Why are you here?

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Re: Why are you here?

witch hobble
Not sure what exactly happened here.  I'm missing some context. I'll be honest: I miss Gore Mountain. That is what originally brought me here as a lurker and it is why I still check in.I put in a lot of days there during the post Bear mtn pre Burnt Ridge lift served era.  The hardwood tree skiing, the glacial erratics, the quirks and peculiarities.  Lots of short shots, peripheral touring, east side ripping, the people, the Rumor.....all things I miss.This blog has evolved into a NY thing, and I really have little experience with other NY places.  Handful of days at Hickory and Whiteface.
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Re: Why are you here?

Noah John
I'm here for the trip reports.

Matt, I've been back in there.  It's gorgeous - sorta of a mini-Yosemite valley with all the exposed rock hanging around up high.  More of a cross country ski than anything else if you just stick to the trail back to the lean-to.  
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Re: Why are you here?

In reply to this post by witch hobble
Dear Diary,
Why am I here?  

I signed up for skiadk years ago...  Pretty much just a great place to air out my drug crazed mind at all hours of the night.  SkiAdk was shutting down and Harv started this establishment.  

I reluctantly signed up and now continue coming to check out all things out doors.  Now that the over use of psychedelic use has passed I just use it as a resource for many things out doors.

It's a great place to get more info on conditions, new spots and I have met some great people that enjoy doing the same things as I do.  No best friends, but it's nice knowing there are people out there fighting the same good fight to stay active and enjoy what nature offers us.  I also like getting some inside info on certain aspects of ski/adk politics.  I like it mostly just like it for TR's, both ski and bike.  Kudos to the "today's ride" thread.

I'm not really a gear geek so I glaze over those threads.  Probably because everyone here skis and nothing pertains to me.

-passing time while on the phones with people.  

-I just come to give Harv the 'clicks' he needs to get rich.

-I usually have nothing to add to any of the flame wars, I wish I did but I've found that I don't even know enough to add anything to most conversations

**About the campfire analogy...  I can see this. There are only so many things you can talk about around a campfire before the conversation dies out..  You're drunk and you just have to start picking on one another.
The day begins...  Your mountain awaits.
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Re: Why are you here?

This post was updated on .
I am mainly a lurker but occasionally post especially as we get close to winter.

When I do post here its mainly to tell everyone how happy I am to be returning to my favorite place in the east (Whiteface)      


BTW I will be at Whiteface sometime in February  
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Re: Why are you here?

To learn more about the Mountain Creek's fab grooming and chair lifts
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Re: Why are you here?

Sick Bird Rider
In reply to this post by Chris
Chris wrote

**About the campfire analogy...  I can see this. There are only so many things you can talk about around a campfire before the conversation dies out..  You're drunk and you just have to start picking on one another.
Isn't that right about when the psychedelics take effect?
Love Jay Peak? Hate Jay Peak? You might enjoy this: The Real Jay Peak Snow Report
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Re: Why are you here?

Banned User
In reply to this post by MC2 5678F589
mattchuck2 wrote
Noah John wrote
In the case of social media sites like this one, it's all about providing an outlet for the pathologically extroverted who don't feel that they've actually "done" something until they've splashed it across the internet for the consumption of a bunch of people they don't know and will in most cases never meet.   I know you've gone all in with all this nonsense Harvey and now have a vested interest, probably more emotional than economic, in it, but my experience is that truly thoughtful people (that are actually worth knowing) only use these sites to point out how hopelessly stupid they are.  
I'm not in the interest of pointing out how stupid people are (it's fun to do sometimes), but I also think that there is more to ski forums than "rah rah, look at me, I'm awesome" bullshit. I also don't consider myself pathologically extroverted (in fact, I suck at parties because I hate small talk, I'm awkward in front of new people, and I'm not really interested in mundane details of someone's life). I prefer to ski in small groups, 4 at most, and try to escape when a group gets too big. I try not to take a ton of pictures, especially when the skiing is good (that's why my Grand Targhee/Jackson Hole report was so lame). And I'm increasingly less fond of dick swinging posts about how good I am (but I used to love those posts).

Really, I like coming on these forums to see people doing cool shit. It gives me ideas for my own trips, keeps me current on conditions, and keeps the fire alive for adventure. It doesn't need to be anything crazy either. The Hinterlandian thread is great, even though I have no desire to drive to Bumfuck, Ontario and thwack around on 200 vertical foot bumps. A lot of times, I'll get lazy or sick of skiing (if it's early season and no trees are open, if it's late season and there's a chance of rain in the forecast), and seeing someone else out there getting after it inspires me to go out and have a good time anyway.

I guess mostly, I use forums because they contain what I don't get from most people I know in the real world: sweet trips they've been on (that actually interest me), cool pictures and videos to see (photo contests at TGR are awesome, even though I don't have the photography skills to get involved), plans for future ski trips, new gear, etc. I guess it is vain to post pics and videos like I do, but I try not to be a total dick about it. If people want to look, cool. If not, that's cool too.

