The old new Greek Peak?

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Re: The old new Greek Peak?

Face4Me wrote
billyymc wrote
Reality is my kids are probably only getting up to GP 15 days this year anyway. And when they go we probalby only ski 3 or 4 hours. After skiing there for about 7 or 8 years they're kind of bored with it. If we take a ski trip we ski a much longer day.
Buying a season pass for a ski resort, at the end of the day, boils down to one thing ... a value proposition. Using your numbers above, based on a $399 pass price, and 15 days per season, you're talking about $26.66 per day. Using a 3 hour per day figure, you're down to $8.88 per hour. If you figure that 15 days per season amounts to about once a week, that's pretty comparable to going bowling once a week. As a value proposition, comparing the costs a ski resort incurs compared to a bowling alley's costs, I'd say that's a pretty good value.

Of course, if you're not satisfied by the services provided by that resort, whether it be terrain, snow conditions, lift operations, or whatever, then no price is a good price.

Man these WF guys are wicked smart
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Re: The old new Greek Peak?

In reply to this post by pro2860
pro2860 wrote
ScottyJack wrote
billyymc wrote
It should at least come with some sort of explanation or statement from the owners. It would, if they felt good about it.
Dear Season Pass Holders,

It's not 1959 anymore, so we have to charge 21st century season pass prices.  

Thank you for understanding.

That WAS freakin hilarious! I almost pissed myself
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Re: The old new Greek Peak?

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In reply to this post by jjbrady
jjbrady wrote
  I'm sure if Marc and John knew your concerns, they would definitely address them. I have never seen owners of a large place be at the business so frequently.
Truer words have never been spoken. How do I know that?? I had the pleasure of sharing a chairlift ride yesterday with Marc. We didn't talk too much about GP itself, more about how good the skiing has been lately and how we were both super doooper happy with that. I told him how impressed I was with what they have done with the place in such a short period of time. He politley thanked me, then went on to say that if I or ANYONE else had any issue they would like to address to please reach out to either he or John as they are always around. I expressed that, IMO, it would be that kind of customer contact that would seperate GP form the rest on the CNY hills. He shared with me that next year we would see improvements with snowmaking and grooming --- we both were pretty psyched about that.

My bottom line: Marc and John aren't 2 rich guys who just bought a ski area because they could, they're 2 rich guys who bought GP out of passion for skiing and especially passion for skiing GP. The bought a SINKING SHIP, not one that was off course, but one that was going down - quickly at that. They've jumped in with both feet and are hanging on to a Jaguars tail, that ain't easy. I'm 100% certain they know the new quad needs to have the kinks worked out, they know that some folks aren't happy with serive at Trax, they know the lights are out, the know the grooming/snowmaking needs to improve, etc etc ---- these guys aren't dumb dumbs. They realize they're dealing with the public, and that by doing so you wont keep everyone happy 100% of the time --- nature of the beast. I'm 110% certain that these tweeks WILL be worked out and that GP will continue to grow and get better in both customer service and quality of the skier experience.

It's really quite simple..... if people feel the price increase for seasons passes isn't worth it to them, then don't get one. Go to Song, Lab or where ever ya'll feel fit to go. Less people there = more room for me
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Re: The old new Greek Peak?

Camp - pretty sure you meant to say that Marc and John AREN'T dumb dumbs.

I agree with that. And I've seen them there, just haven't had a chance to talk with them.

I'd like to see some of the transparency of last year brought forth to this year though. Why can't they tell us what their solution to the f'd up quad is going to be? Or what improvements are coming next year? Last year they were all over the media with that stuff - when they lowered prices. This year - not so much eh?

I still think a 33% increase (yes, I totally ackowledge they lowered prices last year) IS a dumb move. It's pissing people off - lots of people. See my comment above about what Mark or John would do if one of their suppliers increase prices by 33%?  Of course they'd be pissed, and on the phone immediately.

Anyway - in the end you're right. Either a season pass to Greek is worth is to a person, or not. After speaking with  my wife and several of my ski buds, our family is leaning toward not getting passes for next year. We've been skiing GP for 12 or 14 years (the kids for about 9) - with an annual trip out west or one or two to Vermont each year. So it's time for more variety anyway, and the pass increase was just the catalyst to make that change.

We're going to put in the legwork to hunt down discounts and deals (liftopia, coupon books, tv/radio station deals...whatever we can find) to local and semi-local areas (CNY, ADKs, Cats), then hit Utah for a week as well. Throw in a long weekend to northern vermont, and it could end up being a pretty interesting season. I think the kids will enjoy it more than another season of the same old same old at GP.

Maybe it won't pan out well. Won't know until we try it. If it doesn't then we'll be back at GP the following year most likely.
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Re: The old new Greek Peak?

I changed my mind. I agree w/ BillyMC now.  
I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: The old new Greek Peak?

ScottyJack wrote
I changed my mind. I agree w/ BillyMC now.
The value yo uadd to this thread is impossible to calculate.
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Re: The old new Greek Peak?

billyymc wrote
The value yo uadd to this thread is impossible to calculate.
You are wlc bro.  
I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: The old new Greek Peak?

In reply to this post by billyymc
billyymc wrote
Camp - pretty sure you meant to say that Marc and John AREN'T dumb dumbs.

billyymc wrote

I'd like to see some of the transparency of last year brought forth to this year though. Why can't they tell us what their solution to the f'd up quad is going to be? Or what improvements are coming next year? Last year they were all over the media with that stuff - when they lowered prices. This year - not so much eh?

