.

You are totally right about the fact that the Park City area has screwed up Killington twice.  First ASC going broke building The Canyons, and now this.  I hope that Park City does succeed under new ownership because it looks like a very attractive option for my family when we go out west in the next few seasons.  However, the second choice is Keystone and we can always go there if Park City goes under.
I've lived in New York my entire life.
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Re: Utah court hands Park City Mountain Resort to Vail

Park City or Keystone?  You might as well just ski in the east.  Keystone is really lame and gets the least snow in CO.  Set your aim higher.  In Utah any of the Cottonwoods resorts but since you dig high end lifts I'd say Snowbird would blow your mind.  In CO steamboat or Snowmass both would have great lift infrastructure , snow, and the resort thing going on for your parents
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
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Re: Utah court hands Park City Mountain Resort to Vail

In reply to this post by snoloco
My god Sno - is this what today's youth really care about?

I think you need to spend a few days at Hickory
Don't ski the trees, ski the spaces between the trees.
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Re: Utah court hands Park City Mountain Resort to Vail

I think we all need a few more days there.
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Re: Utah court hands Park City Mountain Resort to Vail

Benny Profane
In reply to this post by Z
Coach Z wrote
What is kind of ironic to me is that this general area could end up screwing Killington for the 2nd time.  The first was when Otten over reached building the Canyons back In the late 90s.  If it wasn't for that the Pico Killington interconnect would have happened.

I wonder. I mean, I've been hearing about that one for years and years now, and, it could have been done way back when Killington was financially healthy. It's not as though it would be hard. Just a few chairs, and, poof, a huge ski area is born with much easier access from the Rutland side. Kind of similar to Gore's expansion over to the bowl. There's been money spent on a lot of other items since, like the gondola and the new peak house. Why haven't they invested in that connection? Money is cheap to borrow, and I don't think the state is trying to block it. Maybe the next owner?
funny like a clown
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Re: Utah court hands Park City Mountain Resort to Vail

In reply to this post by Z
Coach Z wrote
Park City or Keystone?  You might as well just ski in the east.  Keystone is really lame and gets the least snow in CO.  Set your aim higher.  In Utah any of the Cottonwoods resorts but since you dig high end lifts I'd say Snowbird would blow your mind.  In CO steamboat or Snowmass both would have great lift infrastructure , snow, and the resort thing going on for your parents
Snowbird doesn't look like a good option for my family.  Everything is expert except for some cat track traverses and the lower mountain.  I don't think there is much grooming either if it is all expert.

I like Park City and Keystone because they have night skiing.  I won't be doing much skiing in the west, so I can milk each day for all it is worth.  Steamboat is getting night skiing too, and has plenty of intermediate terrain, but is further away from Denver.  It isn't ski season anymore, so I can't check to see how much grooming there is.  I want the mountain that does a lot of grooming because my mom does not enjoy bumps.  My dad and I don't like them either because we can't ski as long in them.  Like I said earlier, I want maximum ski hours.
I've lived in New York my entire life.
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Re: Utah court hands Park City Mountain Resort to Vail

snoloco wrote
....because we can't ski as long in them.  Like I said earlier, I want maximum ski hours.
Well, if you were in........nah, I better not say it.
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Re: Utah court hands Park City Mountain Resort to Vail

Steamboat has lots of groomers that are fun to cruise and the best tree skiing anywhere IMO

At high elevation you are not going to want to ski at night.  You will be pooped even if you do start working out.  The stuff off the groomers are why you go out west.  Trees steeps and bumps require a little more energy but it you are skiing efficiently it should not make that much difference.  Either work out or take some lessons.  Best results would come from both.  If you are not going to go off the groomers just go to Okemo and save the money.
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
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Re: Utah court hands Park City Mountain Resort to Vail

