The Jay Peak Tram

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Re: The Jay Peak Tram

PeeTex wrote
RA-you ever see the movie "clockwork  orange"
Of course but it's been a long time. I'm more of a "The Shining" fan though to be honest.
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Re: The Jay Peak Tram

Nabble (the forum software provider for this site) charges to have a forum with adult content.  What it looks like is that they get the some or all of the revenue from ads, and few companies are willing to buy ad space on an adult website.  If one posts content that violates their policies for content on a site that isn't set up to have adult content, it might be deleted.  I don't think anything posted here has violated those terms, although encouraging someone to do drugs and engage in threesomes does not belong on a ski forum.  If only one thread got out of line, why bother having an age limit?  It costs money to have a forum that can have adult content and it would likely turn away more users, thinking that it is a porn site and not a ski forum.


I joined this place 3 years ago as a way to communicate with people who have similar interests (irrationally large passion for skiing).  I was 14 at the time and by far the youngest member.  Although I get into my fair share of arguments with the elders, I think my presence here has been generally well received (that will probably start another argument).  The vast majority of my posts aren't flaming anyone, and although I get flamed a lot, no one really posted anything that wasn't ok for a teenager to see.  If it ain't broke, don't fix it.  I don't think there's a problem of people my age being on forums like this.  If there was, I'd have been banned for it by now.
I've lived in New York my entire life.
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Re: The Jay Peak Tram

Comparing the silly discussion about college life to porn is a little far fetched to say the least.

You claim to want to be part of "adult" conversations but when you are treated with respect as actually being one you back off and say that the conversation has become inappropriate for someone your age. Well what do you want? Are you really that incapable of handling a conversation dealing with very real college situations or should we pretend it's not real? Have you never watched light hearted comedies that target a high school junior/senior demographic audience such as American Pie about college life?  If you have did you walk away in disgust or are you being a silly dramatic right now? Are you capable of adult conversations or should we treat you like a child?
Get over it and um....grow up.
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Re: The Jay Peak Tram

In reply to this post by PeeTex
You are conflating two definitions of "adult. " I let it slide when sno did it but you know better.

Go back through the thread. How many people said something that is inappropriate?  What would you do... ban or censor each to accommodate sno?  It doesn't make any sense.

There are places where he could post and be among his age group. And other places that are aggressively moderated.

Sno chooses to be here.  That's cool, he's a asset with unique, valuable insight. But expecting me to moderate this place to make it appropriate for one minor isn't realistic.

Re the ads, I ain't in it for the money. It's a loser. You know that too. And blame Amazon, the internet and digital marketing for the ads that follow you around I didn't do it.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: The Jay Peak Tram

Harvey wrote
You are conflating two definitions of "adult. " I let it slide when sno did it but you know better.

Go back through the thread. How many people said something that is inappropriate?  What would you do... ban or censor each to accommodate sno?  It doesn't make any sense.

There are places where he could post and be among his age group. And other places that are aggressively moderated.

Sno chooses to be here.  That's cool, he's a asset with unique, valuable insight. But expecting me to moderate this place to make it appropriate for one minor isn't realistic.

Re the ads, I ain't in it for the money. It's a loser. You know that too. And blame Amazon, the internet and digital marketing for the ads that follow you around I didn't do it.
In my old fashioned mind there is little distinction, it's just a matter of degree and a very slippery slope.

BTW - I know you don't control the ads, however - without going over the books I have no idea whether this is a net plus or net minus.
Don't ski the trees, ski the spaces between the trees.
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Re: The Jay Peak Tram

I'm on multiple other Internet forums, while I am among the youngest members on those, I don't have the administrator saying that I don't belong there.  That's what I'm pissed about.  I don't take it lightly when someone says that I should never have been part of a community when I did basically nothing to deserve it.  You can say that I'm grandfathered, but the sentiment remains that I don't belong here and that's not OK.
I've lived in New York my entire life.
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Re: The Jay Peak Tram

Whoever said life was fair kid. You don't like it you have a choice.
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Re: The Jay Peak Tram

Benny Profane
In reply to this post by PeeTex
PeeTex wrote
 Oh - and I hate the fact that the last thing I looked at at keeps popping up, I bought the GD thing at Home Depot already.
Oh, don't get me going. All of these Silicon Valley nerds think they're so smart. How about Tripadvisor? Hmmm, I wonder what the hotel situation is like in Chamonix for a not too possible trip, because I'm bored and there's nothing else to do. Then blammo, emails and pop ups all about Chamonix. No, dudes, I was just looking. It's like having some smiley store clerk following you around while you're shopping and asking, every minute or so, do you need any help?
funny like a clown
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Re: The Jay Peak Tram

