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Re: Coronavirus

Harvey wrote
I thought giving it to animals wasn't really a thing. Been hangin pretty tight with our doggie.
Exactly what I thought about the situation
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Re: Coronavirus

MC2 5678F589
In reply to this post by ScottySkis1
ScottySkis1 wrote
How this possible

"Four other tigers and three lions at the zoo developed a cough, and some were even wheezing. But Nadia is the only animal who tested positive for COVID-19. Zoo officials believe she got it from an asymptomatic worker."
Sounds like he saw a tiger.... And she saw a man.
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Re: Coronavirus

In reply to this post by Jon951
Update...just in from a friend on FB
Jon951 wrote
….and amidst all this craziness...Keith Richards lives on!
"Feets fail me not"
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Re: Coronavirus

warp daddy
Life ain't a dress rehearsal: Spread enthusiasm , avoid negative nuts.
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Re: Coronavirus


Ay Yi Yi!
"Feets fail me not"
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Re: Coronavirus

In reply to this post by ScottySkis1
ScottySkis1 wrote
Harvey wrote
I thought giving it to animals wasn't really a thing. Been hangin pretty tight with our doggie.
Exactly what I thought about the situation
I thought the opposite. I seem to remember some discussion early on that it was possible to give to your pets
"You want your skis? Go get 'em!" -W. Miller
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Re: Coronavirus

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Re: Coronavirus

warp daddy
This post was updated on .
Sheriff 's office in St Lawrence county last nite placed a Travel Advisory .......effective immediately due to rapid community spread ( asymptomatic )

This means  there is to be NO unnecessary travel specifically this means NONE except food shopping , Rx , or Persons who hold ESSENTIAL jobs , or persons in need of hospitalization , all else stay at home .

He went on to say that he takes no Pleasure in making this statement but county health officials and increase in spread which is doubling at TWICE the NYC rate is driving this policy .

We have some who have the virus and REFUSE to quarantine !!!! They are being detained and placed in a facility under supervision  ! I will post a meme on this
Life ain't a dress rehearsal: Spread enthusiasm , avoid negative nuts.
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Re: Coronavirus

warp daddy
Life ain't a dress rehearsal: Spread enthusiasm , avoid negative nuts.
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Re: Coronavirus

What's been going on around here?  I been sorta checked out with the SBA PPP loan.

Monday night our bank got their system up and I finally got the forms to apply for the govt small business program.

It was really a challenge. It was 6 pages, it took me all day.  All kinds of documentation had added, but with lawyers, accountants working from home it was tough to get what was needed. You had to complete ever page without error to go to the next pages

Finally I got to the end, and I was getting an error back on page one?  I called the banker, turns out the form was being update during the day, and more fields were added after I finished it.

This morning when I got in there was another change to one of the pages.... blah blah I'll desist.

Man what a cluster.  If we get 8 weeks of payroll out of it, it's still a pretty good hourly wage.

Fingers crossed.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Coronavirus

Good luck, Harvey!!!

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Re: Coronavirus

warp daddy
First CV 19 death in our local hospital this am .

These next few weeks will test us all at Our core , as we all experience and adapt and deal with what will be the New Normal .
Life ain't a dress rehearsal: Spread enthusiasm , avoid negative nuts.
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Re: Coronavirus

warp daddy wrote
First CV 19 death in our local hospital this am .

These next few weeks will test us all at Our core , as we all experience and adapt and deal with what will be the New Normal .
You’re half right. For many of us the next couple weeks will be the same as the last couple. It arrived down here quite awhile ago.
Also, “new normal” implies an ongoing situation. If this goes much past May, all kinds of shit we take for granted will start coming apart down here. If this is anything more then a temporary shit sandwich prior to a “new normal” which has not yet been defined, we are permanently fucked. I don’t see perpetual lockdown as an option.
"You want your skis? Go get 'em!" -W. Miller
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Re: Coronavirus

In reply to this post by warp daddy
Sorry too hear
It's fucken crazy situation.
My cousin who is a nurse in Brooklyn and great family saw this coming weeks ago
I feel terrible for him
He lost both parents with in few days from the virus
It no joke
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Re: Coronavirus

ScottySkis1 wrote
He lost both parents with in few days from the virus
Ugh, that blows.
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Re: Coronavirus

In reply to this post by warp daddy
warp daddy wrote
First CV 19 death in our local hospital this am .

These next few weeks will test us all at Our core , as we all experience and adapt and deal with what will be the New Normal .
No cases are even in our local hospital. Only 18 confirmed cases in our county. There's 400 cases in the county north of us and 250 cases in the county just to our south. It feels like it's only a matter of time before it breaks loose here.
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Re: Coronavirus

In reply to this post by ScottySkis1
My wife is almost fully recovered from Covid 19. It's been hell living separately in the same house. I've been working from home with this remote access program to my office desktop. It's a lot more work than standard workload because we have new management tasks in addition to our already busy workload.
  She only had symptoms similar to a sinus infection, a migraine once, and some stomach issues. NO FEVER AT ALL. She tested positive last week. We're hoping for the best, but concerned on how it will affect myself and our kids should we get it. Family and friends have been supportive by dropping off whatever we need. Can't wait to hear from the dr on when she can get that second test to clear her.  We elected to self quarantine the day she had a coworker test positive. She got a test that day, last Tuesday.
I don't rip, I bomb.
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Re: Coronavirus

This post was updated on .
This makes me think maybe we've got it too. Headaches and sore throat for a month.  Really not too bad.

I can't imagine one getting it in our house and not all.  We are no good at it, at home.

Good luck Johnny and Mrs Johnny and Johnnykids.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Coronavirus

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"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Coronavirus

In reply to this post by Johnnyonthespot
I hope and pray for your family
I feel be cure for it before to long because of all doctors and newest technology and new gene therapies and lots great people working together around the world to fine a way to stop it.
So sorry for anyone who has to battle it..
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