Mad River Glen Should...

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Mad River Glen Should...

I was at Mad earlier this week and I just love the place.

It seems that half the skiers I know agree and the other half love it but.... they want to change something about it.

If you were the man, and you could change one thing about Mad, would you? What would it be?

One request - leave the snowboarding thing alone. Please.

"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Mad River Glen Should...

I'd move it closer to where I live so that I could go there more often!  
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Re: Mad River Glen Should...

regular snowfall. it's been tough the last couple of years.
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Re: Mad River Glen Should...

I will not comment about a VT ski hill since this is a NY ski forum.  
I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Mad River Glen Should...

MC2 5678F589
In reply to this post by Harvey
I think part of its charm is that it doesn't really change. If they started adding a bunch of stuff at the whims of a bunch of random skiers, it wouldn't really be the same place. It is what it is. If you want to complain about things and change things to suit your needs, go down the road to Sugarbush.
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Re: Mad River Glen Should...

Milo Maltbie
I'd get rid of that fancy new lift and bring back the original single.  i miss the smell of diesel and the hooks to hang my poles on. And I'd definitely never allow MH No.9 to be served there.

"Everywhere I turn, here I am." Susan Tedeschi
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Re: Mad River Glen Should...

In reply to this post by ScottyJack
whiteface needs it own blog
Tele turns are optional not mandatory.
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Re: Mad River Glen Should...

whiteface needs its own INTERNET

(MRG shouldn't change a thing.)
"This is pure snow! Do you have any idea what the street value of this mountain is?"
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Re: Mad River Glen Should...

Tele turns are optional not mandatory.
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Re: Mad River Glen Should...

Milo Maltbie
I just got back form MRG.  They took my advice and got rid of the Magic Hat, so they are more than halfway back to perfect.
"Everywhere I turn, here I am." Susan Tedeschi
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Re: Mad River Glen Should...

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I realize that this is now heresy but I would replace the single with a double.

I would let in snowboarders.

Have at it.
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Re: Mad River Glen Should...

Tunnel from the West instead of the notch.
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Re: Mad River Glen Should...

X dude! You are... well... you are a COMMUNIST!

Mad already did the one thing I wanted them to do... replaced the diesel with an electric.

I totally dig the single. And I think going electric is way cool.  Yea it's totally more functional and quiet and reliable and environmentally responsible. But it's also cool.

BTW you can have a convo chair to chair on the single on a weekday.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Mad River Glen Should...

When Magic Hat was first featured in the basebox it was an early microbrew and it was great.  Then they moved toward the masses and killed it with beers like #9...I apologize to anyone offended but it is IMHO.  They killed Heart of Darkness, the best beer they made...but alas, it is back and can be featured in my cooler from time to time on a certain patio know for apres NYS
Oh and I don't think MRG should change a thing...What a cool avatar (that's what it's called right)
Proud to call Gore My Home Mountain
Covid stole what would have been my longest season ever!
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Re: Mad River Glen Should...

Milo Maltbie
In reply to this post by x10003q
Before the single was replaced, there was a lot of talk about replacing it with a double.  I think that was all from Eric to get donations to keep the single.   A double never made any sense there.  Go there on a crowded day and count the number of single chairs loaded versus the number of double chairs that load and you will see the single has almost the same capacity as a double.
If they put in a double, they would have had to raise the landing zone and completely rework the summit area.  That would expose skiers to more wind.  They also would have had to build a new loading zone.  even with that, the increase in capacity would have been minimal, but the rope speed would be slower so the trip would be longer.  No one would have thought it was an improvement.
OTOH there might be a business case for detachable quad.  Then widen all the trails, dynamite those nasty rocky cliffs, get top to bottom snowmaking and grooming, build a hotel and sell it all to ASC.  Oh wait...
"Everywhere I turn, here I am." Susan Tedeschi
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Re: Mad River Glen Should...

K man
the only thing I'd change is to get rid of the feeding trough in the base box mens room, so the guy next to you doesn't pee on your leg after multiple Lawson's IPA's in the bar.
Avitar=Left Gully, Tuckerman Ravine
No Fat Chicks, Just Fat Skis
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Re: Mad River Glen Should...

This post was updated on .
K man wrote
the only thing I'd change is to get rid of the feeding trough in the base box mens room, so the guy next to you doesn't pee on your leg after multiple Lawson's IPA's in the bar.
No way!! I love the trough! Reminds me of the hole in the wall basement bars I frequented back in my college days. lol.
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Re: Mad River Glen Should...

In reply to this post by K man
K man wrote
the only thing I'd change is to get rid of the feeding trough in the base box mens room, so the guy next to you doesn't pee on your leg after multiple Lawson's IPA's in the bar.

The No Diving sticker is back after the new paint job a few seasons ago saw it removed.

There are preliminary plans in the works to make some improvements to the buildings at the base area. Not tearing anything down except the ski patrol shack (it is a dump, it totally has to go). Nothing has been decided except that any renovations can't change the character or look of the existing buildings.

Replacing the ski patrol shack has to happen, but my second favorite part of the plan is getting rid of the interior walls in the seating areas (like they already did with the bar, SO much better). My other favorite part is redoing the stairs, they are a total PITA. Who knows what will be decided but those things I'd change in a heartbeat.
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Re: Mad River Glen Should...

In reply to this post by x10003q
x10003q wrote
I realize that this is now heresy but I would replace the single with a double.

I would let in snowboarders.

Have at it.

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Re: Mad River Glen Should...

ml242 wrote

"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp