Winter 2016/2017 Plans?

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Re: Winter 2016/2017 Plans?

Banned User
snoloco wrote
My home mountain is now Whiteface!!  

Quite the step up from Mountain Creek.
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Re: Winter 2016/2017 Plans?

I go to college at Clarkson.  Whiteface is less than 2 hours from there.  Picked up my pass today and took a gondola ride.
I've lived in New York my entire life.
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Re: Winter 2016/2017 Plans?

JTG4eva!'s school so far being away at Clarkson, for high school that is really college?  Hope things are going well.  Big life change, hope it's everything you wanted it to be.  My daughter is in her freshman year at Emerson and she is loving life.  You never know what it's going to be like when you get out there.  Fortunately my daughter loves her classes and major, and has been able to get involved in a lot of things while still keeping up with her work, and make a lot of friends.  I hope your fresh start finds you well and involved.  I'm sure your parents are suffering like my wife and I, as it's tough to have our babies gone!!  Good luck with it.
We REALLY need a proper roll eyes emoji!!
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Re: Winter 2016/2017 Plans?

It's going pretty well so far.  Just trying to adjust to a college workload from a high school workload.  It's definitely more, but I think it's pretty manageable.  No all nighters and plenty of time for other things.  I'm still very much connected to my parents and they're glad to hear I'm doing well.
I've lived in New York my entire life.
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Re: Winter 2016/2017 Plans?

As an undergrad in a first tear engineering college I found that putting in day from 7AM to 7PM with 2 hours for exercise or breaks 5 days a week yielded a 4.0 average. It just takes discipline and it sounds like you are finding that out.
Don't ski the trees, ski the spaces between the trees.
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Re: Winter 2016/2017 Plans?

In reply to this post by snoloco
Glad to hear it's going well.  Also glad you are respecting/enjoying keeping up with mom and dad....our daughter doesn't do enough of that!
We REALLY need a proper roll eyes emoji!!
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Re: Winter 2016/2017 Plans?

In reply to this post by PeeTex
I wish I had this kind of discipline! I have concentration issues and real deal limits.

Anyways, my plans are to survive these last two science courses for my pre-health career associates degree and to take my kid skiing. After last season it should be fun to watch her take the ball and run with it.
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Re: Winter 2016/2017 Plans?

In reply to this post by MC2 5678F589
mattchuck2 wrote
PeeTex wrote
Argh - from Farmers Almanac, this does not look good
Remember last year's map (that I just posted in the other thread 2 days ago)?

I wouldn't take that forecast as anything more than a guess.
As I posted in the FA thread:
I have not checked the acorn crop yet but I suspect it will look like last years, no sign it will be like 2014 though. The Maine coon cat's fur is not as dense as in cold winters, more like last years coat but she has time and I can usually tell by the end of October. You may think I am kidding but these have been pretty consistent indicators. So far I am not real hopeful.
It's the Maine coon that has me worried. Her coat is just not what we have seen in the past. She is getting old, sleeps more than prowls and that may be the cause, but she usually is putting on an amazing coat about this time.
Don't ski the trees, ski the spaces between the trees.
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Re: Winter 2016/2017 Plans?

Benny Profane
In reply to this post by PeeTex
PeeTex wrote
I think I am going to look for a place to rent for a month in CO. I am concerned about leaving the wife for a month though. She might be pretty angry about that.

Well, if it's cheatin'' she's worried about, tell her no problem. Last place you're going to find available women.
funny like a clown
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Re: Winter 2016/2017 Plans?

Benny Profane wrote
PeeTex wrote
I think I am going to look for a place to rent for a month in CO. I am concerned about leaving the wife for a month though. She might be pretty angry about that.

Well, if it's cheatin'' she's worried about, tell her no problem. Last place you're going to find available women.
No, she's not worried about that - at least I don't think she is. She just gets cranky when I travel.
Don't ski the trees, ski the spaces between the trees.
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Re: Winter 2016/2017 Plans?

Can someone give me some travel advice here?

From Potsdam (where Clarkson is), there are two basic routes to Whiteface.  The northern route takes you on 11B to 458 to 30 to 86.  The southern route takes you on 56 to 3 to 86.  The northern route is quicker because you skip Tupper Lake, but the southern route seems like it would be an easier drive in snowy conditions as the roads are more straight with less hills and turns.

How well of a job does the state do on keeping these roads clear, and which route typically gets done first?  I'm guessing they prioritize the southern route because it connects through Tupper Lake.  I drive an all wheel drive SUV and have taken a winter driving course, so I feel like as long as the roads have been plowed, I should be able to get through.

Has anyone else ever traveled these roads and can answer any of these questions?
I've lived in New York my entire life.
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Re: Winter 2016/2017 Plans?

Northern route is fine. Just fill the tank as a bit desolate and don't expect cell service
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Re: Winter 2016/2017 Plans?

In reply to this post by snoloco
When it snows they never touch those roads. I don't think your winter driving lessons will be much help. Probably best to stay home and study. The snow will be here better safe than sorry.
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Re: Winter 2016/2017 Plans?

Gaper Rog
Banned User
What kind of suv you driving?
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Re: Winter 2016/2017 Plans?

MC2 5678F589
In reply to this post by snoloco
Agree with tjf. When it snows, take the main roads because the plowing is better. When it hasn't snowed in a while, take the northern route (although I don't think it's that much faster).
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Re: Winter 2016/2017 Plans?

MC2 5678F589
In reply to this post by PeeTex
Oh yeah, right, acorn counts and cat fur is a great way to judge the weather, too.

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Re: Winter 2016/2017 Plans?

In reply to this post by nepa
nepa wrote
Quit my job on Wednesday... I have decided to take this Winter to find myself (something I should have done 25yrs ago after I finished high school).
And your wife didn't divorce you?  If not, you go girl...

My wife would have told me to look in the fucking mirror if I wanted to find myself...

As far as 2016/2017..I refuse to commit to anything until we have a clear weather picture..
"Peace and Love"
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Re: Winter 2016/2017 Plans?

BS Lolkl
In reply to this post by tjf1967
Yeah Sno, TJF is giving you good advice. When it snows, you must be patient. Give the State some time to get out and groom the roads. And why hurry? It will take time for the ski area to groom it's trails.
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Re: Winter 2016/2017 Plans?

warp daddy
In reply to this post by snoloco
Northern route is fine ,use it all the time . Also look for the shortcut around St Regis Falls . Its a straightline rather than curve thru the village and it puts you back on 458 just south of the village
Life ain't a dress rehearsal: Spread enthusiasm , avoid negative nuts.
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Re: Winter 2016/2017 Plans?

I have taken both routes in warm weather.  So you're saying that 458 is fine in the snow?

My scenario is this:  WF got a foot of snow last night and I want to go ski it.  I leave really early in the morning to make sure I get out for opening.  Which route will get plowed first?
I've lived in New York my entire life.
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