The Jay Peak Tram

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Re: The Jay Peak Tram

Telemark Dave
Cool visual SBR.  Doesnt that new base /condo development look like it's in the middle of Andres / Beaver Pond??  
"there is great chaos under heaven, and the situation is excellent" Disclaimer: Telemark Dave is a Hinterlandian. He is not from New York State, and in fact, doesn't even ski there very often. He is also obsessive-compulsive about Voile Charger BC's.
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Re: The Jay Peak Tram

Sick Bird Rider
Yes, it does. Though if you look closely, the condos are below the pitch of BP and Andre's. Kinda more off to the left of of Ullr's below there. NEK used a JPR master plan map released back then as his base map. Those are the proposed condos for the West Bowl development. Considering recent events, it is unlikely that will ever happen.
Love Jay Peak? Hate Jay Peak? You might enjoy this: The Real Jay Peak Snow Report
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Re: The Jay Peak Tram

In reply to this post by raisingarizona
raisingarizona wrote
Are you really that bothered by a thread drift or a turn in a conversation?

Throttle back kid, it's just a form of light hearted entertainment, life will be a lot easier for you if you don't take yourself so seriously.

these young bucks around here are serious lil buckaroos
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Re: The Jay Peak Tram

In reply to this post by Harvey
Harvey wrote
MikeK wrote
This site really needs to decide what it wants to be.
It's true this site needs to make up it's mind.

I wasn't offended about the autism post.  Why I posted my comment is that we had five pages nuked because we had an adult conversation in front of sno about sex, drugs, and college.  If that is going to get nuked, I'm going to say something about a post in poor taste about autism.

I prefer non moderation, or at the least, very lightly moderated.  That said if there is going to be moderation, or some sort of group culture about the nature and tenet of posts, I'm going to call out something that is disrespectful of those born with a disadvantage.  If that was posted at TGR, I wouldn't have posted a thing.

Second, posters went behind your back and bitched to Harv.  What is worse?  You dealing with me and having a conversation, or somebody that is offended, and doesn't have the stones to engage you on it.
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Re: The Jay Peak Tram

In reply to this post by Ethan Snow
Ethan Snow wrote
raisingarizona wrote
Are you really that bothered by a thread drift or a turn in a conversation?

It doesn't necessarily bother me, I just think it's stupid. I joined this forum to talk about skiing, and related topics such as outdoor sports. There are plenty of stupid internet forums out there. This site just seems a little closer to home, and when people get way off topic it just kinda kills the vibe. I have participated in some of these off topic conversations, and concluded that they aren't really as much fun.
dude, most of us are bored desk jockeys looking for a laugh
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Re: The Jay Peak Tram

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In reply to this post by noip
noip wrote
Second, posters went behind your back and bitched to Harv.  What is worse?  You dealing with me and having a conversation, or somebody that is offended, and doesn't have the stones to engage you on it.
Man I can't stand that. I wasn't aware of it but it sounds lame. It really proves how tiny some people's balls really are when you have adults behaving like grade school children. And then! You have a teenager trying to dictate behavior telling others to more adult like! HA!

I suppose it has been entertaining though. :)
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Re: The Jay Peak Tram

Banned User
Yeah that email thing seems to be an issue here.  I really don't care but what bothers me is it gets mentioned.  Why?

I'm not going to lie, I like to push the line of what's acceptable.  Perhaps some have noticed and think I'm a dick for it... perhaps maybe... perhaps I'd accept that if I was aiming more at you... but I really only aim back at those who've taken aim at me, and I do that to try to diffuse what could be bullying into harmless banter... but there is a fine line between that and taking the bait or causing a full scale battle.

I've been pissed at few people on this forum for a few seconds, but that diffused rather quickly - I really don't know tham and don't want any relationship with them beyond here, so there's not much sense in being upset with their banter, or really holding back with mine.

