Greek Peak Conditions (2014-2015)

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Re: Greek Peak Conditions

Hey Campi, what happened to the fun posts?  You think it was the squirrels annoying harv so he just dumped the whole category?  So How is the weather down at GP.  Conditions alright?
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Re: Greek Peak Conditions

What up TJ!?

Yea, not sure what happened with that. Shit happens here on the intrawebz that makes me a little confused

We had fast grass this morning  but looking like we'll need sunblock here for the next couple of days tho. Hoping it turns cold soon. We'll be killin and hangin deer in a couple weeks, then it will be time to hit the hill

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Re: Greek Peak Conditions

In reply to this post by Rj1972
Rj1972 wrote
 Haven't made it to Hollenbecks yet this year, so those warm donuts may make the drive worthwhile.
This and the McIntosh apples FTW
We brought my son back cider and he says "this isn't just cider, its gawd's cider!"
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Re: Greek Peak Conditions

That's cute, Gorg.
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Re: Greek Peak Conditions

I have question..My daughter goes to Cornell. Through their ski club a Greek Peak pass is 290.00..
I went on Toggenburg's site, their college student price is 225 and is good at Greek...Why would or should she buy a Greek pass?..
Thanks JT
"Peace and Love"
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Re: Greek Peak Conditions

JasonWx wrote
I have question..My daughter goes to Cornell. Through their ski club a Greek Peak pass is 290.00..
I went on Toggenburg's site, their college student price is 225 and is good at Greek...Why would or should she buy a Greek pass?..
Thanks JT
The only possible reason I can think of is she wont have to stand in line to get a ticket if she has a GP pass. That said, I don't even know if that's true, rumor has it that Togg pass holders will have to go to the ticket window to get a lift ticket good for that day. Other than that there is zero reason she shouldn't save the $$$$. That 65 bucks will buy alot of PBR
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Re: Greek Peak Conditions

In reply to this post by JasonWx
Personally, I would call GP and ask the question. I see no harm in doing that. GP makes no mention of the Togg reciprocity on their website in hopes that individuals will unknowingly still pony up the additional $$$ for a GP pass over a Togg. pass.

Also, keep in mind that GP adds a 4% resort fee to season pass purchases, whereas Togg does not. We're not talking major bucks, but it is what it is.
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Re: Greek Peak Conditions

This post was updated on .
I stopped by GP on my way to Killington (not that it's really on the way) to make sure my home was still standing, and noticed that they had the fan guns in position on the Iliad and Alpha slope. The parking lot at HLL was relatively full, which is always a good thing. They are still working on the new deck on Marc's new home, and work on John's home is slowly moving along. Other than that, it was pretty quiet.

Update on 11/23: Snowmaking has begun at GP per an email I just received.
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