Coach Z wrote
this is epically bad and the worst thing is Utah is getting pounded and I didn't go there this year.
I don't think they have been epically pounded but it's much better than it's been. The media keeps hyping up Tahoe but truthfully they probably aren't even at average.
It's dried up here in AZ and we thought this was going to be our year! Oh well, maybe if El Nino goes more north maybe during the next La Nina it will come south?
Global weirding I guess.
I remember the late 80's growing up in New Jersey as a skier, it was heart breaking. Then the 90's rolled in and it got really good or that's how I remember it.
When I was Sno's age I had a job working in a deli, a car, and I traveled every weekend with friends or by myself up to Vermont to ski every time it was dumping. There were many good storms and I enjoyed plenty of 1 to 2 foot days at places like MRG, Sugarbush, and Plattekill.