What did bug me is someone asked to help expand the base of this forum (and don't take this as an attack, it's just the way I perceived it), did me a favor which I appreciated but didn't really want, and in return asked for something.  I thought perhaps this individual was a worthy cause and that I might connect with said individual beyond this forum.  But things happened that made me feel a bit betrayed, and being the person I am, I decided it wasn't someone I wanted to know beyond this interface.

So anyway, interpret all that how you may, I'm not really here to make any friends... I appreciate looking at pictures, having an adult conversation with some humor or serious aspects, and especially I like to read this forum during ski season to get intel on where the snow may be.  All that stuff I appreciate.

If you want a family friendly forum where no one ever gets offended and everyone feels comfortable posting whatever they want (and I mean all types of skiing), then you might want to consider more active moderation.  If you like the direction it is going, it's fine, it can be fun, but don't expect the diversity and/or certain types of individuals to post here.

And as far as the original comment, I never posted what I think because it's not very central to the theme of this forum.  I think the whole thing is a waste of money and energy and a detriment to a beautiful feature of nature.  I think the same about the castle on WF and the road to the top.  But saying something like I would be construed as being an antagonist.
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Re: The Jay Peak Tram

In reply to this post by noip
noip wrote
Harvey wrote
MikeK wrote
This site really needs to decide what it wants to be.
It's true this site needs to make up it's mind.
This makes no sense....why does it have to be anything? why can't it just be whatever it is?
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Re: The Jay Peak Tram

Benny Profane
It's all relative. TGR is a cesspool of bad manners, and I play that a lot, but, you learn a ton there. I found a road biking forum I got kicked off of for something I really had no idea was offensive, but, you know, prissy little moderators gotta moderate. I really don't think I would like most of the people who are there, and I really don't learn much from most. Ha, they thought I couldn't rejoin with a new alias. Ha.

I have to say, though, all of this blah blah about lift design is awfully nerdy.
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Re: The Jay Peak Tram

In reply to this post by campgottagopee
This is again getting way off the tram topic but here goes.  Harv feel free to break this into a separate thread.

I think that many of us started posting here as Mike K indicated not knowing anyone in real life and its just for laughs so who cares who you offend.  Now that we have been here a long time now see and ski with a lot of fellow users quite often and I'd say this season even more so as we seemed to have to stick together to get thru a bad situation.  To me that has changed the feel of this from an anonymous internet place to more of a virtual tavern where we talk skiing and other stuff with a lot of people we know.   Personally I really like that better than a forum with anonymous trolls calling everyone nasty names.  I agree with Harv's decision to ban minors going forward (except Sno) and I certainly would not let my son hang out on here not that he would want to talk to a bunch of "old" guys.

Many of us that I have met in real life are really very much alike although when I comes to politics it varies considerably.  I enjoy a lively and spirited political discussion as much as (and sometimes more than) the next guy and I feel what is said in those off topic threads should stay there just like two buddies having a beer can disagree and curse at each other but then move on.
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
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Re: The Jay Peak Tram

Nothing was deleted from the College Skiing thread. I moved a bunch of pages into the OT with RA as the owner and gave it a random title.

Not sure if you guys want me or the maybe collective, to decide what the forum will be.  Either way, I'm not likely to do more moderating than I am now.  I got other things that are farther up my list. And if you guys are really just looking for a laugh or whatever I don't get why it matters.

MikeK the skis were not an attempt to bribe just wanted someone to use them vs chucking them. I did say I was jazzed about more nordic in the forum, and appreciate your contributions in that area, but apologies if you thought the skis were connected to that request.

With regard to breaking things out, unless you jump on it right away, it's easier said than done, at least with this forum and my brain.  I am in awe of people who are good at it.  Where would you break this out Coach? Who owns it? What do you call it?

Last, I do think the idea to limit those under 18 makes sense.  There was a bunch of kidding going on in that college thread, and it flipped Sno out.  He's just not ready for it. It flipped some others out too, not much I can do about that.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: The Jay Peak Tram

Why break it out? I don't understand why people care about things like that, it seems silly to me.

