Greek Peak---SOLD

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Re: Greek Peak---SOLD

snowshoe bunny
stopped by for pie at hollenbecks sunday. they were waiting by the roadside for parking spaces to open up. that place was hopping! Great pie FYI!
heard at pumpkinfest that cortland beer is now making root beer too. have to get over there to try that.
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Re: Greek Peak---SOLD

snowshoe bunny
anybody know anything about gayle and possibly al filing chapter 7? saw their house listed on bankruptcy site.
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Re: Greek Peak---SOLD

from fb

"The Volunteer Ski Patrol is leading the efforts to blaze the trail for a NEW Glade. They are looking for volunteers Oct 12+13th.

 Meet 9am at Ski Patrol building both days."

between herc and Trojan, g spot is safe for now
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Re: Greek Peak---SOLD

gorgonzola wrote
from fb

"The Volunteer Ski Patrol is leading the efforts to blaze the trail for a NEW Glade. They are looking for volunteers Oct 12+13th.

 Meet 9am at Ski Patrol building both days."

between herc and Trojan, g spot is safe for now

Know what's funny about that?? I was in contact w/ GP last year about the a18 Gang going in and cleaning the brush out of Ronnies. They told me thanks, but no thanks, they couldn't use volunteers........hmmmmmmmm, every other ski area in the United States does!?!?! Glad to see the new management is involving their skiers/riders.

Those woods are already GREAT tree skiing---hopefully they don't ruin it!!! Heck, Herc should've been all glades, imo, that was where the trees were at on the hill.

G spot---shhhhhhhhh
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Re: Greek Peak---SOLD

In reply to this post by snowshoe bunny
snowshoe bunny wrote
anybody know anything about gayle and possibly al filing chapter 7? saw their house listed on bankruptcy site.
OMG!  I hope this is not true, but if you saw the house listed, Al likely had it it leveraged to the max.  This makes me sick.
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Re: Greek Peak---SOLD

snowshoe bunny
house is in her name. she took out mortgage early 2012 for $175k to pay off 2 previous mortgages. looks like papers were filed in july. so maybe it is just her?
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Re: Greek Peak---SOLD

Just out of curiosity---- why is the financial business of any individual any of anyone's business?  Not to mention the fact that you are on a public blog discussing it....???  
How about you submit your financial records for the past 3 years for the entire world to view.  Please- have a little respect.  these are people, not fictional characters.  They have families and function in the community and deserve to be treated with the respect and consideration that you would appreciate being treated with.
I thought this was about skiing/riding....?
many leaves, one tree.
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Re: Greek Peak---SOLD

Backountrygirl wrote
Just out of curiosity---- why is the financial business of any individual any of anyone's business?  Not to mention the fact that you are on a public blog discussing it....???  
How about you submit your financial records for the past 3 years for the entire world to view.  Please- have a little respect.  these are people, not fictional characters.  They have families and function in the community and deserve to be treated with the respect and consideration that you would appreciate being treated with.
I thought this was about skiing/riding....?

AMEN sister

for whatever reason snowshoe likes to be negative all the time-----i just don't get it

nothing but good times this year at the Peak!!!
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Re: Greek Peak---SOLD

Big D
campgottagopee wrote
Backountrygirl wrote
Just out of curiosity---- why is the financial business of any individual any of anyone's business?  Not to mention the fact that you are on a public blog discussing it....???  
How about you submit your financial records for the past 3 years for the entire world to view.  Please- have a little respect.  these are people, not fictional characters.  They have families and function in the community and deserve to be treated with the respect and consideration that you would appreciate being treated with.
I thought this was about skiing/riding....?

AMEN sister

for whatever reason snowshoe likes to be negative all the time-----i just don't get it

nothing but good times this year at the Peak!!!
My concern is about the negative posters on Greek's facebook page come winter. People from outside the area may go to the facebook page, read all the negative posts and decide to stay away and go some where else. No reason to chase away potential customers.
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Re: Greek Peak---SOLD

I am not on FB any more for that reason precisely.  Life is hard.  Stuff happens.  You have to get through and past it.  period.  FB has turned into a platform for turning mole hills into mountains....
Here is my answer:  Why not drown out the nay sayers.  Create an environment with so much good and so many positives that the rest just does not matter.  I decided years ago that that was the environment I want for my child and, honestly, just don't feel the need to accept any less for myself anymore.  It's only going to be what 'you' make it.... right?

