Least Favorite Mountain You've Visited/Skied?

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Re: Least Favorite Mountain You've Visited/Skied?

Banned User
Lake Tahoe ?  There's some recent vids of Squaw on youtube where the trails looked good. So who knows.

A much bigger question is how did PA manage to turn this thread into yet another east vs west snowfall crap fest.
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Re: Least Favorite Mountain You've Visited/Skied?

Glade Runner
Banned User
so is what pa is saying is that he is still working on it parallel turns?
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Re: Least Favorite Mountain You've Visited/Skied?

In reply to this post by Snowballs
Snowballs wrote
Lake Tahoe ?  There's some recent vids of Squaw on youtube where the trails looked good. So who knows.

A much bigger question is how did PA manage to turn this thread into yet another east vs west snowfall crap fest.
This kid is obviously insecure about his personal abilities and is taking it out on this internet forum. He should just stfu and enjoy what ever he can get after but apparently is too scared too venture into the trees on the east coast to get good snow so he turns everything into this ridiculous argument.

I used to go ski at the Ghee and it was a lot of fun. This is a pic from 1999. No safety nets or helmet wearing at that time in the backcountry and thank god for those times!

And P.S., everything you argue about just tells the rest of us that you just aren't a very good skier PowAss.
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Re: Least Favorite Mountain You've Visited/Skied?

Another mellow wide open western ski experience at Grand Targhee. But yeah, Goat at Stowe is way more technical.

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Re: Least Favorite Mountain You've Visited/Skied?

Glade Runner
Banned User
Awesome pics.  Is that you launching off those cliffs?
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Re: Least Favorite Mountain You've Visited/Skied?

In reply to this post by PowderAssassin
PowderAssassin wrote
 There's a reason there's such as a thing as an "east coast" ski vs "west coast" ski.
I just received my 120mm underfoot east coast skis
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Re: Least Favorite Mountain You've Visited/Skied?

Glade Runner
Banned User
Mine are 127 under foot
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Re: Least Favorite Mountain You've Visited/Skied?

Bosco DaSkia
In reply to this post by PowderAssassin

Is this good enough to shut you up?

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Re: Least Favorite Mountain You've Visited/Skied?

Bosco DaSkia
In reply to this post by PowderAssassin

How bout this one?  It's got the freaking tram right in the picture.
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Re: Least Favorite Mountain You've Visited/Skied?

Bosco DaSkia
In reply to this post by PowderAssassin

Hows bout this one?
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Re: Least Favorite Mountain You've Visited/Skied?

Bosco DaSkia
In reply to this post by PowderAssassin

What about this? Uncrowded, ungroomed powder on the trail. The only thing missing for you is some orange safety netting.
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Re: Least Favorite Mountain You've Visited/Skied?

Nice shots.  PowderPuff going to blow a gasket
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Re: Least Favorite Mountain You've Visited/Skied?

Bosco DaSkia
In reply to this post by PowderAssassin

So how many more of these do you need?  All deep powder shots on the trails at Jay Peak.

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Re: Least Favorite Mountain You've Visited/Skied?

Very nice shots.
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Re: Least Favorite Mountain You've Visited/Skied?

In reply to this post by Bosco DaSkia
Bosco DaSkia wrote
So how many more of these do you need?
Many would be fine.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Least Favorite Mountain You've Visited/Skied?

In reply to this post by Bosco DaSkia
Bosco DaSkia wrote

What about this? Uncrowded, ungroomed powder on the trail. The only thing missing for you is some orange safety netting.
That looks great. Let's see a video. Hard to tell how deep it is, but it looks good.
Bosco DaSkia wrote

Hows bout this one?
That epic looking. I want to see a video
Bosco DaSkia wrote

How bout this one?  It's got the freaking tram right in the picture.
That HEAVILY WIND affected snow. You can tell by the texture even in a picture. First 2 pics you posted were heavily wind affected. Rest were great. I want to see a video

I'll tell my own jay peak story. I went there after 17 inches fell overnight and couldn't find more than a few inches on any of the trails. I asked the locals, they said that it was normal for big snowstorms to have big winds and that all the snow is blown/drifted into the woods. See that simply isn't the case out west. They routinely have pow on the trails. I think the pics you found were the exception to the rule, but I don't live near that resort so maybe they don't get huge winds every time they get a foot of snow? I'm asking a serious question.

I have a simple question. What vermont resort is the best for finding powder ON TRAILS?
 That would mean less wind.

raisingarizona wrote

I used to go ski at the Ghee and it was a lot of fun. This is a pic from 1999. No safety nets or helmet wearing at that time in the backcountry and thank god for those times!

