I Take It All Back

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Re: I Take It All Back

snoloco wrote
Sometimes I wish I could dump the place, but it is still the best thing that I can get to after school which is what allows me to get 80+ days a season.  I'd rather ski a poorly run mountain than no mountain at all.  If they'd improve these things it would be a truly awesome place.
It has been my experience, both personal and what I have seen in others, that as one ages they seem to enjoy quality over quantity more.  
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Re: I Take It All Back

I agree with Marcski 100%..
I'd rather have 10 quality days apposed to 80 days of dreck
"Peace and Love"
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Re: I Take It All Back

In reply to this post by Marcski
Marcski wrote
snoloco wrote
Sometimes I wish I could dump the place, but it is still the best thing that I can get to after school which is what allows me to get 80+ days a season.  I'd rather ski a poorly run mountain than no mountain at all.  If they'd improve these things it would be a truly awesome place.
It has been my experience, both personal and what I have seen in others, that as one ages they seem to enjoy quality over quantity more.
So true. I ski much less now but get out on the good days. If I went all of the time I would get so bored.
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Re: I Take It All Back

raisingarizona wrote
Marcski wrote
snoloco wrote
Sometimes I wish I could dump the place, but it is still the best thing that I can get to after school which is what allows me to get 80+ days a season.  I'd rather ski a poorly run mountain than no mountain at all.  If they'd improve these things it would be a truly awesome place.
It has been my experience, both personal and what I have seen in others, that as one ages they seem to enjoy quality over quantity more.
So true. I ski much less now but get out on the good days. If I went all of the time I would get so bored.
I guess it depends on your location.  When I lived in PA, I was 10 minutes from Montage.  I had a pass, rode mostly in PA during the week, and did get rather bored very quickly (in good conditions and bad).

The wildcard for me since I have relocated has been going uphill.  I don't think I'll ever get bored of earning turns.  In the ski area or in the back-country, the added physical and mental challenge of the ascent has made descending much more rewarding... even with the shittiest snow.  Currently, our snow is the worst I have seen it since moving out here... that said, the bag is packed, and I am heading our for a lap on what snow still remains.
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Re: I Take It All Back

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If I couldn't ski locally, I'd just end up getting into more arguments on this forum.
I've lived in New York my entire life.
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Re: I Take It All Back

snoloco wrote
I just don't know what I would do in the winter besides skiing, even at Mountain Creek (hill creek).  Even a crappy day there beats going bowling or going to a movie.
Sno.  You are a true fanatic.  This is something to be proud of.  I was the same way when I was your age.  My home mountain in high-school was Doe Mountain (now called Bear Creek?) in PA.  The vertical was 500 ft (+/-), the terrain was pretty weak, but it didn't matter to me... I just loved spending time at the ski area.

I'm 25 years older.  Things have worked out pretty well for me.  I live near a good mountains, and I am able to maximize my time on snow.  My perception of "Good" skiing is different now, but my love for the sport has not changed a bit.  You'll probably go through the same transformation... perhaps a couple times over the coming decades.  Your perception of "Good" skiing today, will be radically different in 10 or 20 years.  Start planning now... create a plan to put yourself in a good position to cultivate your passion for skiing.  Then create a backup plan... It never hurts to have a backup.
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Re: I Take It All Back

In reply to this post by snoloco
snoloco wrote
I am going to take back some of my trumping up of Mountain Creek that I did earlier.  I have actually been pretty frustrated with the place recently.  Here's some reasons why.

1.  The terrain park has been a real disappointment this year.  They didn't install any features until early January and still market it hard that they have one of the best parks in the east.  Even with little snow, they still could have put some simple box rails in which would make it more fun.  The park was shrunk last year to make way for the racing program on Bear Peak and is confined to South Peak.  This caused some crazy lift lines.  They refuse to put any park features on anything on Bear Peak.  Even what the race program never uses.  They took till just this week to set up most of their park trails.  There is too much expert features that no one can hit and not enough smaller stuff which crams people onto one narrow line.  They have room for 4 feature lines on Bakersfield and they have 1 and a half right now with a ton of features sitting in the base area.

2.  They don't know how to handle the crowds they get.  They have a new bus company that runs multiple buses each weekend which is great for business, but they cannot handle the load.  They repeatedly have long ticket lines and not all the windows staffed, long food lines that are disorganized with not all the registers staffed.  The lift operations are some of the worst I have seen at any ski area.  The lift mazes are always understaffed with no organization except for a few barriers that get knocked down.  People are pushing and shoving and ready to fight.  The two so called high speed quads on South and Bear Peak are run very slowly each and every day causing even bigger lines.  By slowly, I mean "may as well have installed a fixed grip instead" slowly.  They recently solved the problem of loading 4 to a chair, but they just made lines even worse by running the lifts so dreadfully slow.  These lifts aren't beginner lifts, so I don't know what the deal is.  They sure have no problem running the lifts full speed when flipping chair so they can go home sooner, but seem deathly opposed to doing so when the paying customers are riding them.  The lift was installed for the benefit of the paying customers, not the paid maintenance staff, so they should be run at whatever speed moves the most people up the mountain fastest.  Sometimes that speed is slower than full design speed because the extra stops and slows at full design speed would reduce capacity more than slowing the lift slightly.