Coach Z wrote
The stuff off the groomers are why you go out west.  
If you are not going to go off the groomers just go to Okemo and save the money.
Well, there are the views.
I would say that if you aren't eager to expand beyond the groomers just go to Disney World. The rides have foot rests and padded seats and you can tell us whether thunder mountain has a top or bottom drive.
Don't ski the trees, ski the spaces between the trees.
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Re: Utah court hands Park City Mountain Resort to Vail

Not that it is inappropriate in any way, because one does have to thicken one's skin to survive the world, but you are being a little hard on/mean to Loco.  Yes, I agree that him and dad should embark on a workout regimen together in advance of a western trip.  Not only would it be good bonding for a teen boy and his dad, it would allow them to get the maximum enjoyment out of the experience.  Yes, bowls, trees and steeps in the high alpine environment are the main attraction, and to go and only be able to look from afar would be a true shame.  However, even if they don't take full advantage it doesn't mean they shouldn't go.  My wife will never ski an above tree line bowl at 12,000 feet, but it doesn't mean she would to enjoy a trip out west.  I applaud anyone who wants to get out there and experience what the world has to offer, rather than seeing it from their couch.  The culture, the history, the geography.....all worth it even if they sell themselves short on the skiing experience.

Enough of the rah!, rah! though.  Loco, you are a skier, and it seems you want to become a more experienced and better skier.  That being the case, don't waste your opportunity, as they don't come around often.  You and dad bond and work your ass off over the summer, any cardio and strengthening activities of your choice.  Plan the western trip for late March.  Spend the beginning of next ski season exploring bumps, trees and powder.  The only way to truly improve is to get outside your comfort zone.  Take a lesson to improve your technique off the groomers.  Do all that and you will have the experience of a lifetime out west.  Don't, and you will still have a cool, fun experience, but you will also miss out on a lot, and you never know if you'll get another chance.

I'm all for going to Disney World, I do it every year.  However, it doesn't have to be in lieu of what could be one of the best experiences of your life out west in the snow.  Thus ends this episode of "Unsolicited Advice from Curmudgeons on the Interweb".
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Re: Utah court hands Park City Mountain Resort to Vail

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we all can't be as cool and 'core as coach and petex - go to park city sno, you and your folks will have a GREAT time and that's what it's really all about!

Here's a TR from a fun long weekend a few years ago
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Re: Utah court hands Park City Mountain Resort to Vail

gorgonzola wrote
we all can't be as cool and 'core as coach and petex - go to park city sno, you and your folks will have a GREAT time and that's what it's really all about!
Well, I don't think Park City has a cabrio lift like Loco's beloved MC, but I'm sure he and his parents could slum it a bit in Park City. ;).  
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Re: Utah court hands Park City Mountain Resort to Vail

Yep, you guys got me pegged, I'm one cool, core, mean machine.

Guess I need to learn to use a few imodicons, I understand you can say anything as long as it is followed by a smiley

Don't ski the trees, ski the spaces between the trees.
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Re: Utah court hands Park City Mountain Resort to Vail

PeeTex wrote
Yep, you guys got me pegged, I'm one cool, core, mean machine.

I call bullshit...that's totally ME!!
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Re: Utah court hands Park City Mountain Resort to Vail

I didn't mean to call anyone mean or anything else.  I was just poking fun at MC.  
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Re: Utah court hands Park City Mountain Resort to Vail

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In reply to this post by Skidds
I agree that you don't need to do the extreme skiing to enjoy going out west
I've lived in New York my entire life.
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Re: Utah court hands Park City Mountain Resort to Vail

In reply to this post by Marcski
Marcski wrote
gorgonzola wrote
we all can't be as cool and 'core as coach and petex - go to park city sno, you and your folks will have a GREAT time and that's what it's really all about!
Well, I don't think Park City has a cabrio lift like Loco's beloved MC, but I'm sure he and his parents could slum it a bit in Park City. ;).
Park West has a cabriolet lift out of the parking lot to the base area
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Re: Utah court hands Park City Mountain Resort to Vail

In reply to this post by snoloco
snoloco wrote
You sure are a bossy lil fella