The way I read that, they are saying that if you head up at say 7:30 and are only halfway up when patrol does the pre-opening run, you've got to come down with them vs continuing up?
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
Yes, but who that went up in the morning is waiting until the PM sweep |
the dudes that ski all day and then poach slides after patrol has left the mtn.
I ride with Crazy Horse!
Then what does that have to do with the uphill policy |
The CNY Rednecks are all set then, we have 4 lights on our skining rig
![]() ![]() |
In reply to this post by Noah John
No, I don't skin Whiteface but that doesn't mean I should be restricted from the debate. The issue of skinning at ski areas is bigger than Whiteface. This isn't just a Whiteface issue and precedents are being set, and other areas may follow what other areas do. Non-Whiteface skinners input is and comments are just as valuable. You cannot discount my thoughts just by saying I don't skin there so I shouldn't reply to this thread. The whole thing should just be a non-issue. I'm sad it is even a topic up for discussion. It is sad that a few bad apples have forced ski areas to create these official policies so that they can deal with offending said bad apples.
In reply to this post by Noah John
That is a fair point. Like I said, it could be worse, some areas have come down 100% against skinning as a policy (whether or not that policy is actually enforced...). I applaud any policy that doesn't outright ban the activity even though I will "grouse about the details." ![]()
In reply to this post by riverc0il
Right. And the precedent set by WF is to allow it so I really don't get your point. Your original post seemed to indicate you weren't happy that skinners had to respect trail closures. Really? What is the logic behind allowing people to be on closed trails? And your suggestion that the mountain should just leave it be and look the other way hoping that everyone will be "smart and discrete" is not very realistic either. I don't know about where you're skinning but I'll bet there's 50 people skinning WF some mornings. The popularity of AT equipment over the last few years has really forced the ski areas' hands on this. When it was just a couple of crazy, dirtbag telemark skiers maybe they could look the other way but it's completely different now. You don't like dealing with rules? Fine, go backcountry skiing and ski whatever you like. Skinning a ski area before it opens is not backcountry skiing though; it's fun and allows you to get some exercise while experiencing the mountain in a slightly different way but it's more akin to working out at a gym or taking a morning jog (where you also have to abide by some rules) than it is to backcountry skiing. |
Wondering if I can take my dog with me...and does he need to wear Solas tape? Poor guy's been restricted to the trails around John Brown Farm when I want to ski with him off-leash.
def not on the dogs. quite frankly some douchenozzle skinning up w/ a dog off the leash was a big factor in this new policy.
I ride with Crazy Horse!
In reply to this post by MC2 5678F589
This is not a unique policy. It's happening in VT too. Even when moving up hill skiers are attracted to large machines like moths to a flame. The groomer operators don't like to have to worry about avoiding skiers and who can, reasonably, blame them?
I Think, Therefore I Ski
When you are skinning up whiteface you need to start early enough that you will arrive at your destination by the time ski patrol does their am trail check or they will turn you around. if you want to get to the summit and it takes you two hours, you better be in the skin track at 6-6:30. Of course bringing dogs makes absolutely no sense ever! It doesn't apply to when the mountain isn't open for the season or after its closed, because then it doesn't matter--they aren't moving heavy vehicles around the mountain. It all makes perfect sense. the point isn't to make money, the point is to make people have responsibility and know the risks involved. Most do, but obviously many do not or else who would ask if you can bring a dog for example??
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On Sunday I was inquiring about getting up the hill for spectator access viewing the Empire games. Asked someone at the lift ticket desk inside. Then asked a person standing in doorway of group sales/marketing office. They walked me across hall to ski patrol who then directed me over to NYSEF building. No answer by anyone. Found out after the fact someone could have taken the Bear lift. What a cluster fuck!
Yeah, that sounds absolutely horrible. I hope you manage to recover soon. Send WF your therapy bills; seems only fair. +++++Vibes++++ Although it sounds dreadful and harrowing, what does it have to do with the uphill policy? |
It was an attempt to get up the hill |
It's so funny to watch your WF neurosis play out on line. I think you messed your pants on Skyward once and the humiliation of that experience continues to haunt you. Let it go dude.
In reply to this post by skimore
Should have asked an orange jacket. Pretty standard stuff
In reply to this post by skimore
I find that hard to believe. They offered free bear lift access and had a roped off section to walk down lower valley. Its pretty standard and especially for empire state games its free. Maybe you shouldn't go up and ask random people standing in doorways. Just because they were standing there doesn't mean they were a sales and marketing person. |
This post was updated on .
Everybody at WF needs to be ready to immediately answer his questions about the free services he's there to take advantage of. |
Where did this free and any kind of urgency get mentioned? There are people who don't ski It didn't appear to be a random person as the offered help once eye contact was made. There was a total of 7 people asked including 3 different guys parking cars. So I guess it's not that standard |