3.  They give no information whatsoever on operational changes.  They once closed all of Bear Peak for racing which sucked and said it would open back up when they got done.  There was a sign stating this at the ticket counter.  As soon as the racers got done, they flipped the chair seats and closed the lift.  I told the guy at guest services that the sign on the desk was incorrect since they closed the lift.  He was shocked and told me they never informed him of this decision and immediately took down the sign saying it would open again.  This was before the connection lift was open so I was stuck on one trail on South Peak the entire time cause they didn't bother to run a shuttle bus so I could get to the other side.  The policy is no shuttle buses on Monday and Tuesday, but can't they make an exception for when the connection is closed?  Another time I was trying to get from North to South via the connection.  It closes at 8:30.  I skied to the trail to Granite peak at 8:20 and they already closed it.  No shuttle bus since it was a Tuesday and when I told guest services and a lift operator what happened, they had no clue that it did.  Information rarely if ever gets around.

Sometimes I wish I could dump the place, but it is still the best thing that I can get to after school which is what allows me to get 80+ days a season.  I'd rather ski a poorly run mountain than no mountain at all.  If they'd improve these things it would be a truly awesome place.
Good to see the new/old owners found their original operations manuals.
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Re: I Take It All Back

In reply to this post by YUKON CORNELIUS
Maybe you should save your Term Papers for English Class.

PS- MC is in NJ.
I laughed --- good one
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Re: I Take It All Back

What's wrong with this picture?

Snoloco is skiing an ungroomed bump run.  Sometimes you gotta go out of your comfort zone and I did this time with a great reward.  Got to ski soft pow bumps vs the icy trail next to it.  I was cold all day and this warmed me up.  Also had some fun in Hunter's small glade today.  
I've lived in New York my entire life.
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Re: I Take It All Back

that looks like 44
great run nice coverage too
"Peace and Love"
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Re: I Take It All Back

Glades AND bumps......not only has he seen the light, he is a full on convert!   The ski world is just opening up, my young friend!!!!
We REALLY need a proper roll eyes emoji!!
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Re: I Take It All Back

In reply to this post by snoloco
This take it all back thread is epic.

Sno please keep all your take backs in this one thread for convenience!
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: I Take It All Back

It is nice to actually be a part of Sno's aha! moments.  When I was his age I was digging my lost skis out from under 3 feet of powder on Liftline at Castlerock.  Sno is well on his way to embracing that, and it a wonderful thing!!!
We REALLY need a proper roll eyes emoji!!
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Re: I Take It All Back

Tell you what sno, if you ever decide to come to Magic, PM me ahead of time and I will be more than happy to take you on a tour. Snow in VT is all time right now and there are some lines on the *cut* trails that are crazy. Don't even need to go in the woods to get the goods.
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Re: I Take It All Back

Don't get too excited, I'm not on full convert, just saying that I enjoyed skiing some things that normally I would avoid.  It's really just me broadening my horizons.  I ski groomers, terrain parks, steeps, bumps, and glades now.  More terrain for me to enjoy.  
I've lived in New York my entire life.
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Re: I Take It All Back

Where are the pics of the long runs down Lord and Hayride that I was expecting? And intricate descriptions of the Gondola loading, and whether the new HSQ was being run at ludicrous speed or not?
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Re: I Take It All Back

I wasn't at Stowe this weekend.

Will definitely go this season though.  
I've lived in New York my entire life.
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Re: I Take It All Back

In reply to this post by ml242
ml242 wrote
And intricate descriptions of the Gondola loading, and whether the new HSQ was being run at ludicrous speed or not?
Had they not made it bottom drive it would have been able to go plaid.  Too bad.  Cheap bastards.  
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Re: I Take It All Back

Footer wrote
ml242 wrote
And intricate descriptions of the Gondola loading, and whether the new HSQ was being run at ludicrous speed or not?
Had they not made it bottom drive it would have been able to go plaid.  Too bad.  Cheap bastards.

C'mon Footer, stop living in the past. We're in now now.
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Re: I Take It All Back

In reply to this post by Footer
New Fourrunner HSQ at Stowe is top drive, unlike the old.  It and the Lookout Double are the only top driven chairlifts at Stowe.  The rest are all bottom drive.  Looks like all lifts have cushy seats and 5 lifts are high speed accessing 90% of the mountain.  That's definitely "sno approved".
I've lived in New York my entire life.