Why does everyone else use these forums? Information? Conditions? "Stoke"? The nonstop friendliness of posters like NJ?

Y'all got me.  Baited me right back.

Seriously what's so ironic about that quote is Noah Willy John has his tiny prick shoved so far up your ass and you are the king splashing your entire life all over web.  I really don't care.  Go for it dude.  You probably naively thought by sharing a few stories you'd help someone out or get people involved in something.  I really didn't need to know about your divorce BTW... the skiing was enough.

I do the same thing all the time.  But I really don't give a fuck.  I'd still be here if it wasn't for the real troll hanging here that's only here because he happens to be a NY'er and he's been banned from any other forum that actually has some kind of sense.

Oh and I signed up here because I'm a NY'er and I love NY.  I like to ski, but I have other interest too.  They may not be as awesome as yours.  The only ones I really don't like are the ones that fucking ruin our natural places, and I'm not shy about putting that out there.

PeeTex wrote
Sounds like we are kindred spirits. I don't ski the terrain I use to, I have more of a sense of mortality and I want to be able to be healthy to do things with my family. I have dialed back my risk taking.
PeeTex wrote
My suspicions were right, PA & Mikey were really NJ just F'in with us.
And WTF PeeTex.  I thought we were 'kindred spirits' bro?  If you really though I was PA you need to take a long hard look in the mirror and get your dick out of Noah's ass.
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Re: Why are you here?

Noah John
MikeK wrote
mattchuck2 wrote
Noah John wrote
In the case of social media sites like this one, it's all about providing an outlet for the pathologically extroverted who don't feel that they've actually "done" something until they've splashed it across the internet for the consumption of a bunch of people they don't know and will in most cases never meet.   I know you've gone all in with all this nonsense Harvey and now have a vested interest, probably more emotional than economic, in it, but my experience is that truly thoughtful people (that are actually worth knowing) only use these sites to point out how hopelessly stupid they are.  
I'm not in the interest of pointing out how stupid people are (it's fun to do sometimes), but I also think that there is more to ski forums than "rah rah, look at me, I'm awesome" bullshit. I also don't consider myself pathologically extroverted (in fact, I suck at parties because I hate small talk, I'm awkward in front of new people, and I'm not really interested in mundane details of someone's life). I prefer to ski in small groups, 4 at most, and try to escape when a group gets too big. I try not to take a ton of pictures, especially when the skiing is good (that's why my Grand Targhee/Jackson Hole report was so lame). And I'm increasingly less fond of dick swinging posts about how good I am (but I used to love those posts).

Really, I like coming on these forums to see people doing cool shit. It gives me ideas for my own trips, keeps me current on conditions, and keeps the fire alive for adventure. It doesn't need to be anything crazy either. The Hinterlandian thread is great, even though I have no desire to drive to Bumfuck, Ontario and thwack around on 200 vertical foot bumps. A lot of times, I'll get lazy or sick of skiing (if it's early season and no trees are open, if it's late season and there's a chance of rain in the forecast), and seeing someone else out there getting after it inspires me to go out and have a good time anyway.

I guess mostly, I use forums because they contain what I don't get from most people I know in the real world: sweet trips they've been on (that actually interest me), cool pictures and videos to see (photo contests at TGR are awesome, even though I don't have the photography skills to get involved), plans for future ski trips, new gear, etc. I guess it is vain to post pics and videos like I do, but I try not to be a total dick about it. If people want to look, cool. If not, that's cool too.

Why does everyone else use these forums? Information? Conditions? "Stoke"? The nonstop friendliness of posters like NJ?

Y'all got me.  Baited me right back.

Seriously what's so ironic about that quote is Noah Willy John has his tiny prick shoved so far up your ass and you are the king splashing your entire life all over web.  I really don't care.  Go for it dude.  You probably naively thought by sharing a few stories you'd help someone out or get people involved in something.  I really didn't need to know about your divorce BTW... the skiing was enough.

I do the same thing all the time.  But I really don't give a fuck.  I'd still be here if it wasn't for the real troll hanging here that's only here because he happens to be a NY'er and he's been banned from any other forum that actually has some kind of sense.

Oh and I signed up here because I'm a NY'er and I love NY.  I like to ski, but I have other interest too.  They may not be as awesome as yours.  The only ones I really don't like are the ones that fucking ruin our natural places, and I'm not shy about putting that out there.

PeeTex wrote
Sounds like we are kindred spirits. I don't ski the terrain I use to, I have more of a sense of mortality and I want to be able to be healthy to do things with my family. I have dialed back my risk taking.
PeeTex wrote
My suspicions were right, PA & Mikey were really NJ just F'in with us.
And WTF PeeTex.  I thought we were 'kindred spirits' bro?  If you really though I was PA you need to take a long hard look in the mirror and get your dick out of Noah's ass.

This post is dripping with pure awesomeness!  I love torturing this pudgy little miscreant!  By the way Mikey, you sound a little "frothy", know what I mean?  Dumb ass.

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Re: Why are you here?

