Why are you here?

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Why are you here?

MC2 5678F589
Noah John wrote
In the case of social media sites like this one, it's all about providing an outlet for the pathologically extroverted who don't feel that they've actually "done" something until they've splashed it across the internet for the consumption of a bunch of people they don't know and will in most cases never meet.   I know you've gone all in with all this nonsense Harvey and now have a vested interest, probably more emotional than economic, in it, but my experience is that truly thoughtful people (that are actually worth knowing) only use these sites to point out how hopelessly stupid they are.  
I'm not in the interest of pointing out how stupid people are (it's fun to do sometimes), but I also think that there is more to ski forums than "rah rah, look at me, I'm awesome" bullshit. I also don't consider myself pathologically extroverted (in fact, I suck at parties because I hate small talk, I'm awkward in front of new people, and I'm not really interested in mundane details of someone's life). I prefer to ski in small groups, 4 at most, and try to escape when a group gets too big. I try not to take a ton of pictures, especially when the skiing is good (that's why my Grand Targhee/Jackson Hole report was so lame). And I'm increasingly less fond of dick swinging posts about how good I am (but I used to love those posts).

Really, I like coming on these forums to see people doing cool shit. It gives me ideas for my own trips, keeps me current on conditions, and keeps the fire alive for adventure. It doesn't need to be anything crazy either. The Hinterlandian thread is great, even though I have no desire to drive to Bumfuck, Ontario and thwack around on 200 vertical foot bumps. A lot of times, I'll get lazy or sick of skiing (if it's early season and no trees are open, if it's late season and there's a chance of rain in the forecast), and seeing someone else out there getting after it inspires me to go out and have a good time anyway.

I guess mostly, I use forums because they contain what I don't get from most people I know in the real world: sweet trips they've been on (that actually interest me), cool pictures and videos to see (photo contests at TGR are awesome, even though I don't have the photography skills to get involved), plans for future ski trips, new gear, etc. I guess it is vain to post pics and videos like I do, but I try not to be a total dick about it. If people want to look, cool. If not, that's cool too.

Why does everyone else use these forums? Information? Conditions? "Stoke"? The nonstop friendliness of posters like NJ?
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Re: Why are you here?

Sick Bird Rider
mattchuck2 wrote
...The Hinterlandian thread is great, even though I have no desire to drive to Bumfuck, Ontario and thwack around on 200 vertical foot bumps....

Why does everyone else use these forums? Information? Conditions? "Stoke"? The nonstop friendliness of posters like NJ?
Hey, dude, get it right. We live in Pumpkin Flats, Ontario, not Bumfuck.

Except for the geographic error, your post pretty much sums it for me. I signed up for NYSB because I sensed a camaraderie among like-minded individuals, stoked about whatever random adventure their buddies were sharing. In the beginning, HR was like a group of friends sitting around a campfire, swapping stories and drinking a few beers. It's a little different now but the core remains.
Love Jay Peak? Hate Jay Peak? You might enjoy this: The Real Jay Peak Snow Report
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Re: Why are you here?

I'm here because I wanted to learn more about NY mountains from people who know them best. I learned about Platty by reading this site, and I try to return the same favor on mountains/topics I know best. I learned more by looking and listening before opening my mouth...if only more people took a similar approach, rather than by making it more about personal attacks and insults ...maybe that's why I don't read this site as much as I used to.
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Re: Why are you here?

Noah John
njadk wrote
I'm here because I wanted to learn more about NY mountains from people who know them best.
You think the people who know NY mountains the best are posting TRs of skiing groomers and blabbing about chairlifts in this place?  That's awesome.
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Re: Why are you here?

In reply to this post by MC2 5678F589
I'm here for the Lynyrd Skynyrd lyrics.
"This is pure snow! Do you have any idea what the street value of this mountain is?"
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Re: Why are you here?

Noah John
In reply to this post by Sick Bird Rider
Sick Bird Rider wrote
 In the beginning, HR was like a group of friends sitting around a campfire, swapping stories and drinking a few beers.
Please.  I've done a lot of that.  This is nothing like that.
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Re: Why are you here?

Noah John wrote
Sick Bird Rider wrote
 In the beginning, HR was like a group of friends sitting around a campfire, swapping stories and drinking a few beers.
Please.  I've done a lot of that.  This is nothing like that.
Truth right there!!
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Re: Why are you here?

This place helps me pass time (and gas) at work. Sitting in front of a computer for 12 hrs a day isn't all that great. If I'm not at work you wont find me here.

The Greek Peak chatter is fun.

The AzzClowns crack me up.

Entertainment value is thru the roof.

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Re: Why are you here?

My suspicions were right, PA & Mikey were really NJ just F'in with us.
Don't ski the trees, ski the spaces between the trees.
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Re: Why are you here?

