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Whiteface Pass Deadlines (2011)

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Whiteface Pass Deadlines (2011)

This post was updated on Oct 20, 2011; 12:27am.
Last Chance to Purchase a Whiteface (Non-Holiday) Seasons Pass for 2011-12 for just $419
WILMINGTON, N.Y. --- The clock is ticking and time is running out to purchase your 2011-2012 adult, non-holiday Whiteface only season pass.  Tuesday, May 17, is your last chance to get your hands on this seasons pass for just $419. This super savings will not be available after this date.
The adult Whiteface/Gore non-holiday pass is $565 when purchased by June 21 and increases to $679 June 22 thru Nov. 15. 
The full season pass for Whiteface and Gore is just $720 and increases to $849 June 22 through Nov. 15.  These passes are interchangeable at both mountains and are good for every day of the ski season.
Junior full season passes are available for $299 when purchased by Nov. 15.  The price increases to $399 after that date.  The young adult and college full season Whiteface/Gore passes are only $385 when purchased by Nov. 15 and increase to $475 thereafter.  Proof of ages or college credits are required to purchase this pass.
The Whiteface senior non-holiday pass is also just $419 and there are no deadlines for purchase, while the senior Whiteface/Gore non-holiday pass is only $565 and the senior full season pass is just $720.  There are also no deadlines to purchase either pass.  Skiers ages 70 and older can ski or ride Whiteface and Gore all season long for only $210.
To purchase your season pass today, log on to http://www.whiteface.com/summer/tickets/wf_season.php, or call 518.946.2223.  Financing is available for adult full season passes when purchased on or before June 21.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Whiteface Pass Deadlines (2011)

Harv is NYS giving you a percentage on each pass sold?
"Peace and Love"
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Re: Whiteface Pass Deadlines (2011)

In reply to this post by Harvey
Does anyone know why a Gore Only Pass is not offered?
"This is pure snow! Do you have any idea what the street value of this mountain is?"
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Re: Whiteface Pass Deadlines (2011)

I would guess because the ORDA board is all about Lake Placid. By offering WF on all Gore passes they might get a few extra visits they might not have if they offered a Gore only pass. By offering the less expensive 'WF only' pass they keep those skiers in the Lake Placid region. Another reason might be that their Lake Placid friends were yapping about paying extra for Gore which they will never use so they accomodate them with the less expensive pass.

I am sure there would be a lot of people who would want a less expensive Gore only pass but all roads go to Lake Placid.
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Re: Whiteface Pass Deadlines (2011)

In reply to this post by JasonWx
JasonWx wrote
Harv is NYS giving you a percentage on each pass sold?
Ted Blazer called. Jason: you are out.

Any other weatherguys/gals out there want to play along for Jason's cut?
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Whiteface Pass Deadlines (2011)

Banned User
In reply to this post by x10003q
x10003q wrote
I would guess because the ORDA board is all about Lake Placid. By offering WF on all Gore passes they might get a few extra visits they might not have if they offered a Gore only pass. By offering the less expensive 'WF only' pass they keep those skiers in the Lake Placid region. Another reason might be that their Lake Placid friends were yapping about paying extra for Gore which they will never use so they accomodate them with the less expensive pass.

I am sure there would be a lot of people who would want a less expensive Gore only pass but all roads go to Lake Placid.
Wow. Never thought about it that way, but definitely spot on.

How's about that for an insightful summation ORDA?
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Re: Whiteface Pass Deadlines (2011)

Harvey's post reminded me to check skiandrideny.com, and look at this incredible deal:

skiandrideny.com wrote
SANY Gold Pass On Sale Now for 2011-12
I'd buy it, but I already got Gore/WF full season for me and wifey.
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Re: Whiteface Pass Deadlines (2011)

In reply to this post by Snowballs
Snowballs wrote
x10003q wrote
I would guess because the ORDA board is all about Lake Placid. By offering WF on all Gore passes they might get a few extra visits they might not have if they offered a Gore only pass. By offering the less expensive 'WF only' pass they keep those skiers in the Lake Placid region. Another reason might be that their Lake Placid friends were yapping about paying extra for Gore which they will never use so they accomodate them with the less expensive pass.

