The old new Greek Peak?

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Re: The old new Greek Peak?

I guess that works if you only plan on skiing 8 days or less
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Re: The old new Greek Peak?

Took me a while but that's what I figured out too.....for peeps who don't really ski that much I can see this increase being SHOCKING ---- I can't wait to hand them my $400!!
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Re: The old new Greek Peak?

In reply to this post by gorgonzola
Gorg - I meant similar % discounts here in the east.  Not $50 / day.  Our final per day in CO was about 60% off the window rate. If you look around, you can find deals here all over the east to get similar PERCENTAGE discounts. Buy early, go on special days, liftopia, know a few insiders, etc. $1,600 can be spread a long way - a lot farther than 8 days.

Reality is my kids are probably only getting up to GP 15 days this year anyway. And when they go we probalby only ski 3 or 4 hours. After skiing there for about 7 or 8 years they're kind of bored with it. If we take a ski trip we ski a much longer day.

Anyway - I"m out of this discussion. It doesn't matter to GP, or to anyone else but me and my family, what we decide to do.

I have to say though - skiing at Winter Park / Mary Jane last week and seeing their season pass is cheaper than a GP pass...ugh...I gotta try to talk my wife into moving.

(Edited to add that the WP/MJ pass that's cheaper than GP's is an early purchase pass - not on their website now. Since I'm sure one of you will check and report back that I'm wrong).
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Re: The old new Greek Peak?

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Billy, you do what's best for you and your family. If your hard earned money is better utilized somewhere all means please do so, like you said, that is a family decision. I'm just really excited for GP and their future. Hopefully that will include your family, if not...only the best in your future endeavors!
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Re: The old new Greek Peak?

In reply to this post by Harvey
Harvey wrote
Big D wrote
OMG! There is a huge asteroid heading for earth and we are all going to die!
Statistically this almost has to be a true statement.

The asteroid may never make it, but we will die.
I plan on living forever....

So far... So good...
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Re: The old new Greek Peak?

In reply to this post by jjbrady
jjbrady wrote
Billy, you do what's best for you and your family. If your hard earned money is better utilized somewhere all means please do so. I'm just really excited for GP and their future. Hopefully that will include your family, if not...only the best in your future endeavors!


FWIW, one of the original A18 Gang and his family are in the same boat ---- i've been skiing with this dude @ GP prolly since 1980??? or something like that. For mutliple passes, this increase/timing of everything is difficult. I hope he stays, if not we will all miss skiing with him.
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Re: The old new Greek Peak?

Camp - maybe you misunderstood. This isn't at ALL about whether I can afford it or not.

It's about a 33% increase being contradictory to the "family values" position GP tried to claim last year. And it's about whether GP delivers enough value.

Last week was the first time we took out kids out west, and as you know that's not a cheap proposition. But honeslty, the quality of the skiing, and the family time with them was well worth cost. At WP/MJ we had a day with 10" overnight - and where we were some of hte first into Parsenn Bowl after it had been closed for a few days. I'll never forget the look of unbridled joy on my kids' faces as we desdended through 20" of totally untracked snow.

With Utah already in sight for next season, we might just add a couple long weekends in Vermont plus a handful of days at local hills.
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Re: The old new Greek Peak?

I never thouight it was about money, anyone who skis knows it's expensive.

Again, people keep touting a 33% increase, yes, it sure is. Let's be honest tho, do you really think pass prices would've gone backwards to 299 if it weren't for the BK?? IMO, there's no way they would've gone backwards --- previous owners needed to suck whatever life out of the place they could.  Prior to last year the passes were 349, so were looking at a 12% increase, or at least the way I'm looking at it. I truly feel the increased price will be invested back into the hill and I'm all for it. You just watch --- soon we're gonna have some SERIOUS snowmaking power ---- THAT will be a game changer.