In reply to this post by MC2 5678F589
mattchuck2 wrote

Why does everyone else use these forums? Information? Conditions? "Stoke"? The nonstop friendliness of posters like NJ?
After lurking for a while, I signed up to get some info about Gore and Whiteface.  I stick with it to get scuttlebutt/info about Gore now that we'll be there a lot more this season.

Seems lately there's been a lot of posting by folks who seem to have a hard-on for showing how smart they think they are or telling people to fuck off.  (Not laying blame, just describing what I've seen.)  I get enough of that in my day job . . .  hopefully once the snow starts falling things will calm down.

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Re: Why are you here?

Noah John
In reply to this post by MC2 5678F589
mattchuck2 wrote
It gives me ideas for my own trips, keeps me current on conditions, and keeps the fire alive for adventure.
Yeah, how'd we ever muddle through before the intertubz?  

mattchuck2 wrote
The Hinterlandian thread is great,
  Now you're just screwing with me.  One (or maybe both) of those guys pretty routinely posts pictures of his bike leaning up against a tree.  It's bizarre.

And I'm friendly enough, Matt.  If you had a beer at the steel deck bridge during the poker ride in LP a couple weekends ago it's because I brought 'em out there for everyone.  You're welcome.

Anyway, the real reason for my rant on the other thread was because Harvey was so down on Snyderman when it was really TMZ that screwed over the sandwich shop owner.   I guess in his mind TMZ gets a bye 'cus they're part of the new, gee-wiz, shoot-from-the-hip/ask-questions-later internet culture that he's bought into so completely.  
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Re: Why are you here?

MC2 5678F589
Noah John wrote
If you had a beer at the steel deck bridge during the poker ride in LP a couple weekends ago it's because I brought 'em out there for everyone.  You're welcome.
Fuck yeah! We did enjoy tasty cold beers down there. Thanks, man!

See, this is what I mean. I'm not good at group interaction at all. I should be better at introductions, getting to know people, thanking people for awesome gestures like that, but I'm not (which isn't great for a ski instructor). I'm really awkward in big groups like that Poker ride. I'm really not pathologically extroverted at all.

That's what I'm saying about this forum. Yes, I could talk to someone to get information and conditions, but I feel like I'm bothering people, if I can even find people who know anything about skiing the stuff I want to ski in the first place. Like, if I want to ski the North side of Giant Mountain, who would I even talk to? And I don't want to seem like a helpless idiot, even though I am. I don't want to ask dumb questions when I'm sure people would rather talk to anyone other than me.

I think a lot of it stems from not living in the right place and not knowing (or being comfortable with) the right people. That's why this forum is important. And if it's like that for me, it sure as shit is like that for people living further downstate who don't ski 75 days a year and ski one mountain consistently for 13 years.

Don't really care about that TMZ shit. Yeah, they suck, but apparently there's a huge demand for people to be complete assholes on TV, and TMZ & Fox are willing to do that.
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Re: Why are you here?

Noah John
What does Fox have to do with this?  I get it, you hate Fox, but it wasn't involved in this, was it?  And by the way, TMZ is internet schlock.  It's not on TV.  At least Fox has an actual news bureau and employs, you know, actual journalists.  I don't watch Fox News and I'm certainly not here to defend it but I'm pretty sure it's got just a little bit more journalistic credibility than TMZ.
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Re: Why are you here?

Sick Bird Rider
In reply to this post by Noah John
Noah John wrote
Sick Bird Rider wrote
 In the beginning, HR was like a group of friends sitting around a campfire, swapping stories and drinking a few beers.
Please.  I've done a lot of that.  This is nothing like that.
You forgot to quote the important part:

Sick Bird Rider wrote
 It's a little different now...

In fact, it is a lot different. More like the block party after after the people who live in the house with aluminum foil on the windows show up.
Love Jay Peak? Hate Jay Peak? You might enjoy this: The Real Jay Peak Snow Report
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Re: Why are you here?

In reply to this post by Noah John
I disagree FOX sucks the royal hodgie!  
I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Why are you here?

MC2 5678F589
In reply to this post by Noah John
Noah John wrote
What does Fox have to do with this?  I get it, you hate Fox, but it wasn't involved in this, was it?  And by the way, TMZ is internet schlock.  It's not on TV.  At least Fox has an actual news bureau and employs, you know, actual journalists.  I don't watch Fox News and I'm certainly not here to defend it but I'm pretty sure it's got just a little bit more journalistic credibility than TMZ.
TMZ is most definitely on TV
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Re: Why are you here?

Noah John
In reply to this post by Sick Bird Rider
Whatever.  It's NEVER been like that.  I stand around fires and drink beer with interesting people that I like; you're a boring person that I don't.  
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Re: Why are you here?

Tmz is def on TV and way better than fox
I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Why are you here?

Noah John
In reply to this post by MC2 5678F589
Didn't know that.
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Re: Why are you here?

In reply to this post by ScottyJack
What's pathologically extroverted

MC2 all you have to do w our crew is ride for fun, drink beer and laugh - at us or w/ us...  
I ride with Crazy Horse!