The old new Greek Peak?

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Re: The old new Greek Peak?

FamilySkier's ski food...but with the elimination of the picnic area upstairs they haven't left any good option for a family to bring in some home food.  I used the old restaurant for the days I was just to busy to pack or with just one person from my family.  So, now, I'm stuck eating in a corner in a small table or paying for four dinners.  
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Re: The old new Greek Peak?

In reply to this post by kenneywallace
kenneywallace wrote
Is the free day not about feeding the hungry in the comunity?

Right on bro

kenneywallace wrote

All the complants about the cafiteria food, its ski area food one notch above bowling alley food,  
Easy there bud ---- you haven't lived until you've had a bowling alley cheese burger!!!
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Re: The old new Greek Peak?

In reply to this post by FamilySkier
FamilySkier wrote's ski food...but with the elimination of the picnic area upstairs they haven't left any good option for a family to bring in some home food.  I used the old restaurant for the days I was just to busy to pack or with just one person from my family.  So, now, I'm stuck eating in a corner in a small table or paying for four dinners.
They didn't eliminate it, it's just smaller.

If you want room to roam then go the the A-frame, or buck up and come into the bar ---- it's nice in there
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Re: The old new Greek Peak?

In reply to this post by kenneywallace
kenneywallace wrote
All the complants about the cafiteria food, its ski area food one notch above bowling alley food, its contrary to normal if u get good good in a ski area cafiteria, pizza espicaly (at any ski area I'm shocked if it don't taste like cardbord)
whoa, whoa, whoa!  Food at WF is awesome!  Which is what happens when you charge 21st century season pass prices...  

I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: The old new Greek Peak?

ScottyJack wrote
kenneywallace wrote
All the complants about the cafiteria food, its ski area food one notch above bowling alley food, its contrary to normal if u get good good in a ski area cafiteria, pizza espicaly (at any ski area I'm shocked if it don't taste like cardbord)
whoa, whoa, whoa!  Food at WF is awesome!  Which is what happens when you charge 21st century season pass prices...  

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Re: The old new Greek Peak?

Campi what is the deal with the High Speed Quad? Something smells fishy.
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Re: The old new Greek Peak?

In reply to this post by ScottyJack
ScottyJack wrote
whoa, whoa, whoa!  Food at WF is awesome!  Which is what happens when you charge 21st century season pass prices...  

SJ - that's actually not the way it should work. Food service should pay for itself. Not be supported by skiing ops. Same with other revenue centers - lessons/ski school, tuning shop, rentals, etc.
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Re: The old new Greek Peak?

In reply to this post by tjf1967
tjf1967 wrote
Campi what is the deal with the High Speed Quad? Something smells fishy.
It is high speed. Compared to skinning up.

What I've heard - from someone in the local ski industry but not a GP employee - is that the chairs are too closely spaced so they are prevented from running the lift any faster than it currently runs. Prevented by NYS regulation. Seems like someone at the lift company or GP should have known that ahead of time.

So even if the exit ramp was better and people weren't falling all the time, they still have to take some chairs off, and re-space the rest, before they could run it faster.

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Re: The old new Greek Peak?

In reply to this post by tjf1967
tjf1967 wrote
Campi what is the deal with the High Speed Quad? Something smells fishy.
I'm really not 100% sure what the deal is. The conveyor loading is odd but I don't think that's the issue -- it's just odd. Some think the chairs are space too close together, that could be but I'm no lift engineer. From what I see the issue is the off tick. There isn't enough room up there for all the people that are now comming of the lift all at once. 4 people get off and stop just before the woods (maybe 20' of room from the end of the ramp to the woods), right behind them 4 more peeps get off, so on and so on. Next thing you know there is no room for people to move when they get off which stops/slows the lift on a regular basis. If we had more experienced skiers at GP I don't think it would be the issue it is, but we don't. That's not a bad thing, it is what it is, and there are a lot of them. I think what we'll see is the off tick moved back allowing for more room to roam/fall/flop around  once up top. That's my take. It sure is a comfy ride tho. We still ride chair 1 whenever possible. That old gal never shuts down.
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Re: The old new Greek Peak?

In reply to this post by billyymc
From a numbers stand point if you take a few chairs off and run it faster what are you really doing?  How lond does it take to get up the lift anyways?

If they should change the name to high capacity quad would that quiet people down?  
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Re: The old new Greek Peak?

tjf1967 wrote
From a numbers stand point if you take a few chairs off and run it faster what are you really doing?  How lond does it take to get up the lift anyways?

If they should change the name to high capacity quad would that quiet people down?
TJ - I agree - it should be about numbers up not necessarily speed. So maybe leave the chairs as they are, figure out a way to redo the off ramp so it doesn't stop so frequently, and yeah probably stop calling it a high speed quad. But if you do that - why have the conveyor at all? One of the purposes of the conveyor load is to allow a 15 or 20% higher cable speed. If it's a normal speed load, ditch the conveyor since that seems to cause problems for some people also.
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Re: The old new Greek Peak?

In reply to this post by tjf1967
I've never seen where GP advertises a High Speed Quad --- they've called in an Express Quad

No clue how long it takes, I don't get all caught up in that crap. As far as I'm concerned they should've left the T-bar there. That's skiing --- not these fancy shmancy new lifts ---- people these days are soft!!
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Re: The old new Greek Peak?

Derp! Seriously?  

Your cheerleadiness is causing memory loss.

It's been touted as "high speed" all over the place, but let's start with a linkey to GP's own webpage shall we?

"The new ownership at Greek Peak held a press conference last Thursday to announce it has decided to make a $3 million investment in the Mountain and Base Lodge areas. The areas of improvement are:

•A new high-speed quad chairlift, replacing Lift 1A, that should be operational for the start of next season. The lift is a Doppelmayr ct4 fixed-grip chairlift, rated for 2.400 passengers per hour."