Billy, I truly hope you and your family stay at GP because it is the best CNY has to offer. It will continue to grow and improve. Does it need to be tweeked here and there??? You bet, I'm sure our new owners would say the same thing. There are plenty of things about GP I would love to change, but I'm not in the position to do so, so I support where ever I can. These guys are skiers and have been at GP for 30 years. I've met and talked with them, they have a plan, they're in it for the long haul and so am I.
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Re: The old new Greek Peak?

In reply to this post by billyymc
billyymc wrote
Reality is my kids are probably only getting up to GP 15 days this year anyway. And when they go we probalby only ski 3 or 4 hours. After skiing there for about 7 or 8 years they're kind of bored with it. If we take a ski trip we ski a much longer day.
Buying a season pass for a ski resort, at the end of the day, boils down to one thing ... a value proposition. Using your numbers above, based on a $399 pass price, and 15 days per season, you're talking about $26.66 per day. Using a 3 hour per day figure, you're down to $8.88 per hour. If you figure that 15 days per season amounts to about once a week, that's pretty comparable to going bowling once a week. As a value proposition, comparing the costs a ski resort incurs compared to a bowling alley's costs, I'd say that's a pretty good value.

Of course, if you're not satisfied by the services provided by that resort, whether it be terrain, snow conditions, lift operations, or whatever, then no price is a good price.
It's easy to be against something ... It's hard to be for something!
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Re: The old new Greek Peak?

In reply to this post by campgottagopee
I wanna be a cheerleader too!   GP is a second home to my family.  To some the glass is half full, to others half empty
I'm 33% happier because of Greek Peak.
Ski the East
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Re: The old new Greek Peak?

Chatiemac wrote
I wanna be a cheerleader too!   GP is a second home to my family.  To some the glass is half full, to others half empty
I'm 33% happier because of Greek Peak.
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Re: The old new Greek Peak?

I think passes should be 5 dollars.
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Re: The old new Greek Peak?

399 for a season pass is a deal.  people have unrealistic expectations....  I betcha this guy spends a lot more on ski related expenses than he would if he supported his local hill.  

And that is all I have to say about CampPPer's Greek Peak!    
I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: The old new Greek Peak?

In reply to this post by tjf1967
tjf1967 wrote
I think passes should be 5 dollars.
Come on man, it's GP, not Snow Ridge. Oops, sorry, they're $15 there. What else can you buy with $15? I can put a 1/4 tank of gas in my car. I cringed just typing that.
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Re: The old new Greek Peak?

In reply to this post by ScottyJack
ScottyJack wrote
399 for a season pass is a deal.  people have unrealistic expectations....  I betcha this guy spends a lot more on ski related expenses than he would if he supported his local hill.  

And that is all I have to say about CampPPer's Greek Peak!    
SJ - I don't doubt that if we decide to ski a variety of areas next year that we'll spend more on ski related expenses than if we just skied Greek Peak. Certainly we'd spend more on gas, probably food, lodging. Maybe even in the end more on lift costs. But we'd get a heck of a lot more out of that experience. So the value - to me and my family - is higher.

Like I said - I've been a passholder at GP for 12 or 14 years. The value of skiing there - to me - is gradually decreasing. Are there more improvements to come? Any that I care about? I have no idea. All the transparency from the new owners and management has mysteriously gone away hasn't it?

And let's talk about unrealistic expectations. If a ski area puts in a "high speed quad" - is it unrealistic to expect it to run faster than the 40 year old double it replaced (or the one running parallel to it)? Someone F'd up on the design or execution there - so for me, zero value. How about some transparency from the owners on what the solution is going to be?

As for the pass increase - as far as I recall the pricing never got to $349...maybe I'm wrong, but I thought it had topped out at $329...then was reduced last year. I'd have to go check my receipts to see for sure. But the new owners made a big deal in the media when they announced that decrease - saying how they were supporting ski families by offering that attractive pricing point and structure. Is it unrealistic - after that fanfare - for families to not expect a 33%  increase in one year? To me it is. I expected an increase, but one keeping in spirit with their proclaimed family oriented position. Seems a little...underhanded. Certainly doesn't inspire trust, confidence, or customer loyalty.

