Gore Conditions (2014-2015)

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Re: Gore Conditions

MC2 5678F589
Footer wrote
Anyone know how wet the snow was up there today?  The stuff in that fell in Saratoga was pretty heavy.
It was like a freezing mist today, covered goggles and clothes in icy coating. About 3" of pow last night made the skiing really nice if you were able to see. I skied about 4 hours, then went back to make Chili. Mmmmm....

Nothing coming down right now between Warrensburg and Chestertown. It should start snowing soon.
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Re: Gore Conditions

mattchuck2 wrote
Footer wrote
Anyone know how wet the snow was up there today?  The stuff in that fell in Saratoga was pretty heavy.
It was like a freezing mist today, covered goggles and clothes in icy coating. About 3" of pow last night made the skiing really nice if you were able to see. I skied about 4 hours, then went back to make Chili. Mmmmm....

Nothing coming down right now between Warrensburg and Chestertown. It should start snowing soon.
Thanks for this. Very helpful.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Gore Conditions

MC2 5678F589
I'm up tomorrow and Tuesday, too. I'll let you know what happens (not loving the radar right now)
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Re: Gore Conditions

I hope I can ski tomorrow, currently I have a client meeting scheduled but maybe I can tell him the roads were too sketchy. Conditions everywhere have gotten fantastic.
Don't ski the trees, ski the spaces between the trees.
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Re: Gore Conditions

PeeTex wrote
I hope I can ski tomorrow, currently I have a client meeting scheduled but maybe I can tell him the roads were too sketchy. Conditions everywhere have gotten fantastic.
Rumor is Groomed.  Sagamore is groomed.  Woods will be refreshed.  See ya there.  
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Re: Gore Conditions

MC2 5678F589
And Gore just posted on Facebook that the Hudson chair will be running all week. Game on.
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Re: Gore Conditions

In reply to this post by Footer
Footer wrote
PeeTex wrote
I hope I can ski tomorrow, currently I have a client meeting scheduled but maybe I can tell him the roads were too sketchy. Conditions everywhere have gotten fantastic.
Rumor is Groomed.  Sagamore is groomed.  Woods will be refreshed.  See ya there.
Thanks - but if I do ski tomorrow I'll go for some BC glades. There is so much to ski out there right now it's insane.
Don't ski the trees, ski the spaces between the trees.
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Re: Gore Conditions

Conditions were gret today. Started at the ski bowl and worked our way over. Ski bowl glade was nice. What was that coming out of the sky today? I've never been iced up that quickly before in my life. Had to use my pass as n ice scraper on my goggles. It ws brutal.
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Re: Gore Conditions

todays shaman says; 3-4" skiing like 10" today.first groups down ski bowl(nice to see you frk), hudson ,ridge glades really sweet, never left the bowl. the goggle icing up not so sweet.
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Re: Gore Conditions

it certainly skied like 10+. it was nice to see you freeheelin'. i'm playing hooky on tuesday. see you beyond the orange netting.
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Re: Gore Conditions

Played hooky and had a great day.  Snowed all day and there was probably 5-6" of fresh when I got there.  Started on Twister and Patrol opened Twister glades right as I got there - beautiful.  Went over to Burnt Ridge and skied Abernaki, Barkeater, and Boreas glades - awesome, awesome, awesome! Then decided to scoot over to the Ski Bowl - best decision of the day.  Plenty of POW everywhere and much less skied over.  Actually got a face shot on the run under the lift! Then worked my way over to the top, skied Darkside, Lies, Rumor, Double Barrel (both sides) - certainly more skied up than Ski Bowl, but still good. Wind was blowing across the top, so tops of Rumor, Lies, and Hawkeye were very variable - sheer ice and then drifting powder.  Finished off with 2 runs down High Pines Glades (under Topridge Triple) and then headed out on Showcase.

Decided to demo some Line Supernatural 92s from Beaverbrook Outfitters.  Loved them!