Banned User
Noah John wrote

This post is dripping with pure awesomeness!  I love torturing this pudgy little miscreant!  By the way Mikey, you sound a little "frothy", know what I mean?  Dumb ass.
Boy, how'd you figure that one out?

I'll give it to you.  I am frothy.. duh...  I'll also assert that you were and are completely wrong about all the others.  And I really wonder about the torture.  You'll be screaming and ranting for the next month because of that one post.

I see a few others cam and joined BC talk from here based on that little bit of intel I spilled over there.

Whatever fucker.  The funny thing is how insane you are.  Have fun mulling over what form I'll pop up into next.  Or one of the other 100's you've pissed off over the years.

And about that curb stomping and physical violence threatening... keep speaking into the mic... dumbass...
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Re: Why are you here?

In reply to this post by Sick Bird Rider
SBR- Hah! That's about right... That looking at me trees funny
The day begins...  Your mountain awaits.
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Re: Why are you here?

In reply to this post by Sick Bird Rider
Sick Bird Rider wrote
Chris wrote

**About the campfire analogy...  I can see this. There are only so many things you can talk about around a campfire before the conversation dies out..  You're drunk and you just have to start picking on one another.
Isn't that right about when the psychedelics take effect?
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Re: Why are you here?

Noah John
I'm here for the MikeyK meltdowns!  

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Re: Why are you here?

In reply to this post by warp daddy
warp daddy wrote
Aw hell i'm here for shit n giggles  with peeps who are interested in fun , busting chops , talking smack n skiing . but like HPD once in awhile some serious chit  ......just for "seasoning "😜
Warp, I was being sarcastic, just here for the entertainment....Harv we need a sarcasm emoticon.

There's truth that lives
And truth that dies
I don't know which
So never mind - Leonard Cohen
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Re: Why are you here?

In reply to this post by MikeK
Welcome back MikeK.
There's truth that lives
And truth that dies
I don't know which
So never mind - Leonard Cohen
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Re: Why are you here?

warp daddy
In reply to this post by Highpeaksdrifter
Yeah I know HPD , i was just screwing around too .

Life is too damn short to let any heavy chit💩ruin it . For me the whole damn thing about the interwebz  ðŸ˜‹is about entertainment pure. N simple
Life ain't a dress rehearsal: Spread enthusiasm , avoid negative nuts.
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Re: Why are you here?

In reply to this post by MC2 5678F589
I like the pictures in winter and I like skiing in NY.  I like looking at the webcams on the weather page, to see if it's snowing.  I mostly read posts but don't post myself. I don't like the meanness.
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Re: Why are you here?

Telemark Dave
NJ = FHW?  
"there is great chaos under heaven, and the situation is excellent" Disclaimer: Telemark Dave is a Hinterlandian. He is not from New York State, and in fact, doesn't even ski there very often. He is also obsessive-compulsive about Voile Charger BC's.
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Re: Why are you here?

In reply to this post by MikeK
This is getting fucking bizarro.
Don't ski the trees, ski the spaces between the trees.
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Re: Why are you here?

Sick Bird Rider
PeeTex wrote
This is getting fucking bizarro.
Just search for Freeheelwilly (and MikeK, for that matter) and you will see the bizarro that has been going on elsewhere for years.
Love Jay Peak? Hate Jay Peak? You might enjoy this: The Real Jay Peak Snow Report
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Re: Why are you here?

Maybe Noah and Mike could just post links to their old flame wars and then if somebody doesn't want to read it, they can more easily avoid it. Noah criticizing the quality of what people post in forums is laughable.  He's obviously a smart guy but we rarely get to see that. All we get is static.

The truth is I'm here in the forum for the same reason as Chris.  I used to hang out on the Gore side of SkiAdk. The way I remember it, it was a cool place that did seem kind of like a campfire for a while. Pretty friendly without much flaming. The only real noise was from Snowballs screaming about the stupidity of Lift 14 or when the Whiteface guys would come over from the other forum to tell us we sucked or Gore sucked.

For reasons I didn't fully understand SkiAdk was abandoned by Alpine Zone or whoever was running it.  I guess because AZ was the cash cow. You needed a mod to approve new members and nobody was moding it, so with no new members it was slowly dying.

I posted a lot there and I guess some sort of thought of me as a mod.  It might have been Snowballs or someone suggested online that I take it over.  I really had no interest in that but Greg, the guy who owned Alpine Zone, must have seen the post and emailed me about buying all of Alpine Zone.  He wanted $130,000 for it.  The way things are valuated it was probably worth it (it throws off some real revenue) but I had no interest in owning it.

I asked him if he would just give me SkiAdk, but he said it was too much trouble to split it apart.

I thought about starting an HR forum and spoke to Jamesdeluxe and AdkJeff and a few others who were involved, and they were pretty blase about it. They didn't really want to help but basically said if I wanted to do it, whatever.

The blog was on Google Blogger back then.  I googled "free forum that works with blogger" and I found an article on this thing called Nabble that said you could put a forum on your blog for free in about 10 minutes.  I liked the fact that I could post bigger pictures than those in the narrow blog format.

That's pretty much how it started, and why I'm here.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp