Coincides with the downfall of Tupper. So this means that if you bring back Big Tupper the trend will be reversed and population will increase?
Sent from the driver's seat of my car while in motion.
I wonder how Oval Wood Dish employment numbers match up against that chart.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
In reply to this post by D.B. Cooper
The age old ‘chicken and the egg’ question. Did the demise of Big Tupper drive the population down, or did the shrinking population lead to the demise of Big Tupper?
I don’t think the State taking ownership of Big Tupper is going to change the general Tupper Lake population trend.
We REALLY need a proper roll eyes emoji!!
On the upside, if lifts were spinning at BT, NYSkiBlog would dramatically increase coverage.
Local rippers to the forefront, imagine the impact!
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
In reply to this post by Z
For someone who wants less government this baffles my mind. There is absolutely zero chance it can be successful. Whiteface can't turn a profit but let's open a mole hill 30 miles closer to no where. Jesus why don't you just advocate the helicopter drop of money in the North country. You should have a Bernie sticker on your car.
If our idiotic governor’s going to spend our tax dollars like a drunken sailor we might as well get as much up here in the Daks as possible instead on on Long Island or elsewhere. Do you actually think if they bring back Tupper Cuomo would actually spend any less than if they don’t?
I used to live in Watertown and drove every weekend for 10 years thru Tupper so I watched it slowly die. There used to be hotels and restaurants then Stewart’s was the only thing left in town. Honestly I think Tupper would get more economic impact from reopening than Gore and Bell do.
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
I agree but let's keep the money at whiteface. No matter what you do you will never get people to ski Tupper. I love Tupper. If I lived there I would drive to whiteface to ski. You drive right by it on the way from Watertown... Why?
In reply to this post by Z
On your way to not Big Tupper? ![]()
We REALLY need a proper roll eyes emoji!!
In reply to this post by Z
Please explain the thinking behind this |
In reply to this post by Z
Trying to avoid calling it out, but I see a pattern of NIMBY when you don't like something (VRBO, etc) and IMBY when you do. Long Island (or Westchester/NYC metro) tax dollars pay for all the roads up north. I don't have a problem with that, but the metro area already funds the rest of New York State. All good - I choose to live where I do, I take the good with the bad; I like beaches, I drive to mountains, but consistency isn't bad either. |
In reply to this post by tjf1967
Because it closed the year before I moved to Watertown. If it was still open I would might have ended up with a weekend place Tupper back then If you guys look at where I’ve written I love to ski it’s the Powder Mt, Targhee, Pico etc type of ski areas I love these smaller non commercial ski areas
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
In reply to this post by Thacheronix
<quote author="Thacheronix">
Reverse NIMBYism? ![]()
We REALLY need a proper roll eyes emoji!!
In reply to this post by Z
Hilarious. Powder Mountain 8500 acres (largest in the USA), 500 inches snow Targhee 2600 acres (larger than Jackson Hole), 1 HSQ, 500 inches snow Pico 1967 foot vertical, 2 HSQs, 468 acres, 250 inches snow You are a real philanthropist supporting these smaller non-commercial type areas. |
I said non commercial but I’ve also written about how much I’ve enjoyed macaulley and platty
Yeah those areas I mentioned have acreage but each has only a handful of lifts I worked at Killington but requested to be posted at Pico. That is more my vibe. I have a hard time understanding why anyone would be against having more skiing available or are you guys just being dicks because I’m so strongly for this? It appears that Orda has been successful with Bell despite my thinking it wouldn’t work. I do feel for Laz though. I was concerned he could get Tuppered. Why not give Tupper a chance? It will be way less costly than Bell. No Gondi going in there. Just bring it back to how it was.
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
FIFY! Seriously, nobody is against having more skiing available....but just because we might like more available skiing doesn’t mean the State should step in to revive every little place in a bad location in the middle of nowhere with insufficient snowfall. BT failed in the past, multiple times, for a reason, and as others have pointed out it won’t attract enough skiers to be viable. That’s enough reason to objectively object. From a personal standpoint, as a State run area on a Ski4 Pass, my kids or I (or most people) would never go there. WF, Gore, Belle...yes. BT? Why? It’s nothing against you, it just makes little sense.
We REALLY need a proper roll eyes emoji!!
In reply to this post by Z
This ^^^^^ it's not like NYS hasn't blown 10's of millions before. I also agree that in no way will this effect the tax monies given to other ORDA venues. The man in charge loves pounding his chest and calling himself tall so this will be just another chance to do that. |
In reply to this post by JTG4eva!
One of the reasons that you are... difficult... on this forum is that you don't consider other people's perspectives, and you prioritize your own (narrow) thinking over everyone else. Sure, a guy in Dutchess County who skis 15-20 days a year (mostly by buying last minute tickets to fly out West during favorable storm events) isn't going to fucking ski Big Tupper. But what about students at SUNY Potsdam? What about residents of Saranac Lake trying to escape WF crowds on weekends? What about people who live in Tupper Lake and could benefit from having state dollars poured into town (and an awesome local ski area)? Maybe just *try* to put yourself in someone else's shoes for once. (Z struggles to do that, too, but here his personal interests intersect with the interests of a small Adirondack town, so he is okay with it) |
In reply to this post by DomB
You guys are doing a shitty job then ![]() |
In reply to this post by campgottagopee
Excellent comment, camp. Agree completely. |
There's an assumption by the Tupper pushers that NYS is losing money on the 3 downhill areas. As I posted earlier I'm not so sure that's true, at least for Gore and Belle. They may very well be in the black when all 3 are aggregated. Adding BT could/would put them in the red