Burnt Ridge quad was running on electric.  It had been on the diesel when I was there Friday.
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Re: Gore Conditions

Adk Jeff
In reply to this post by MC2 5678F589
mattchuck2 wrote
Great day today. Started at the ski bowl, worked my way up and around (but never skied the Gondy area at all). On the map/off the map, everything was good.
Ha! We did the same thing Saturday.  Started up the access road, saw the line of cars, turned around and headed down to the Ski Bowl.  Never saw the main base or rode the gondi or skied the front-side trails.  The whole weekend was great, didn't mind the freezing driz /fog on Sunday one bit.  Man, we are on a roll.  Here's my tr and pics from the weekend (self-serving link.  Sorry too lazy to post alternate tr/pics)
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Re: Gore Conditions

Decent day today.  Woods it good shape.  This snow is really, really wet.  It is holding the hill.  On the runs that got groomed last night they held out well.  Sagamore was not so lucky and was a ghost town by 11am.  Spent some time on eco after abandoning sagamore... the last headwall on sagamore was variable at best.  Lies was incredible today.  Hawkeye not so much.  Looks like they are grooming almost everything tomorrow... a few groomings and a few days to dry out and this snow will be in really good shape.  
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Re: Gore Conditions

How is the untracked? Wondering how our woods will be.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Gore Conditions

Harvey wrote
How is the untracked? Wondering how our woods will be.
Alright.  My wife wasn't into the woods today so I didn't spend much time there.  That ice pellet stuff that fell end of Sunday is still there.  Good coverage still but this stuff doesn't want to move.  Hopefully as it gets colder it dries out a bit.  I'm heading back up Thursday alone and plan on spending some time in the woods up top.  
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Re: Gore Conditions

In reply to this post by Harvey
i thought gore skied like northern VT today. i had to bail out of the woods several times because the snow was too deep. i skied stuff i hadn't skied in several years because the snow was so good. Harv, i thought it was great today.
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Re: Gore Conditions

Quote of the day from Monday (while about half way down High Pines Glades under the Topridge Triple):

schneiski: "How's it goin'?"

random skier: "Dude, I'm going to need plastic surgery to remove this smile!"

Also - anyone know why Gore is not opening the Cirque Glades from it trailhead?
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Re: Gore Conditions

schneiski wrote

Also - anyone know why Gore is not opening the Cirque Glades from it trailhead?
if every thing is open how can we scream MORE GORE!
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Re: Gore Conditions

Very nice day on the mountain.  Light snow falling, but wind was picking up and temps were dropping, so this weekend, may be brutal!  Good cover on all the main runs and good snow in the woods as well.  I thought the Tannery run had the best snow for the main runs.  Spent some time in the glades hitting Twister glades, Boreas, Otter slide glades, Chatterbox, Mineshaft, Tahawus all with good cover, though you can find some spots that are higher trafficked areas where rocks or logs are exposed so be careful.  Tahawus had the best and most consistent coverage.  I thought Darby was the best on the Dark Side.  Surprising that even with all the recent snow, Hawkeye gets right down to the frozen scrapey stuff so easily! :(  Hate that about that run.  Was on the AE2 and it stopped for a good long while, at least five minutes and I was worried that it might not re-start.  Stopped again the next ride up and when I asked they said, "someone fell off".  I thought I read on someone else's report that one of the lifts was balky earlier this week.  Hopefully nothing's going on with our new fancy high speed plush quad!  I think the mountain is setting up nicely for the holiday week, thanks to all the prior snowmaking, but also from all the recent snowfall.  Wouldn't mind some more though! :D  Even got to hit Jug Handle, which I hadn't seen open all year and is a fun little diversion.  
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Re: Gore Conditions

In reply to this post by schneiski

Also - anyone know why Gore is not opening the Cirque Glades from it trailhead?

Because its embarrassing.  If they open it, send your least favorite person down to check it out.  Maybe they'll get misdirected to the Chasm of No Escape and you'll never see them again.

It could happen.
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