No lines today. Even if there was power.
Ya its a bit breezy up here right now and I don't even want to think about how low the wind chill is out there. The wind sounds like a trains charging down the mt behind my house right now.
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
In reply to this post by snoloco
Yep ... That was it ... Mountain management woke up one morning and said to themselves, "Hey ... Screw it ... Let's not open Lookout" Your problem young man, is that you assume you know WAY more than you actually do. The reality, is that you don't know anything about the decision making process that occurs at Whiteface, or any other business for that matter. From what I understand, management was really hoping, and expecting, to have Lookout open for Christmas this year. Unfortunately, it didn't happen, and not simply because they "chose not to". When you make statements like that, you really demonstrate your immaturity and ignorance.
It's easy to be against something ... It's hard to be for something!
Can you think of any reason they haven't made snow there yet because I certainly can't. And I run through just about every other possible reason I can think of before I call management incompetence.
Glade Runner suggested that I get a Jay Peak pass instead of Whiteface. I first told him he was crazy, but now I'm seriously considering it. It's pathetic that Whiteface has still not opened Lookout or even trying to open it when everywhere else in the east has had open trails off all lifts for weeks. Check a few snow reports, and you'll find that exactly what I'm saying is true. I'm not saying you can't have a good time skiing the relatively small amount of stuff they do have open now, but I refuse to ski there out of principle until they get with the program. Going to make lemonade out of lemons and take the chance to get to know Gore better and do a Max Pass trip or two.
I've lived in New York my entire life.
Could you identify the principal that you are citing here? I find this a little mystifying
"You want your skis? Go get 'em!" -W. Miller
In reply to this post by snoloco
Sno what is the drivetime for you for Whiteface and Jay? How does (early) pricing compare? Jay is showing $969 for a full, WF $999.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
This post was updated on .
Jay is 3:15 from Potsdam. I ski both days every weekend so that would mean spending the night there on Saturday. Problem is the hotel costs. Whiteface is 1:45 so I just drive back every night. Another issue with Glade's idea is I have to put all my eggs in one basket while with Ski3 and Max Pass I have other options both up north and at home. And I intend on making use of those other options for the forseeable future.
I've lived in New York my entire life.
In reply to this post by snoloco
I can think of lots of reasons, however, what's the point of that? The fact remains they haven't done it ... the why really isn't important. To assume "management incompetence" is, to repeat myself, immature & ignorant. What I will assume, is that there is a reason, or reasons, and to dwell and aggravate myself about that is a waste of time. Some day, when you're older, you'll probably understand that, but for now, feel free to express your frustration, and have fun with that.
It's easy to be against something ... It's hard to be for something!
Since weather is definitely not a factor this year, I agree the why isn't really important. Regardless of the reason, it's still a complete embarrassment for Whiteface to fail to open a major lift and large part of the mountain open on a critical holiday weekend. And saying "relax and enjoy what they do have open now" is ignorant because one can go just about anywhere else and have a better experience.
I've lived in New York my entire life.
In reply to this post by snoloco
No, your first instinct is correct. It's fucking nuts to drive nearly twice as long to go to Jay. I went to Plattsburgh in College, I was 45min from Whiteface so I had a Student pass for 4 years. Most everyone else in my graduating class went to Jay. Needless to say I got a hell of a lot more skiing in they did. I mean I have to think your statement is pure hyperbole because it's such a fucking retarded idea when Whiteface is half the distance. |
A’ fucking ‘men!
We REALLY need a proper roll eyes emoji!!
I guess it is somewhat, but I'm so fed up with Whiteface management right now that it just flows right on out.
They totally threw away the three weeks of perfect temps they had to get all their lifts and trail pods up and running and I'm pissed. Everywhere else including Gore pulled out all the stops on the snowmaking and opened just about everything.
I've lived in New York my entire life.
It's a capacity issue not a willingness issue you use gore to compare but they've done a quite a bit of updating to their snow-making system in the last 4 or 5 years Whiteface hasn't.
Gore was even more underpowered than Whiteface was before those updates and at one point I saw the actual numbers for both plants and they are almost exactly the same. It's not a capacity issue at all.
I've lived in New York my entire life.
Maybe go up to Aaron's office and ask him. Hey bud what is up with Lookout? He's a very approachable, super nice guy.
I was PO'd at Mike Pratt ten years ago and I did exactly that. We've had a pretty good relationship since. More important I came to understand why stuff happens that seems to make no sense to the public.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
Already sort of did that last summer.
They can't use the Victoria and Hoyt's pumphouse at the same time. This explained it's opening late last season because they needed to work on some of the open trails with the constant thaws we had and it made it difficult to move to Lookout. But this year it should be no big deal to move snowmaking off the other side for a week or so to get Wilmington done.
I've lived in New York my entire life.
In reply to this post by Face4Me
Yep. Hopefully once he gets an actual job and starts to become part of any kind of decision making he'll get it. Until then this will be entertaining as hell Cause that's the truth |
Hey camp, do you ever ski at Whiteface? My guess is no, so stop trolling.
Yes it's a business decision to leave Lookout to rot. That business decision sucks and it shows with crowded trails, lift lines, and not even close to the amount or percentage of terrain open compared to competitors or even Gore which has the same issue being underpowered with snowmaking.
I've lived in New York my entire life.
Based on your comments I often wonder if YOU ever ski Whiteface. Sno...I get that you are an angry young man where it comes to Whiteface.
I really should put this in kick ass tune of the day. However, as angry as you are you have to stop the stoopid shit from flowing. Seriously, have you ever taken the Lookout lift? Like ever? You know how long a line it gets. For those who haven’t DOESN’T get a line. At least it never has when I’ve ridden it. Including holidays. So it’s not like there’s a packed lift corral worth of skiers scurrying to other lifts, making all those lines terribly long. Oh, wait....those lifts don’t ever get long lines, either. So stop saying that Whiteface has long lift lines all over the mountain because the Lookout triple isn’t running. It’s just not remotely close to a true statement. And amount of terrain? Likely only if you are counting trails and perceverating over percentages. In terms of actual skiable mileage they might just do ok.
We REALLY need a proper roll eyes emoji!!