"The new Doppelmayr’s uphill capacity is rated up to 2,400 passengers per hour, but the plan is to remove about a quarter of the chairs to space out loading while running the lift faster, Meier said. Chairs could be added back later.

The model’s conveyor loading is expected to help avoid the numerous stops that plague 1A, while also reducing lift lines, Meier and Stemerman believe. It’ll be the main daily lift, with 1 fired up as needed. The lift entry will have automated gates to further help load."

"On Thursday the two men announced that they are replacing the 1A chair lift with a new high speed quad lift that can carry four people to the top of the mountain faster than any other chair lift currently operating in Central New York."

"The new owners of Greek Peak Mountain Resort officially made good on one of their first promises by celebrating the opening of its new quad lif. The four seat Visions Express takes skiers and boarders up the mountain in 7.3 minutes with fewer stoppages, nearly cutting the duration in half"
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Re: The old new Greek Peak?

I thought Greek Peak was in Virgil, I didn't know it was in "Homer".
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Re: The old new Greek Peak?

In reply to this post by billyymc
billyymc wrote

Your cheerleadiness is causing memory loss.
that aint it

dang, first time i've been wrong today and we've just started
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Re: The old new Greek Peak?

If that was my hill, and if those guys came in to save it from extinction, and then replaced the worst(?) chair on the hill with one that is a significant improvement...

I'd let them call it whatever the hell they want.

Also WTF do I know but $399 seems like a legit price for a GP season pass.  What do the competitors charge?
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: The old new Greek Peak?

Harvey wrote
If that was my hill, and if those guys came in to save it from extinction, and then replaced the worst(?) chair on the hill with one that is a significant improvement...

I'd let them call it whatever the hell they want.


Harvey wrote

Also WTF do I know but $399 seems like a legit price for a GP season pass.  What do the competitors charge?
$335 for Lab, $345 Song

Most feel the single pass price isn't the issue. Family pricing is the issue, for a family of 4 it's aprox $575 more to get passes at GP as well as they must pay before 3/15/14, a window that has been shortened by a month from previous years. That would make me stop and think too. I'd  most likely still get passes at GP due to the fact that during the shoulder periods of the season both Lab and Song have a history of closing during the week -- that wouldn't work for me. Obviously it would for others with "normal" employment.

Harv, maybe you could reach out to GP to see if they'd like to heard on this subject??? Curious what they may have to say as it's created quite a stir.
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Re: The old new Greek Peak?

In reply to this post by Harvey
Harvey - you make totally sensible points. Well, except for calling the quad which is slower than the antiquated double it parallels, a high speed lift. That's just stupid.

I'll go back to two points, then I'm done.

One: If either Mark or John had one of their suppliers smack them with a 33% increase (without any kind of foreshadowing), they darn well would be on the phone with that supplier with some pretty strong words. They would expect an explanation. They'd certainly talk to them about any expectations that werent' fulfilled in the past year.

So is it really too much to ask for them to either 1) provide some kind of plan for next year's improvements so pass holders can understand what the significant increase is going to be used for - plus provide some information on how the quad will be operated going forward? OR 2) put out pass prices with a less lofty % increase - say 20ish %, which is still a sizeable % jump. ?

Two: The decrease last year was accompanied by a grand statement from either Mark or John in the media about how they were doing it to support skiing families. The magnitude of this increase makes those words ring hollow. They are basically clawing back the decrease they floated last year. Which makes me go - "hmm...what other surprises are in store?"

I'm done with this thread and topic. My wife is all for skipping passes next year and getting more variety in our skiing. Going to see what the kids think then make a decision. Maybe it will work, maybe not -- if not we'll probably be back at GP the following year.

For you guys who are happy with the 33% increase, I'd start to think about where GP might be headed within 3 to 5 years. Take a look at Elk pass pricing if you want a hint. Then get back to me and let me know if you still feel the same way.

Personally, I'd rather do without many of the improvements and keep pass prices down. I go to ski. If I want to hang out an amusement park or bar I'd go to those places.

But then I guess I should have found an extra $8 million last year and bought the place myself. And kicked you all off my lawn!
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Re: The old new Greek Peak?

billyymc wrote

But then I guess I should have found an extra $8 million last year and bought the place myself. And kicked you all off my lawn!

Bring it Cowboy

billyymc wrote

One: If either Mark or John had one of their suppliers smack them with a 33% increase (without any kind of foreshadowing), they darn well would be on the phone with that supplier with some pretty strong words. They would expect an explanation. They'd certainly talk to them about any expectations that werent' fulfilled in the past year.

Have you called them??

billyymc wrote

So is it really too much to ask for them to either 1) provide some kind of plan for next year's improvements so pass holders can understand what the significant increase is going to be used for - plus provide some information on how the quad will be operated going forward? OR 2) put out pass prices with a less lofty % increase - say 20ish %, which is still a sizeable % jump. ?


Agree 10000000000000% there should be some level of communication to pass holders on what their plan is. I don't think that oo much to ask.

billyymc wrote

Two: The decrease last year was accompanied by a grand statement from either Mark or John in the media about how they were doing it to support skiing families. The magnitude of this increase makes those words ring hollow. They are basically clawing back the decrease they floated last year. Which makes me go - "hmm...what other surprises are in store?"

Pass sales were already concluded before they even bought the place, right??
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Re: The old new Greek Peak?

campgottagopee wrote
Pass sales were already concluded before they even bought the place, right??

Camp - maybe I'm wrong, but I believe the pass sales were timed so the revenue would come to the new owners, and  not into the bankruptcy. That was my impression at the time. The new owners announced the discounts - not the old owners.