LMAO...oh yeah prove how the bc of the west is better than the east? LOL! Who the hell skis stuff like that anyway? Get real. 40 foot cliff drops...lol
14-15 Season:

11-22 Snow Ridge (opening day 35")          1-7 Snow Ridge (10")
11-28 Grand targhee                                  1-8 Telluride(12 inches)
11-30 jackson hole(10 inches)                      1-9 Whistler(12 inches)
                                                                  1-11 mt bactchelor(20 inches)
12-7 Vail(15 inches)                                      1-12 Mt baker(30 inches
12-10 Whistler(20 inches)
12-12 Whistler helisking(bottomless)
12-14 Big Sky(27 inches)
12-15 Mammoth(24 inches)
12-18 Kirkwood(50 inches)
12-21 Alta(37 inches)
12-22 Grand targhee(40 inches)
12-26 jackson hole(26 inches)
12-28 Chugatch backcountry(bottomless powder)
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Re: Least Favorite Mountain You've Visited/Skied?

Are you always this perpetually perturbed? Who does things like that? Better skiers/riders than you.

Plus, you should stop with the long posts, no one reads them, or probably anything you write at this point. Haven't you excused yourself from this forum about two or three times already? Should stick to that.
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Re: Least Favorite Mountain You've Visited/Skied?

Bosco DaSkia
In reply to this post by PowderAssassin
Here, let me google that for you.... http://bit.ly/1HGHwgi
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Re: Least Favorite Mountain You've Visited/Skied?

Bosco DaSkia wrote
Here, let me google that for you.... http://bit.ly/1HGHwgi
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Re: Least Favorite Mountain You've Visited/Skied?

This post was updated on .
In reply to this post by Efilnikufesin
Efilnikufesin wrote
Are you always this perpetually perturbed? Who does things like that? Better skiers/riders than you.
You huck off 50 foots cliffs like in that picture? Please post some videos of you doing that LMAO...Assclown! Stick to your hardcore east coast glades hot shot....that's above your level. You probably would be falling all over the place in 3 feet of untracked fresh. LOL

Yes anyone who does that is better than me. They're also an idiot risking their life for a cheap thrill if they're not getting paid or a professional getting paid. Period. Look at how many of these extreme skiers lose their life or get massively injured. It's dangerous. They're an adult and they take the risk if they want to. But don't expect me to give it props.

Bosca, good powder on trail at jay peak is extremely rare....kind of odd considering the place supposedly gets as much snow as aspen. Hmmmmm. Anyone else find it kind of odd you can't find any videos at all? It's actually surprising how they don't have any. I'm sure even jay peak has had a fluke day with pow on trail, no? Very strange. Show me chest deep pow on trail at jay peak in a video. I can show you a hundred from alta, grand targhee, wolf creek, snowbird, mt batchelor, and aspen amongst others. Are the winds THAT BAD? If they are, they kind of defeat the whole 355 inches even if they do get that amount. And why is it so hard on VT to get good packed pow? It's known as the ice coast for a reason. Crowds? Fake snow? Lack of natural snow? Thaws are pretty rare in NVT and as you said it snows the next day anyway. Yet, you get hardpack conditions all the time.Hmmmm It all plays in
Glade runner wrote
"Pow, did you ever think that if all that snow blows into the trees, how much snow would be in there?  I just rode with a 6 yr old today that did all 3 glades at Greek Peak.  You really going to let a 6 yr old show you up?"

If a 6 year old could do it then I wouldn't be bragging about core the trees are. Kids die/get seriously injured skiing too unfortunately. What exactly are we arguing over. I don't want to ski trees period. Just the way I'm not interested in the terrain park. My body. My money. My choice. Peace
14-15 Season:

11-22 Snow Ridge (opening day 35")          1-7 Snow Ridge (10")
11-28 Grand targhee                                  1-8 Telluride(12 inches)
11-30 jackson hole(10 inches)                      1-9 Whistler(12 inches)
                                                                  1-11 mt bactchelor(20 inches)
12-7 Vail(15 inches)                                      1-12 Mt baker(30 inches
12-10 Whistler(20 inches)
12-12 Whistler helisking(bottomless)
12-14 Big Sky(27 inches)
12-15 Mammoth(24 inches)
12-18 Kirkwood(50 inches)
12-21 Alta(37 inches)
12-22 Grand targhee(40 inches)
12-26 jackson hole(26 inches)
12-28 Chugatch backcountry(bottomless powder)