I agree. I'd like to see what their goals are for this up comming year is too --- maybe someone from GP will chime in??? I dunno. I'm sure it wasn't by their choice to be in the spotlight so much last year, but when you buy the best ski area in CNY I guess that's what happens.

billyymc wrote

I still think a 33% increase (yes, I totally ackowledge they lowered prices last year) IS a dumb move. It's pissing people off - lots of people. See my comment above about what Mark or John would do if one of their suppliers increase prices by 33%?  Of course they'd be pissed, and on the phone immediately.
I have no idea if raising the price to $399 was dumb or not, time will tell that. It certainly has pissed MANY people off, FB is loaded with them. Again, this transition is super easy for me as I only buy one pass, and a hunred bucks is nothing. I'll spend that  Sunday at WF drinking beer after skiing.

billyymc wrote

Anyway - in the end you're right. Either a season pass to Greek is worth is to a person, or not. After speaking with  my wife and several of my ski buds, our family is leaning toward not getting passes for next year. We've been skiing GP for 12 or 14 years (the kids for about 9) - with an annual trip out west or one or two to Vermont each year. So it's time for more variety anyway, and the pass increase was just the catalyst to make that change.

We're going to put in the legwork to hunt down discounts and deals (liftopia, coupon books, tv/radio station deals...whatever we can find) to local and semi-local areas (CNY, ADKs, Cats), then hit Utah for a week as well. Throw in a long weekend to northern vermont, and it could end up being a pretty interesting season. I think the kids will enjoy it more than another season of the same old same old at GP.

Maybe it won't pan out well. Won't know until we try it. If it doesn't then we'll be back at GP the following year most likely.
Variety is the spice of life, well, for some.

When I find something that works I stick with it.....enjoy your travels
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Re: The old new Greek Peak?

In reply to this post by ScottyJack
ScottyJack wrote
I changed my mind. I agree w/ BillyMC now.
Always new you were part woman
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Re: The old new Greek Peak?

In reply to this post by billyymc
billyymc wrote
ScottyJack wrote
I changed my mind. I agree w/ BillyMC now.
The value yo uadd to this thread is impossible to calculate.
Billy, please don't encourage him
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Re: The old new Greek Peak?

In reply to this post by campgottagopee
campgottagopee wrote
ScottyJack wrote
I changed my mind. I agree w/ BillyMC now.
Always new you were part woman
rather be part woman than part stinky skunk!!  
I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: The old new Greek Peak?

ScottyJack wrote
campgottagopee wrote
ScottyJack wrote
I changed my mind. I agree w/ BillyMC now.
Always new you were part woman
rather be part woman than part stinky skunk!!  
You got me

Totally burst out laughing in my office ---- people think i'm nuts in here
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Re: The old new Greek Peak?

they think it cause ur nuts!  
I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: The old new Greek Peak?

Some pepole who can barly aford a pass who just want to ski the added benifits of greek don't matter, I understand that the price will increase, but 100 $ at once is kinda dumb, and the deadline on march 15 is even worse, as now someone coming out of a short pay month can't make the cut (the owners are skiiers who care, but rich ones that could use 100 $ bills as tolit paper(which you gotta be if you own one of theis places))Marginal skiers are half the crowd at any ski area, as sad as it is this is the truth, andwhile their were improvments some could arguee that they were overshadowed by negitive (the quad, trax) and improved snow was due to the weatherA september pass to greek is about the same as buying a pass to lab and song..... one good ski area or two diffrent ski areas? Song in respoce could do their 99 $ greek peak pass holder season pass deal again stealing up the marginal skiers again, Say you lose 1/4 of the pass holders, or even half (won't be that bad but...) they would have spent money at the tuning center, at trax, in the cafeteria now regular pass holders get to absorb that, prices jump majorly again, in no time you end up costing the same as elk, Again I understand prices will go up but 30 $ a year vs 100 $ which is 600 $ plus for large famliysAnd a lab program pass, great for marginal skiers, what's up with greek not doing one?
Black diamonds, the easy way down, less moving hazzards
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Re: The old new Greek Peak?

Banned User
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Re: The old new Greek Peak?

Snowballs wrote
I hope what I wrote at least made sense, even if you don't agree with it.

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Re: The old new Greek Peak?

Big D
I had a brownie from the Taverna that seemed a little stale... I hate Greek P and am never going back. Also I will bad mouth them all over social media. Perhaps Labrador or Song will have a fresh brownie.
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Re: The old new Greek Peak?

Big D wrote
I had a brownie from the Taverna that seemed a little stale... I hate Greek P and am never going back. Also I will bad mouth them all over social media. Perhaps Labrador or Song will have a fresh brownie.
Meh. If you think what I wrote here is bad mouthing or untrue, then ask the mods to delete it.
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Re: The old new Greek Peak?

Big D
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billyymc wrote
Big D wrote
I had a brownie from the Taverna that seemed a little stale... I hate Greek P and am never going back. Also I will bad mouth them all over social media. Perhaps Labrador or Song will have a fresh brownie.
Meh. If you think what I wrote here is bad mouthing or untrue, then ask the mods to delete it.
No, not at all. Back on the ski FREE day on 12/24, some guy from Syracuse came down and complained about everything on Greeks facebook page including a stale brownie. He kind of threatened to keep posting negative stuff unless Greek sent him a free pass for another day this season.

OH PS: The guy did not consider it a FREE ski day because he said he spent $10.00 on 2 canned goods to donate to the local food pantry.
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Re: The old new Greek Peak?

Is the free day not about feeding the hungry in the comunity?

All the complants about the cafiteria food, its ski area food one notch above bowling alley food, its contrary to normal if u get good good in a ski area cafiteria, pizza espicaly (at any ski area I'm shocked if it don't taste like cardbord)
Black diamonds, the easy way down, less moving hazzards
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