It's really nice outside, go out and play. Damn computers!!! When I retire I will not have one. |
In reply to this post by Harvey
When someone offers me free beer, I don't turn my nose up at the brand. |
In reply to this post by Harvey
Best scenario yet ![]() |
In reply to this post by billyymc
Cut the trail and add snowmaking later was a good strategy, in the 1960's. We live in the 21st century now. With the advancements in snowmaking technology, it is a necessity to a consistently open ec trail.
I didn't say to never take the incremental approach. To me, taking the incremental approach is to spread the cost out over 2 years. For Burnt Ridge, this is what that would have been if I was building it. Year 1: Build lift and cut Echo, Cedars, Hedges, the connector to Twister, and Sagamore. Have snowmaking on all but Sagamore the first year. Glade certain areas as well. Year 2: Add snowmaking to Sagamore and cut two new trails, one where Boreas Glades is and one where cirque glades is, both with snowmaking. I am against building a lift with no snowmaking at all and leaving the entire section to rot for 5 years. When a lift is built, the BARE MINIMUM for snowmaking is trails connecting to the rest of the mountain (for the Ski Bowl, this means Abenaki from BR) and at least one trail that can be lapped off the new lift. Of course snowmaking plumbing means nothing if you don't increase pumping capacity, so increase it enough to allow the new section to open by 12/26 its first year. That's the absolute bare minimum for a new section's first season.
I've lived in New York my entire life.
I would dearly love to see snowmaking implemented at Mount van Hoevenberg, as per the Unit Master Plan.
-Peter Minde |
Rumor needs a tubing lane.
In reply to this post by billyymc
Hey, I think I see a great career path for the kid. He could work for Fox News and be one of their on air partisan hacks who twist facts until they fit a preexisting viewpoint.
There's truth that lives
And truth that dies I don't know which So never mind - Leonard Cohen |
In reply to this post by Powderchaser
I just disagree with calling others names because they express an unpopular viewpoint with the collective.
There's truth that lives
And truth that dies I don't know which So never mind - Leonard Cohen |
In reply to this post by Mountain Dick
Great screen name. I look forward to reading your dick posts.
There's truth that lives
And truth that dies I don't know which So never mind - Leonard Cohen |
In reply to this post by campgottagopee
Hmmmm...what will Cam need in retirement? I'm thinkin: Golf clubs Ski equipment Guns for huntin BEER Did I leave anything out?
There's truth that lives
And truth that dies I don't know which So never mind - Leonard Cohen |
Lil wiskey now and then and my bike....really enjoy riding that silly thing. Could ALMOST scratch the golf clubs from your list and put bike in there. |
In reply to this post by Highpeaksdrifter
Dammit HPD, I miss having ya'll around here. That shit was funny^^^^^ |
I thought it was all about free pizza.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
Gore is different than Hunter?
Thank the Lord! |
Yesterday a deluge of posts. Today ... nothing. Did his dad revoke his internet privileges?
"They don't think it be like it is, but it do." Oscar Gamble
Well... I had a glass o wine and let it go...
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
Nope, my internet privileges are still around and always will be. My dad is on a business trip, so he couldn't do anything, not that he would.
I've lived in New York my entire life.
Sno - you ought to do a little search on this forum, try search words like Gore, snowmaking and lifts. You will find several threads where long time members are making the same arguments as you have been (although not as well reasoned) and not getting a tenth of the shit you get. Going back and quoting those would be an interesting exercise in comedy.
Don't ski the trees, ski the spaces between the trees.
Difference being that most of those arguments aren't saying if it can't all happen immediately none of it is worth doing.
There are plenty of mountains that are up to Sno's standards, I don't get why he is so focused on Gore. There are also several mountains that are behind Gore in the relentless march to homogenization. Not sure why they have escaped his well reasoned arguments.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
There's modernization, then there is development and there is also homogenization. Everyone pretty much agrees on modernization (with the exception of MRG).
The issue becomes how to pay for it. That's when development usually creeps in...if we build it, they will come. Once development begins...homogenization isn't too far behind. Gore, being State owned is, of course, the exception to this theory because they can't build out the base area; they get direct State funding instead. But, I suppose in their case, in order to draw the general skiing public, they are still homogenizing their lifts and trails. Whichever way you look at it, Platty is still the best of everything. :). |