I am sure there would be a lot of people who would want a less expensive Gore only pass but all roads go to Lake Placid.
Wow. Never thought about it that way, but definitely spot on.

How's about that for an insightful summation ORDA?

How does Gore not offer this option? After further thought - maybe it is up to M Pratt. Either way it should be offered at both. It is unfair to Gore skiers.
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Re: Whiteface Pass Deadlines (2011)

Banned User
You're welcome X. I truly think you nailed it.

I don't think Pratt has any input on it. After seeing him at ORDA meetings, he's hat in hand with them. They call the shots and he " Yes Sir! " follows through. I can't even imagine him getting worked up over this or any ORDA unfairness towards Gore, it may cost him if he did.

Sorry Harv.
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Re: Whiteface Pass Deadlines (2011)

In reply to this post by x10003q
x10003q wrote
I would guess because the ORDA board is all about Lake Placid. By offering WF on all Gore passes they might get a few extra visits they might not have if they offered a Gore only pass. By offering the less expensive 'WF only' pass they keep those skiers in the Lake Placid region. Another reason might be that their Lake Placid friends were yapping about paying extra for Gore which they will never use so they accomodate them with the less expensive pass.

I am sure there would be a lot of people who would want a less expensive Gore only pass but all roads go to Lake Placid.
You're probably spot on. I don't like it, but it is what it is. I make it WF once, maybe twice a season and would definitely prefer a Gore only option. If I'm going to drive 1.5 hours I'd rather head to VT.
"This is pure snow! Do you have any idea what the street value of this mountain is?"
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Re: Whiteface Pass Deadlines (2011)

Looks like the WF only (non-holiday) is $145 less than the WF/Gore non-holiday - so that is more than 2 days of passes. (How much is a WF non-holiday day ticket?) For me the dual pass works out well. I need a holiday pass anyway, and it helps gets me up to WF - although I'd probably never get to WF on a holiday. I'm usually there one day very early season when they've got more terrain open, and another time in spring with dreams of getting at the slides.

How does Gore's weekday only pass (not offered by WF) fit into the conspiracy theory?

I think ORDA has been pretty good to Gore in the last five years. New (and used) lifts, more terrain and snowmaking going in on 46er next year, when Hoyt's is still without.

SB - no offense taken, not sure why you are apologizing. I'd bet you're right about ticket pricing - that probably comes down from HQ.  Also, got to say I'm glad my meetings with my boss aren't a matter of public record.  That's tough.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Whiteface Pass Deadlines (2011)

Harvey44 wrote
Looks like the WF only (non-holiday) is $145 less than the WF/Gore non-holiday - so that is more than 2 days of passes. (How much is a WF non-holiday day ticket?) For me the dual pass works out well. I need a holiday pass anyway, and it helps gets me up to WF - although I'd probably never get to WF on a holiday. I'm usually there one day very early season when they've got more terrain open, and another time in spring with dreams of getting at the slides.

How does Gore's weekday only pass (not offered by WF) fit into the conspiracy theory?
Gore only mid week non holiday pass $399.
WF only non holiday pass                  $419.
Anybody out there not going to spend $20 to have the all the nonholiday weekends too? Yeah - that's real fair. Two ski areas run by the same authority, yet the favored area offers a gigantic benefit that the other area does not offer.
Harvey44 wrote
I think ORDA has been pretty good to Gore in the last five years. New (and used) lifts, more terrain and snowmaking going in on 46er next year, when Hoyt's is still without.
ORDA has not been pretty good to Gore. They repeatedly crap on Gore.
NYS (in its own interest) decided to push Gore out to its size limit. They also need to keep up with Vermont. NYS realized that there are huge economic benefits to the Gore region to make Gore better. ORDA repeatedly has tried and succeeded in reducing Gore's share of the earmarks or delaying projects.

