ORDA May Gain Belleayre

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Re: ORDA May Gain Belleayre

ausable skier
that editoral lays out good issues all that need to looked at before consumating this merger

the biggest issue is can Bell be made profitable especially with lift ticket pricing that is industry scale.  That would mean the same general pricing as Windham and Hunter which are more than Bell now.  No money should be invested in upgrades at Bell until a strong business case could be made that the investments would provide increased profitability

I've heard that DEC workers get paid more than Orda and Bell has 45 full time staff.  Paying 45 people less money is not going to make this place profitable unless they were being paid wall street wages.  Yet i keep hearing that this is what this is all about.

To me the best route here is let the Catskills form their own economic development agency that is paid for by the local towns and counties like ORDA mostly is and let them find their own way.
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