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Re: The Jay Peak Tram

Banned User
In reply to this post by Harvey
Harvey wrote
MikeK the skis were not an attempt to bribe just wanted someone to use them vs chucking them. I did say I was jazzed about more nordic in the forum, and appreciate your contributions in that area, but apologies if you thought the skis were connected to that request.
No it wasn't the skis - you gave me that vice remember?  I wanted to pay you for it, or at least the shipping but you asked me to add some different content to the forum.  No issue there, the problem was when a certain individual attacked me on that stuff, basically saying it wasn't really skiing, and you literally backed him up with a post about slide skiing.  I kind of took that personal... sorry man, but I'm not going to waste my time putting that here if the admin is going to change his tune based on who he is talking to.  I think maybe you are confused why that stuff doesn't show up here, but there is a reason.

It's fine.  I moderate a tele forum and I'd rather post my stuff there.  I went out on a limb putting it here.  I certainly wouldn't put stuff like that on TGR.

The posters do make the forum, and that's how we run ours, but it's also a very obscure, niche place.  If you want everything skiing in NY, you have to do a better job at keeping the Nordic skiers, the Tele skiers and the Alpine skiers playing nice with each other.  If not you just have the same thing as TGR - it will be overrun by bully Alpine skiers who think there is nothing to skiing but skiing the steepest shit possible.
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Re: The Jay Peak Tram

Banned User
In reply to this post by raisingarizona
raisingarizona wrote
Why break it out? I don't understand why people care about things like that, it seems silly to me.
Because some people like neat, on topic discussions.

I've had the same issues with people whining about subjects going off-topic (ones they started) but they would steer any other conversation they posted on.  I didn't take them seriously and told them if they wanted a post no one could drift, make a blog.  I certainly wasn't going to waste my time as a moderator moving threads and breaking up conversations.  Let if flow, let it go where it goes...
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Re: The Jay Peak Tram

that sounds like a control freak thing to me.....

I remember reading some posts on epic where the OP had made rules or if they didn't people were asking for rules for their questions. I thought the whole thing was so weird.
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Re: The Jay Peak Tram

In reply to this post by Z
Coach Z wrote
  virtual tavern

That's how I look at this place or any other forum I've been involved with. You just never know what will happen when your in a bar --- kinda like in here. Even with our crew, you just never know. Hell if anyone were to ever listen in on our conversations they would think we hated each other. The one liners, insults and shenanigans are endless, but are all meant in good fun. Maybe some folks don't have that relationship with a group of friends, I dunno, if they don't I feel bad for them.
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Re: The Jay Peak Tram

In reply to this post by raisingarizona
raisingarizona wrote
Are you really that bothered by a thread drift or a turn in a conversation?

Throttle back kid, it's just a form of light hearted entertainment, life will be a lot easier for you if you don't take yourself so seriously.

i find it oddly entertaining to see how topics on nysb start and how they end. its always 2 pages of topic info that then turns in to 24 pages of shit. and i laugh 96% of the time.

its like being on youtube and you start by watching highlights of a game, and then 30min later its some kid lighting bottle rockets out of his asshole. you wonder how you got there, but then you don't care and wait to see what happens.
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Re: The Jay Peak Tram

Condor wrote
its like being on youtube and you start by watching highlights of a game, and then 30min later its some kid lighting bottle rockets out of his asshole. you wonder how you got there, but then you don't care and wait to see what happens.

Thinking about a new forum called The Jay Peak Tram for things that go off the rails ending with bottle rockets.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: The Jay Peak Tram

Harvey wrote
Condor wrote
its like being on youtube and you start by watching highlights of a game, and then 30min later its some kid lighting bottle rockets out of his asshole. you wonder how you got there, but then you don't care and wait to see what happens.

Thinking about a new forum called The Jay Peak Tram for things that go off the rails ending with bottle rockets.
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Re: The Jay Peak Tram

Benny Profane
In reply to this post by Condor
Condor wrote
its like being on youtube and you start by watching highlights of a game, and then 30min later its some kid lighting bottle rockets out of his asshole. you wonder how you got there, but then you don't care and wait to see what happens.

Link, please.
funny like a clown