Benny Profane wrote
PeeTex wrote
 Oh - and I hate the fact that the last thing I looked at at keeps popping up, I bought the GD thing at Home Depot already.
Oh, don't get me going. All of these Silicon Valley nerds think they're so smart. How about Tripadvisor? Hmmm, I wonder what the hotel situation is like in Chamonix for a not too possible trip, because I'm bored and there's nothing else to do. Then blammo, emails and pop ups all about Chamonix. No, dudes, I was just looking. It's like having some smiley store clerk following you around while you're shopping and asking, every minute or so, do you need any help?
I need to see if some smart programmer has made a firefox plugin that blocks that shit. It's probably there - I just need ot find it.
Don't ski the trees, ski the spaces between the trees.
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Re: The Jay Peak Tram

PeeTex wrote
Benny Profane wrote
PeeTex wrote
 Oh - and I hate the fact that the last thing I looked at at keeps popping up, I bought the GD thing at Home Depot already.
Oh, don't get me going. All of these Silicon Valley nerds think they're so smart. How about Tripadvisor? Hmmm, I wonder what the hotel situation is like in Chamonix for a not too possible trip, because I'm bored and there's nothing else to do. Then blammo, emails and pop ups all about Chamonix. No, dudes, I was just looking. It's like having some smiley store clerk following you around while you're shopping and asking, every minute or so, do you need any help?
I need to see if some smart programmer has made a firefox plugin that blocks that shit. It's probably there - I just need ot find it.
All the browsers have it
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Re: The Jay Peak Tram

Thanks - I actually had it turned on with Firefox but was using Microsoft edge. I found out though they Microsoft took the feature out of Edge.
Don't ski the trees, ski the spaces between the trees.
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Re: The Jay Peak Tram

All of those ad blockers allow you to make an exception for a specific site.  An exception for NYSB is greatly appreciated.  In the future NYSB version 4.0 will fill that empty space with a request for a small monthly contribution.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: The Jay Peak Tram

In reply to this post by snoloco
snoloco wrote
I'm on multiple other Internet forums, while I am among the youngest members on those, I don't have the administrator saying that I don't belong there.  That's what I'm pissed about.  I don't take it lightly when someone says that I should never have been part of a community when I did basically nothing to deserve it.  You can say that I'm grandfathered, but the sentiment remains that I don't belong here and that's not OK.
This is hyperbole. I never said you shouldn't be here. I'm not saying you don't belong here.  

The way I read it you are saying "Protect me from this inappropriate input." It seemed to me you were pretty upset. Maybe I read that wrong. If you are ok with what was posted, there is no problem.  
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: The Jay Peak Tram

I never said that or meant to imply that.  Bring in high school, I hear similar conversations on a regular basis.  I was expressing my frustration about how off the rails that thread got.  It was going for like 10 pages before you broke it out.  Definitely one of the worse thread drifts on this site.
I've lived in New York my entire life.
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Re: The Jay Peak Tram

Banned User
Oh c'mon man, again with the thread drift?

You know no one is going to take you serious on that.

And FTW (apparently that's popular around here), what the hell does you arguing with the Admin on how he runs his site or what he means have to do with the Jay Peak Tram?
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Re: The Jay Peak Tram

Ya I'm calling BS Sno. You are the thread drift master even though it's always about the same thing...over and over and over again.
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Re: The Jay Peak Tram

At least what I've said was related to skiing.  And at first it was was related to the topic, until people flamed me for posting it.  The drift that you started in my thread had nothing to do with the topic or with skiing.
I've lived in New York my entire life.
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Re: The Jay Peak Tram

why do you care? I guess I don't get it. whatever.
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Re: The Jay Peak Tram

Sick Bird Rider
In reply to this post by snoloco
Thread drift is the unpredictable beauty of Internet conversation, as long as things eventually get pulled back on track.

So, how about that Jay Peak tram?
Love Jay Peak? Hate Jay Peak? You might enjoy this: The Real Jay Peak Snow Report
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Re: The Jay Peak Tram

In reply to this post by raisingarizona
Speaking of the Jay Tram, Brownski Jr is a frequent lurker here. He was looking forward to joining and starting a roller coaster thread this summer. Can we make an exception for him? He already uses the word "bubble lift" as a punch line so he'll probably fit in pretty good.
"You want your skis? Go get 'em!" -W. Miller
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