Least Favorite Mountain You've Visited/Skied?

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Re: Least Favorite Mountain You've Visited/Skied?

Boring repetitive groomers
Needs a crap ton of snow to bring the good stuff into play.  They often gave bad vis as well

Could have been timing but next day we went to Fernie just across boarder in BC and it was awesome.

About 10 years ago according to the magazines Whitefish was supposed become the next great place and that hype gas fizzled because the skiing just isn't very good.

They changed the name because it was to easily confused with Big Sky
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
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Re: Least Favorite Mountain You've Visited/Skied?

Mi Skier
I would love to any of the Ski areas that people are putting down. Moving from the Albany NY area to metro Detroit and I have to drive an hour to ski a 300'-350' hill with very short runs. Appreciate what you have back in the Northeast I know I did after moving.
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Re: Least Favorite Mountain You've Visited/Skied?

Glade Runner
Banned User
Have you ever checked out Mt Bohemia?
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Re: Least Favorite Mountain You've Visited/Skied?

Glade Runner wrote
Have you ever checked out Mt Bohemia?
Bohemia is 600 miles and 10 hours from Detroit.
Gore is 545 miles and 9 hours from Detroit.
I would guess the answer is no.
Bohemia is a real commitment. For most people with 10 hours of travel time there are bigger and  better choices.
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Re: Least Favorite Mountain You've Visited/Skied?

Glade Runner
Banned User
That sucks.  When you said Michigan I thought it would be closer than that.
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Re: Least Favorite Mountain You've Visited Skied?

In reply to this post by Harvey
Harvey wrote
skunkape wrote
even the ice was extra icy

You be asking for it on this thread Sno.

I hate to rag on anyone's mountain.  Especially Gorgo's as he is such a gentleman. So I will refrain from giving a response to this incendiary thread.

Sno if you want to get the Jay Peak thing off your mind, maybe go straight up and take it all back?  

Teasin. I like the new you bro.
oh no you didn't  haha, certain times it could be my least favorite mountain as well - I just avoide those times.

while there are places I'd rather ski I always think of it like sex and pizza - it's always good even if it's not
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Re: Least Favorite Mountain You've Visited/Skied?

Banned User
In reply to this post by Mi Skier
Mi Skier wrote
I would love to any of the Ski areas that people are putting down. Moving from the Albany NY area to metro Detroit and I have to drive an hour to ski a 300'-350' hill with very short runs. Appreciate what you have back in the Northeast I know I did after moving.
Exactly. Knock MC, et al all you want but if it's close to home it's the ticket. Most people can't get even close to 50+ days per year if they're not close to a mtn. Many of those bad mouthing Sno because he enjoys MC don't get near the days in he does.
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Re: Least Favorite Mountain You've Visited/Skied?

I actually kind of envy sno that he likes MC - it would make my life a lot easier if I did too - its so close. Haha In all fairness, I've had very good experiences with the ski school staff there - took a private lesson twice back when i was learning to ski. But I honestly have not been back. What is with that weird gondola lift thing that really isn't a gondola?? Just put in a damn 6-pack and call it a day. If i have to go local, I go to Camelback. Sorry Sno, but i do have to say MC is my least favorite, then Shawnee. I loved Shawnee when i was learning, but I've quickly outgrown it.

If we're talking larger, non-feeder mountains. I'd have to agree with a lot of the people on here and say Okemo. The base area is awful and trying to navigate the lifts and where they're positioned is really annoying. Practically have to take 3 or 4 lifts just to get to the top.
*~It is better to go skiing and think of God, than go to church and think of sport.~*  -Fridtjof Nansen
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Re: Least Favorite Mountain You've Visited/Skied?

In reply to this post by snoloco
I have a strong dislike for Loon.

Icy, boring, and stood in line all day.
"This is pure snow! Do you have any idea what the street value of this mountain is?"
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Re: Least Favorite Mountain You've Visited/Skied?

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In reply to this post by jimvdak
jimvdak wrote
What is with that weird gondola lift thing that really isn't a gondola?? Just put in a damn 6-pack and call it a day.
The Cabriolet Gondola is the Intrawest signature piece of equipment.  They put that thing in.
I've lived in New York my entire life.
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Re: Least Favorite Mountain You've Visited/Skied?

