Idea To Keep Whiteface Open Later in the Spring

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Re: Idea To Keep Whiteface Open Later in the Spring

Coach Z wrote
Highpeaksdrifter wrote
Shame on all you adult men who ganged up on this 15 year old kid. Who the hell are you to tell him what to do with his free time? Did he ask for any of your opinions? From what I've read from him it seems like he has a pretty awesome and supportive dad. I’m thinkin his father knows him better than anybody in here and can hand out life advice when necessary.
 His idea of exercise is standing in line for a roller coaster....really!
MikeK wrote
Thacheronix wrote
Sno... jump into one of these beer threads and ask some these guys how much they drink, and then quote some stats about how they're killing themselves with booze.
There are studies that show 2 beers a day is good for you.

You may not put a lot of faith in that but I put a lot of history behind it.  Beer has been around for more than 4000 years; is safer to drink than some water, has the calories of a couple slices of bread, and the alcohol, in moderation, is good for the heart.

It is speculated that many of the wonders of the ancient world would not exist without beer and wine.
I like where this thread is going. I had a great workout today, I got off the coach three times and walked to the frig to get a beer, health food and exercise - skiing the slides will never be easier, but maybe I'll just stay in the bar and get even healthier - that walk from the parking lot will be enough of a workout.
Don't ski the trees, ski the spaces between the trees.
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Re: Idea To Keep Whiteface Open Later in the Spring

In reply to this post by PeeTex
PeeTex wrote
Highpeaksdrifter wrote
MikeK wrote
Really.  Seemed pretty smoky to me.
It is actually in article 18.

1.      "Lift ticket" means any item issued by a ski area operator to any skier that is intended to be affixed to the outerwear of the skier, or otherwise displayed by a skier, to signify lawful entry upon and use of the passenger tramways or ski slopes or trails maintained by the ski area operator.

Essentially WF does not have to sell lift tickets, but everyone must have one. When someone gets a lift ticket they are automatically agreeing to code 54 and article 18. It protects WF.
Signify does not mean it is required, it's not like a drivers license and you can agree or disagree with article 18 but to be lawful you must abide by it. There is no agreement required.

I am glad you read it, but don't extend it beyond what is stated.
I didn’t read it. I had been told what the law was awhile ago, but could not find proof on line. I asked someone who I knew would know and what I posted is basically what he sent me.

I don’t think its extended at all, it seems pretty clear to me. I do think you are exercising a selective interpretation to fit your own narrative.
There's truth that lives
And truth that dies
I don't know which
So never mind - Leonard Cohen
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Re: Idea To Keep Whiteface Open Later in the Spring

In reply to this post by Skidds
Skidds wrote
And, to add to what Coach said, so as not to be Sno bashing.......we all need to be saved from ourselves at one time or another, for one thing or another.  We really are trying to help the kid!
Maybe so, and based on the kid's last post it doesn't bother him so why should I care? However, I gotta say,  IMO this thread has had more long winded, self-righteous, gas bagged posts then any other thread in the history of Harvey Road.
There's truth that lives
And truth that dies
I don't know which
So never mind - Leonard Cohen
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Re: Idea To Keep Whiteface Open Later in the Spring

Banned User
Hehehe. You tell 'em HPD!

Highpeaksdrifter wrote
 However, I gotta say,  IMO this thread has had more long winded, self-righteous, gas bagged posts then any other thread in the history of Harvey Road.

..... and that's no small feat.
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Re: Idea To Keep Whiteface Open Later in the Spring

HPD....just want to see that I read your post correctly, seeing as it was put out there quoting a post of mine.  Are you pointing me out as a self-righteous gas bag?
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Re: Idea To Keep Whiteface Open Later in the Spring

Skidds wrote
HPD....just want to see that I read your post correctly, seeing as it was put out there quoting a post of mine.  Are you pointing me out as a self-righteous gas bag?
No...I was referring to the helping the kid part. The however part I through in at the end as a general comment about the whole thread. I've got nothing against you. As far as gasbags go I have friends who are gas bags, so I have nothing against people who go on and on and on and on until you feel like piercing your ear drums with a screw driver either.
There's truth that lives
And truth that dies
I don't know which
So never mind - Leonard Cohen
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Re: Idea To Keep Whiteface Open Later in the Spring

Ok, thanks.  Notice I didn't ask about the long winded part.....I'd be guilty as charged on that one, sometimes!
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Re: Idea To Keep Whiteface Open Later in the Spring

Banned User
Wonder if Sno is getting tired of being referred to as " The Kid " ?

