CU is another very good quality school. Happy for your son Z
Like i said before 7 of us are UB grads BUT in addition we have beaucoup Clarkson types in the fam too. My bro ', SIL and two others in his family went there .All have done exceedingly well, going on for advanced degrees and interesting professions .
When i was " in the H.E. business" many of our ABET accredited Eng Techs , Elect techs , Mech Techs , Civil Techs etc tranferred to CU after completing our AAS programs , so am quite familiar with CU
Many fine faculty there who are not only researchers BUT also very fine teachers . That is not always the case elsewhere where Grad assts. carry that load .
Nice environment , so Z your boy cant go wrong there AND its relatively closeby for you guys
Life ain't a dress rehearsal: Spread enthusiasm , avoid negative nuts.