Greek Peak---SOLD

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Re: Greek Peak---SOLD

Big D
Great News! From Greek's Peak facebook page on Fri. 11/22/13:

"Snow guns will be fired up Saturday Night!

We are keeping an eye on the weather, this is tentative so we need you to all thinking snow............

We are looking to Open Nov 29th 9:30am-4pm for the weekend. Chairs 1+3, - trails are dependent on weather. (((Quad is still a work progress / date tbd)))))

Mountain crew ... We cheer you on !!!!!!!!!!

Stay tuned for more details ..."
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Re: Greek Peak---SOLD

That certainly is good news.  I knew their goal was to begin snowmaking prior to the end of November, but assumed it was simply wishful thinking, given all of the construction projects in process.  
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Re: Greek Peak---SOLD

  How did I know the new lift wouldn't be spinning on opening day? I thought they started the installation pretty late, why? The more things change, the more they stay the same. Oh well, I'm grateful they didn't go belly up. On the bright side, the tuning shop looks impressively modern.
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Re: Greek Peak---SOLD

The original plan was to have the new lift running by December 14th.  I haven't a clue if that is still the target date.  
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Re: Greek Peak---SOLD

In reply to this post by Cornhead
Cornhead wrote
How did I know the new lift wouldn't be spinning on opening day? I thought they started the installation pretty late, why? The more things change, the more they stay the same. Oh well, I'm grateful they didn't go belly up. On the bright side, the tuning shop looks impressively modern.
Seriously????? You don't just put a lift up in a few weeks. I'm just as happy 1A has blown up and will neve ever show it's nasty ass face at GP......think snow
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Re: Greek Peak---SOLD

Big D
I think that the current hold-up in completing the installation of the new High-Speed Express Quad, is probably that they recently poured a bunch of concrete for the base terminal. It takes time for concrete to properly cure - especially in colder temps. Better to wait for it to cure than rush the installation and have the concrete cracking in only one year or so.
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Re: Greek Peak---SOLD

In reply to this post by campgottagopee
campgottagopee wrote
Cornhead wrote
How did I know the new lift wouldn't be spinning on opening day? I thought they started the installation pretty late, why? The more things change, the more they stay the same. Oh well, I'm grateful they didn't go belly up. On the bright side, the tuning shop looks impressively modern.
Seriously????? You don't just put a lift up in a few weeks. I'm just as happy 1A has blown up and will neve ever show it's nasty ass face at GP......think snow
Hey, I'm as happy as anyone they're putting in a new lift, I was beginning to wonder if I would ever see the day. I just wonder why they waited so long to begin the installation. It seems like it would have been better business wise to have everything ready to go. I do realize this is an earlier than usual start for them. Glad I'm not working on it...brrrr. Anyone else going to be there Friday?
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Re: Greek Peak---SOLD

Cornhead wrote
 Anyone else going to be there Friday?
Not until after muzzy season ---- enjoy
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Re: Greek Peak---SOLD

Big D
Hey Cornhead! Not quite sure if I am going up Fri. or not. I am going to look over the Black Friday flyers in Thursdays newspaper and see if there is anything I need. Sometimes Home Depot has some bargains - one year I got an 18V Ryobi cordless drill set, at a great price (Home Depot opens Fri. at 5 am). Did you pickup your seasons pass yet?
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Re: Greek Peak---SOLD

The website states that they are now aiming for the lift to be completed by 12/21.  That's only a week after their original targeted date, so not too bad.  Do we know if they are still waiting for parts from Austria to arrive?

Hey, Corn, I hate to sound ignorant, but what is muzzy season?  I surmise it's some form of hunting?

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Re: Greek Peak---SOLD

In reply to this post by Big D
Big D wrote
"High-Speed Express Quad"
I'm usually the one pounced upon for taking jabs at the new owners terminology, so bravo to you Big D. I love it!
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Re: Greek Peak---SOLD

In reply to this post by Rj1972
Rj1972 wrote
The website states that they are now aiming for the lift to be completed by 12/21.  That's only a week after their original targeted date, so not too bad.  Do we know if they are still waiting for parts from Austria to arrive?

Hey, Corn, I hate to sound ignorant, but what is muzzy season?  I surmise it's some form of hunting?

Muzzleloader/ black powder rifle ------ only get one shot at the great whitetail deer
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Re: Greek Peak---SOLD

It's on like donkey kong, JACK ------- stolen from FB

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Re: Greek Peak---SOLD

In reply to this post by Rj1972
Sorry to disappoint but I didn't think he was taking a "jab" ...

But if it makes you feel better
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Re: Greek Peak---SOLD

Camp, thanks for the education.  I thought that "muzzy" was some sort of critter.  Oh well, at least I had the hunting notion correct.
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Re: Greek Peak---SOLD

In reply to this post by campgottagopee
campgottagopee wrote
It's on like donkey kong, JACK ------- stolen from FB
Wow pretty slick production, says a lot right there...
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Re: Greek Peak---SOLD

gorgonzola wrote
campgottagopee wrote
It's on like donkey kong, JACK ------- stolen from FB
Wow pretty slick production, says a lot right there...
I agree, G

Travis, the new marketing director, is young, energetic, and gets "it" ----- get people excited about snow and skiing

Last year we'd get snow and there wouldn't be any mention of it anywhere, which totally amazed me.

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Re: Greek Peak---SOLD

In reply to this post by Rj1972
Rj1972 wrote
Camp, thanks for the education.  I thought that "muzzy" was some sort of critter.  Oh well, at least I had the hunting notion correct.
You're very welcome

coolest thing about muzzy hunting is after you shoot you have to let the smoke clear be4 you can tell if you hit your target
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Re: Greek Peak---SOLD

Don't you have to let the smoke clear before you shoot as well?
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Re: Greek Peak---SOLD

Big D
This post was updated on .
Cornhead and I made it up for opening day at Greek. Got there early at 8:30 picked up our seasons passes and had coffee's. One of the food service managers took us upstairs and gave us a quick tour of The Trax bar/restaurant. Still under construction... Rick the operations manager was up there and said the new Quad lift is scheduled for a load test on Dec. 12th and if it passes and the lift is certified it will be in operation soon. Skiing was quite good, coverage was decent on Illiad but there was a bunch of death cookies on skiers right. New Pump/Compressor building is huge. Have a feeling not all units are on-line quite yet. New groomer was parked by the new lift and looks awesome. Things looking good and will get better.
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