What do you say Kid ?

I suppose if a youngster bags their first booty, scores some mud for their turtle, bumps uglies, or procures some poontang they're no longer a kid.

It would seem at that point childhood has been snatched away.
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Re: Idea To Keep Whiteface Open Later in the Spring

Banned User
Did you ask this mysterious person how this pertained to state owned lands... or maybe even Federally owned?  (we don't have any ski resorts on Federal land in NY, but they do in New England.)

I found this little tidbit pertaining to Vail, which is nestled on National Forest lands:

But could Vail kick us off the mountain for going “the wrong way”? Probably. Vail spokeswoman Jen Brown said hiking up Vail Mountain is technically legal since the resort is on National Forest land, but definitely not encouraged because of safety concerns. Colorado Ski Country USA spokesman Nick Bohnenkamp said ski resorts “provide access to National Forest land, but access with restrictions.”
NYS often does things a bit differently but my gut is telling me seen as how WF released a specific policy, and no other existed before hand, that the precedent was that it was legal, be it ski season or off-season.

And unless the mystery friend works for the DEC or is maybe an administrative employee at one of the NYS ski resorts, I'd question their knowledge.

As far as being a gas bag, I think that terms doesn't really apply here - the beauty of the a forum is much like an old man with a hearing aid, you can simply choose to turn it off when you don't like it.
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Re: Idea To Keep Whiteface Open Later in the Spring

Mike, you may not have been here long enough to know the players and characters involved, but trust that HPD's info comes from a knowledgeable source, one whose opinions is very likely indicative of how mountain management views the issue, correctly or not.  Drifter is one of the more WF knowledgeable, well placed, and potentially helpful posters on the forum, and needling him about blowing smoke and mystery sources isn't likely your most fruitful line of discussion.
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Re: Idea To Keep Whiteface Open Later in the Spring

Banned User
Skidds wrote
Mike, you may not have been here long enough to know the players and characters involved, but trust that HPD's info comes from a knowledgeable source, one whose opinions is very likely indicative of how mountain management views the issue, correctly or not.  Drifter is one of the more WF knowledgeable, well placed, and potentially helpful posters on the forum, and needling him about blowing smoke and mystery sources isn't likely your most fruitful line of discussion.
I'm not needling him.  His information, despite what history has shown has no credibility in my book.

He did not mention the WF uphill policy - strike one.  He never mentioned checking a UMP (unit management plan) strike two.  His source of information was not cited - strike three... he's out!  I smell smoke and detect a little chest puffing.

I'm a Saganist:  Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

So far I've seen nothing from but some bold in a statement I read before his post and was referred to by PeeTex.

And despite whatever pecking order is established on internet forums, I've been around and frequented other forums long enough to know how the social darwinism works... it isn't always who has the best information, it's who refuses to admit they are wrong and keep pounding in the same arguments with no proof.

And despite what you may see - it seems I was the one to get the needle first.
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Re: Idea To Keep Whiteface Open Later in the Spring

MikeK wrote

And despite what you may see - it seems I was the one to get the needle first.
I'd get used to it

Where the HELL is Noah when you need him!!!!
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Re: Idea To Keep Whiteface Open Later in the Spring

In reply to this post by MikeK
MikeK wrote
Skidds wrote
Mike, you may not have been here long enough to know the players and characters involved, but trust that HPD's info comes from a knowledgeable source, one whose opinions is very likely indicative of how mountain management views the issue, correctly or not.  Drifter is one of the more WF knowledgeable, well placed, and potentially helpful posters on the forum, and needling him about blowing smoke and mystery sources isn't likely your most fruitful line of discussion.
I'm not needling him.  His information, despite what history has shown has no credibility in my book.