Start pointing out all of the positives you see there.... it will work:)  Human beings want to be happy, not sad.  They will gravitate to good.  Optomisitc....  maybe:)  But it's better than grumpy all of the time:)
many leaves, one tree.
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Re: Greek Peak---SOLD

snowshoe bunny
On the contrary not trying to be negative. The filings are public record as were the filings for bankruptcy for GP which were quoted extensively on this forum not by me.
How is financial condition not a concern of all skiers who use GP? After all, they stuck the taxpayers with $43 M bill.
I am more than happy to be a fan of GP and would love to see great things for them and the new owners.  I REALLY WANT THEM TO BE A HUGE SUCCESS! Good for them, good for Virgil, good for the community.
Gayle and Big Al, not so much.
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Re: Greek Peak---SOLD

In reply to this post by campgottagopee
campgottagopee wrote
Those woods are already GREAT tree skiing---hopefully they don't ruin it!!! Heck, Herc should've been all glades, imo, that was where the trees were at on the hill.
I had ducked in there a few years back but got effed up on the exit if I recall and never ventured back in
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Re: Greek Peak---SOLD

snowshoe bunny
In reply to this post by snowshoe bunny
my apologies to all. i will remove myself.
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Re: Greek Peak---SOLD

In reply to this post by gorgonzola
gorgonzola wrote
campgottagopee wrote
Those woods are already GREAT tree skiing---hopefully they don't ruin it!!! Heck, Herc should've been all glades, imo, that was where the trees were at on the hill.
I had ducked in there a few years back but got effed up on the exit if I recall and never ventured back in
Yeah, it will be interesting to see where they have us come out. Currently we bank hard skiers left and come out on Trojan. If they do a little grading I think we can make it all the way to the road at the bottom of Herc then shoot right down to 4. That would be ideal.
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Re: Greek Peak---SOLD

There is certainly quite a bit of passion for GP.  Be it negative or positive, people care enough to expend energy in the various forums.
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Re: Greek Peak---SOLD

There was quite a bit of activity on the mountain this weekend.  The place is definitely a construction zone, to say the least.  

1.  The new tuning center/rental shop is taking shape.  Walls are up, and the floors are being worked on.  
2.  Snowmaking pipes were installed on the upper portion of the Iliad to the skiers left.  Interestingly, the pipes came from Austria, and look like a do-it-yourself kit, with gaskets already installed.
3.  The new dam and snowmaking pond at the base are moving along.  The old pump house is gone, and a foundation for the replacement has been poured.  The dam project is definitely several notches above the old dam and pond.  Water is being diverted for the moment via a pump and piping.  The old compressors are sitting in the parking lot for now.
4.  All of the chairs for 1A have arrived (galvanized) and the towers should be in within the next two weeks.
5. The Katalima is still a mess, as is the Taverna.  Men were working on the floors.
6.  Trax is looking good, with some stone work completed, and more on the way.  There will be a fireplace, as well as large windows that overlook the mountain.  The brown bag lunch area is gone, as Trax is using that space, as well.  The steps in the rear of the Katalima have been removed.  The main entrance will be via the stairwell closest to the Welcome Center side of the Katalima.  The Trax kitchen has some of the stainless walls installed.
7.  The footbridge coming from the welcome center to lift 1A was removed on Sunday.  It is being replaced by a larger bridge.

With only about six weeks remaining until ski season, there is quite a bit of work to go.  I would imagine that contractors will be tripping over each other as we get down to the wire.  It's hard to tell what is being paid for by insurance, and what is part of any insurance claims.  My guess is that the new pump house and compressors are being paid for by insurance, as that's a million dollar project.  The flooring that is being installed in nearly every building is also likely being paid for by insurance.
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Re: Greek Peak---SOLD

That's one hell of a report RJ thanks!
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Greek Peak---SOLD

Thanks for the update rj, traxx is supposed to have a grand opening for thanksgiving but that sounds a little optimistic to me but not impossible... I guess with the name traxx they're giving up on the Hellenic theme
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Re: Greek Peak---SOLD

This post was updated on .
In reply to this post by Harvey
Harvey wrote
That's one hell of a report RJ thanks!

+1, thanks RJ

I'm glad they finally got rid of the brown bag area up there....families don't really need to be right next to the bar like they were...young ears don't need to hear all that goes on in there

New glade cut over the weekend too---from what I'm told they did a good job
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Re: Greek Peak---SOLD

where's the snow
So excited for this season to start! Cant wait to get into that new glade! So happy greek is gonna be THE PLACE TO BE AGAIN! Had a pass to elk last season that place gets boring fast no woods and very little bumps. So I grabbed a greek pass this year and Im so happy I did!
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