It's been too long since I've posted in this thread. Man a lot of good has happened since Oct 24, 2014! To every one that supports us here - Thank You!
Your efforts made a huge difference, especially with regards to public policy. Without people promoting our work, attending events and spreading the good word we never would be knock, knock, knocking on heaven's door...
Since 2014 BETA has merged with the former Adirondack Ski Touring Council. Our membership now is over nearly 500 people. We have a paid part time Executive Director who kicks ass.
We've finished a flow trail on Pisgah - the Cure. It's great. Over 1000 hours of volunteer effort.
We scored a NYS grant and secured a kick ass trail builder to construct another flow trail. It will be built next season and ridable by July/Aug at the latest. This trail will be located on Scott's Cobble over in the Craigwood trail zone. Gonna be sweet!
Most recently we lobbied hard and got the DEC to amend the Wilmington Wild Forest UMP. Pretty major accomplishment given all the other stuff DEC is working on up here. Upwards of 7 miles of trails will be built in the Hardy, Flume, Marble and Cooperkiln zones. We start on September 24.
So to celebrate a lot of hard work and even a lot more fun please come up and join us the weekend of September 24-25. BETA will be working on two trails at Hardy on Saturday the 24th. After the work day, our great friends and supporters at the
Cadance Lodge in Wilmington will be throwing us a party at their recently completed pavilion we're calling "the hub."
Plan to stay the night and ride with us on Sunday 9/25. We'll be hitting up our friends and supporters
UP a Creek for breakfast before riding "Adirondack Agony" the Cooperkiln up-N-over prior to enjoying the last Town PMD shuttle of the season.
Again, thank you for helping us bring mtn biking to the Saranac Lake, North Elba, Wilmington region. We look forward to riding and having some beers with everyone. (Even the Trump guys

PS: November issue of Bike Magazine (on news stands in October) is doing a full feaute on BETA. Check it out, share it with like minded peeps. Next year is a big one for us. Build it and they will have fun!!
I ride with Crazy Horse!