He did not mention the WF uphill policy - strike one.  He never mentioned checking a UMP (unit management plan) strike two.  His source of information was not cited - strike three... he's out!  I smell smoke and detect a little chest puffing.

I'm a Saganist:  Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

So far I've seen nothing from but some bold in a statement I read before his post and was referred to by PeeTex.

And despite whatever pecking order is established on internet forums, I've been around and frequented other forums long enough to know how the social darwinism works... it isn't always who has the best information, it's who refuses to admit they are wrong and keep pounding in the same arguments with no proof.

And despite what you may see - it seems I was the one to get the needle first.
I can't believe I'm still here, but anyways... Everybody I know who skins in the morning love the fact that a set of rules was clearly defined so there would be no more misunderstanding between ski patrol and people skinning. Its all before the lifts start or after they stop so it really is not the same as what you were talking about IMO.

Naming names in a public forum is not cool in my book and I won't do it. To me it is a betrayal of trust.

I did needle you first, but it was because I thought you were bullying "The Kid". You said you were sorry if what you wrote was taken wrong, plus Sno didn't really seem to care so I was off base.

All that said, please everyone don't mention me in this thread again. Think whatever you want its your business...I just want out. On the social Darwinism evolutionary  path I just want to turn around and go back in the ocean.
There's truth that lives
And truth that dies
I don't know which
So never mind - Leonard Cohen
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Re: Idea To Keep Whiteface Open Later in the Spring

In reply to this post by MikeK
WOWZER.  You do understand that the only perception people have of you is the one you put down in words.  I need some of funky's images.

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Re: Idea To Keep Whiteface Open Later in the Spring

Another interesting factoid regarding discussions about Whiteface is that they all end up like this:

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Re: Idea To Keep Whiteface Open Later in the Spring

Banned User
Despite what anyone may think, nukes and all, I'm not offended and I'm not at all upset with Mr. Drifter.  I still don't necessarily trust his judgement on the matter, but as far as WF is concerned the uphill policy is what it is, at least during ski season and I knew about that before I ever posed any questions - I made that abundantly clear before I posted the link.  

Outside of that, which is really what I'm interested in, we've still not had a ruling.  Like I said, I have no problem buying a ticket during regular season operation, it's the off season poaching that is of concern to the die hards.

Anyway - it's also abundantly clear that no one here really knows for sure, so despite the last few rambling posts, I've decided to take my question to someone who can answer with some certainty.  I'm debating whether I should post the response I get.  I will have no problem identifying the source.  If it's a matter of law and the source is certain of the rules, there should be no issue providing credentials.
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Re: Idea To Keep Whiteface Open Later in the Spring

MikeK wrote

Anyway - it's also abundantly clear that no one here really knows for sure
I just think nobody cares, or at least I know I don't.
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Re: Idea To Keep Whiteface Open Later in the Spring

Banned User
campgottagopee wrote
MikeK wrote
Anyway - it's also abundantly clear that no one here really knows for sure
I just think nobody cares, or at least I know I don't.
That's fine.  Again, no one is forcing you read or post anything.
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Re: Idea To Keep Whiteface Open Later in the Spring

In reply to this post by tjf1967
tjf1967 wrote
   I need some of funky's images.
LOL, ole Funky sure did have some good ones
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Re: Idea To Keep Whiteface Open Later in the Spring

In reply to this post by MikeK
MikeK wrote
campgottagopee wrote
MikeK wrote
Anyway - it's also abundantly clear that no one here really knows for sure
I just think nobody cares, or at least I know I don't.
That's fine.  Again, no one is forcing you read or post anything.
I get that.

What I don't get is why you want to know about skiing trails at a ski area after it's closed. Just go ski it until someone tells you not to. That's what I would do, or have done in the past.
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