Maybe Hoyt's would have snowmaking if ORDA hadn't installed that ridiculously expensive Gondola up Little WF.
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Re: Whiteface Pass Deadlines (2011)

Banned User
Yea, what kinda BS is it when you can't ski weekends at Gore but at Face you can? That's crap, plain and simple. The same weekend privledges would cost a Gore skier $565! Gore skiers should be offered the same deal as Face skiers. All this from a State run Mtn. Same taxpayers, same taxpayer dollars supporting them, same State owned land, same equal rights should apply.

The vast majority of skiers can't regularly get to Gore on weekdays. ORDA knows this and uses it to extort an extra 166 clams out of them. That's a 42% increase over $399 or a 35% increase over $419. What is fair about that?

Insult to injury, Face has twice the snowmaking capacity as Gore.

Gore customers do plenty to support Placid already.
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Re: Whiteface Pass Deadlines (2011)

you guys and your speculation are frustrating
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Re: Whiteface Pass Deadlines (2011)

ORDA marketing (Gore in particular) has never been all that open or honest when it comes to it's communications. What does that leave? Speculation and frustration. A lot of that could be relieved if handled properly...
"This is pure snow! Do you have any idea what the street value of this mountain is?"
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Re: Whiteface Pass Deadlines (2011)

Banned User
In reply to this post by freshyslayer
freshyslayer wrote
you guys and your speculation are frustrating

Reminds me of the SkiADK days when Gore skiers talked about these issues and Face people whined about our not liking the ORDA double standard. Easy for Face skiers to act that way, they get preferential treatment.
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Re: Whiteface Pass Deadlines (2011)

Snowballs wrote
Reminds me of the SkiADK days when Gore skiers talked about these issues and Face people whined about our not liking the ORDA double standard. Easy for Face skiers to act that way, they get preferential treatment.
List them…facts not generalizations.
There's truth that lives
And truth that dies
I don't know which
So never mind - Leonard Cohen
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Re: Whiteface Pass Deadlines (2011)

Banned User
Highpeaksdrifter wrote
List them…facts not generalizations.
Hehehe. Fish on!

We've been over this many times before, HPD, but OK....

Did you see the above difference in passes slanted towards the benefit of Face skiers? Do you think that's fair? It's not.

Face has twice the snowmaking capablity. TWICE! TWICE! ....that's 2 times!

Because of their larger snowmaking capacity, Face is able to cover far more ground and get more terrain open quicker than Gore can. That's true value for Face skiers, bummer for Gore skiers.

Face got the highspeed chairlift that Gore was supposed to get for Topridge. Instead Oda(haha) swapped it out and sent Gore their old one. Not cool.

Face has a far superior and much larger Park and sometimes has a pipe where as Gore for many years had neither and Gore still has a far inferior/smaller set up.

Face had a skiercross course years before Gore. I would wager Face's is much better, too.

Face has a far superior swag kit for it's season passers vs. Gore's meager offering. This includes free tickets and many other valuable items, it's quite substantial.

Face doesn't have near the amount of paid parking Gore has. How about you Face guys start paying to park on the access road and the river lot? Carry your fair share, well ya?

Face has far, far more and cooler events than Gore.

The Hudson chair at Gore WAS suppossed to be a new chair, instead ORDA swapped in a used one,,,,,Is the Lookout Mtn chair a used one or new?

The midstation Bistro at Face is FAR nicer than Gore's crappy Saddle Lodge.

I have no doubt you are aware of these differences, but yet again you try to pretend they're non-existant. That adds credibilty to my OP that you responded to. Gracias.
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Re: Whiteface Pass Deadlines (2011)

Face's gondola has far less capacity than Gore's.  
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Re: Whiteface Pass Deadlines (2011)

Banned User
Michaeltokyo wrote
 Face's gondola has far less capacity than Gore's.
......and Gore has an Outhouse!