I never met a ski area that I didn't like. Yeah, once you get better, areas that are flat or have low vertical can be pretty boring, but they serve a purpose. When I was a kid, places like Dynamite Hill and Schroon Lake would have been a blast.  I have skied both in recent years just for the fun of it, and the kids there were having a blast. I learned to ski at little Spring Mountain, PA and it was great to have that area close by. Not everyone's parents ski or have the money to ski. The little places are great, economical places for beginners. I am bored after a short time at Alpine Mountain but I tell everyone who is a beginner or who has kids nearby the Poconos to go there. They can ski the whole mountain without the crazy crowds of Camelback or Blue Mt. on a weekend. Skier numbers are declining. The big ski areas are realizing that they need these feeder hills to develop future customers.
I've never been to Mountain Creek but I wouldn't go near Camelback or Blue Mt. on a weekend. But those places are great on a weekday.
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Re: Least Favorite Mountain You've Visited/Skied?

St. Jerry
Worst (for weather and snow quality):  IceFace

Worst (for terrain): Okemo

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Re: Least Favorite Mountain You've Visited/Skied?

In reply to this post by billyymc
billyymc wrote
I went to Sunday River once after a brief thaw cycle. It was crusty and hard. And only part of the mountain was even open. So Sunday River sucks.

One place that I've skied a few times that I actually didn't care for too much was Attitash. I really can't pinpoint what I didn't like about it, but I gave it a few tries and just never really liked it. Don't get me wrong - it's better than a sharp stick in the eye, or a day at work.
River and Attitash are both really good if you want to do some high speed cruising. Sunday River has a few REALLY good lift line trails that are nice bump runs. Agony is a great bump run... the OZ lift line is the real deal, great stuff. Obviously a great place for October and early November turns but not worth a long drive if you don't live close. It sounds like you went to SR after a rain/freeze/thaw so I think you shouldn't rule it out based on visiting during bad weather/conditions. Not the type of mountain I'd ski mid-season but it isn't a bad place, especially if you ski mid-week.

Attitash has surprised me. I hardly ever ski there but if you enjoy high speed cruising it is a really good mountain. It has some really nice steep groomers if that is your thing, perhaps the best steep grooming skiing in NH. They are working on their glade network at Bear Peak as well. As with SR, you won't find me paying for mid-season tickets there but I find both of these mountains are worse off for their weekend crowds than their terrain and overall vibe.
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Re: Least Favorite Mountain You've Visited/Skied?

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In reply to this post by PowderAssassin
PowderAssassin wrote
Snoloco hit the nail on the head. Jay is for tight ec tree skiing If you like that, then it's the place to be.
Not at all. If you like "tight" tree skiing, I'd recommend putting Jay Peak at the bottom of your list for east coast areas. Jay has some pretty wide open tree skiing. You want tight trees, come on over and ski Cannon... with 50% less snow than Jay, FWIW.

Regarding the pic... if the Jet looks like that then the trees are MUCH deeper....
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Re: Least Favorite Mountain You've Visited/Skied?

riverc0il wrote

Regarding the pic... if the Jet looks like that then the trees are MUCH deeper....
He's too clueless to realize that's 10-12 inches and the rest of the trail looked like that. The cell camera doesn't pickup detail on that part of the trail due to the focusing area.

1st tracks down Pipe line were exceptional!
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Re: Least Favorite Mountain You've Visited/Skied?

In reply to this post by riverc0il
I'm thinking billy is referring to the fact the snoloco gave up on Jay after one bad day.

Also to Pow trees are by definition tight.

From what I've seen the trees at Jay are very widely spaced.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Least Favorite Mountain You've Visited/Skied?

The trees at Jay are scary

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Re: Least Favorite Mountain You've Visited/Skied?

Those pictures look great.  When is it coming to Vernon so I can ski it?  I am almost guaranteed to get first tracks even on a weekend due to early access for passholders.  If I could ski that at Jay Peak, I'm sure my view on it would change, but it is a crap shoot to get there when it is that great and I am probably not experienced enough in trees to fully enjoy it.
I've lived in New York my entire life.
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Re: Least Favorite Mountain You've Visited/Skied?

They actually get 350" of snow a year, so it's more like "Oh, it's gonna snow tomorrow, better get my dad to throw the shit in the car".

What's with this crapshoot stuff? Most of the time a day out the weatherpeeps get it right.

You should still be able to get an epic pow day in Jersey, just forget about the lifts. Get up at 5:30 and hike the Mt Tammany and ski the face right down to the delaware river. Epic. No waiting.
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Re: Least Favorite Mountain You've Visited/Skied?

witch hobble
In reply to this post by riverc0il
riverc0il wrote
Jay has some pretty wide open tree skiing. You want tight trees, come on over and ski Cannon... with 50% less snow than Jay, FWIW.

My one time at Hunter had a lot of negative qualities that fit the stereotype many people have of the place. But I can't say what my least favorite is.  And come to think of it I wasn't even of legal drinking age at the time, so maybe I was doing it wrong.