I bet most passholders haven't seen the new pricing yet. I'll also bet that a bigger percentage will dislike it than will think it's a reasonable, fair, and anticipated increase.

It should at least come with some sort of explanation or statement from the owners. It would, if they felt good about it.
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Re: The old new Greek Peak?

billyymc wrote
It should at least come with some sort of explanation or statement from the owners. It would, if they felt good about it.
Dear Season Pass Holders,

It's not 1959 anymore, so we have to charge 21st century season pass prices.  

Thank you for understanding.


I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: The old new Greek Peak?

SJ - that's freakin hellarious.

You cheerleaders are trying hard not to see other points of view.

Here's one maybe you'll get.

Mark and John are both successful businessmen, correct? So imagine a new supplier comes in to one of their businesses and gives them some great pricing for some parts or supplies or whatever. Then next year the supplier comes ands gives them a price that's 33% higher, without any explanation. How long do you think it would take Mark or John to be on the phone to that supplier?

Not very long. That new supplier would get an earful, and unless they had some really good reason for the increase they would likely be out on their ass.

So SJ - maybe an email to pass holders saying something like "We gave you great pricing last year in order to make up for the screwups of previous owners. Now we have to get back to a pricing structure that's more in line with the local market and that will allow us to keep improving the Greek Peak we all love.  So here's a peek at what we'll be doing: In this next year we'll fix the stupid quad, we'll be adding more snowmaking capacity and cutting a new trail for next year, and the new deck will be open for business by October"

How hard would that have been?
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Re: The old new Greek Peak?

In reply to this post by ScottyJack
ScottyJack wrote
billyymc wrote
It should at least come with some sort of explanation or statement from the owners. It would, if they felt good about it.
Dear Season Pass Holders,

It's not 1959 anymore, so we have to charge 21st century season pass prices.  

Thank you for understanding.

That WAS freakin hilarious! I almost pissed myself
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Re: The old new Greek Peak?

So...I found this "The old new Greek Peak" and wanted to add a different discussion on the new prices.  As a "family skier" I don't see any value in the new upgrades and serious downgrade for me.  The downgrade is the elimination of the upstairs picnic area.  The GP management keeps pointing me to small tables in the various areas or the freezing cold "changing area".  My family and their older relatives grew up using the picnic area as the "family time" in between skiing.  Trax is not a viable option for me.  I can't afford to eat there with the whole family every time I am there. least once a day all my kids want to do is rest with a bit of homemade hot chocolate.  So, why pay more for less is what I ask.  Do others feel the lack of decent picnic area is a deal breaker?  I spent some time at other regional ski resorts this season and they all had nice family table areas...
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Re: The old new Greek Peak?

Its also based on compitition, greek has 3 (6if you count big val, cazanovia, and skiyatlas) within driving distance of lets say cortlandBristol, similar priced don't have that, elk has a few but is far enough awayLab has a great famliy plan, song does, tog does, cazinovia is afordable for a private, a october pass for a single is the same as a pass to song and lab combined (yes having 2 season passes to 2 hills of 700' beats a 950' hill, 38 trails vs 50 trails, glades not in play if winters don't improve, song and labs snowmaking is far better then greeks)Maybe its a fair price, but you don't tell us one thing and do another, a price jump with no reason ( yes free x country skiing, but I got a better trail network at greenwood park, or innsbruck usa (aqua tera park) for free)The express quad is not a high speed, and won't ever be, dispite them saying it is ( or someone markeing it as so)Trax loses hand down to the last run at lab for service and menu although it was a good step......... I would pay the price if they justicfied why it jumps that much......They will retain a lot of skiiers yes, but your running the grass routs away, the big famliys out for a day on the slopes, not for glades or a extream park, The ones who's kids spend loads of money in the food quart,... the backbone of the areaI don't know where I will be next year probly lan, Don't like the say one thing and do another attitude
Black diamonds, the easy way down, less moving hazzards
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