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Re: Coronavirus

ScottySkis1 wrote
I hope and pray for your family
I feel be cure for it before to long because of all doctors and newest technology and new gene therapies and lots great people working together around the world to fine a way to stop it.
So sorry for anyone who has to battle it..
Hang in there Johnny
And the same to everybody else dealing with this shit.
"You want your skis? Go get 'em!" -W. Miller
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Re: Coronavirus

In reply to this post by wonderpony
Thanks WP. Sincerely thanks for all your support, here in this madhouse.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Coronavirus

Thanks guys. We're in good hands. I just wish I could take a day off of work to hammer the honey-do list. Starting a garden for obvious reasons.
I don't rip, I bomb.
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Re: Coronavirus

In reply to this post by Johnnyonthespot
Johnny, positive vibes to you +++++vibes+++++
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Re: Coronavirus

In reply to this post by Johnnyonthespot
Yikes. Good job following protocol. Best to you and your family!!
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Re: Coronavirus

warp daddy
Johnny hope all goes well for you both , you. Have been thru the mill , its very difficult and sincerely pray for you and your family .

FWIW ; I am very aware of the nyc situation . My son is a medical pro at a major NYC medical center and we obviously talk . Herculean efforts are being made by everyone on the healthcare teams, the supply chain teams  and those provide vital support services everywhere .

Life ain't a dress rehearsal: Spread enthusiasm , avoid negative nuts.
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Re: Coronavirus

Thanks all. Warp, any word on this antibody test?
I don't rip, I bomb.
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Re: Coronavirus

I'm warped but not Warp.
There's this study ongoing in Monterey Ca.
There are companies already started with antibody test (not FDA approved yet)
Using this test
Should be something similar being performed around NY but don't know..
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Re: Coronavirus

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Re: Coronavirus

This post was updated on .
The headshot and tone of the article are like something from The Onion. Brutal line about Fauci at the end though.
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Re: Coronavirus

witch hobble
In reply to this post by raisingarizona
I was going to reply but found a more recent article from the same news source that did it for me:

Be strong Jonny!
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Re: Coronavirus

I don't think there are any points of fact in that article that Dr Fauci would disagree with.

There are two things I would add about Government:

• Governments spend a ton of money on stuff that spans the range from corrupt to totally stupid to very helpful
• Like all organizations governments work to preserve themselves

The "most effective" or cheapest thing to do would be to let everyone get it, give them advil and if you need more than that you're on your own. A very small percentage of people who go on a ventilator are making it. No ventilators.  Let it spread, let a few million die, bury them in mass graves in Nebraska or maybe incinerate them.

After it was over the gene pool of those who are most vulnerable would be greatly reduced.  While we are at it, no flu vaccine, alcohol rehab or anything that helps the vulnerable survive.

That's the logical conclusion of what the author is implying.

The problem is built into one of the guy's assumptions.  People are social creatures.  They are going to flip out when their loved ones die and nothing is done. The'll probably vote the government out of office or even bring the government down, if they don't do anything to mitigate.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Coronavirus

warp daddy
In reply to this post by Johnnyonthespot
Johnny i was unable to get in touch last nite , he has been pulling doubles as of late , intensly busy , intensly stressful so i wait for texts rather than calling .

Personally FWIW. Its my opinion until info is "certified by CDC or NYSDOH ," i put very little credence in any test being " marketed" .  By way of example  The news today had vids about some Very Questionable Mobile test sites being set up in various locations , one was charging $340 buck a. Swab       This is  too damn easy to scam and prey on people's anxiety   .

Stay strong man if i get any word ill let. U know
Life ain't a dress rehearsal: Spread enthusiasm , avoid negative nuts.
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Re: Coronavirus

In reply to this post by Harvey
Yeah, it’s morally kind of f-d.

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Re: Coronavirus

In reply to this post by warp daddy
First death in our county as well as first one hospitalized due to Corona.
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Re: Coronavirus

Peter Minde
Johnnyonthespot, and anyone else in the community who's suffering:  best wishes.  Stay in touch.
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Re: Coronavirus

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Re: Coronavirus

Per the Dr. you need to be symptom free for 72 hours then test negative in order to be considered over it.
I don't rip, I bomb.
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Re: Coronavirus

In reply to this post by Johnnyonthespot
Very sorry to hear this Jonny, and sorry to you Harv for what you went through.  

My sister in law nurse has contracted Covid and is home recovering.  Her fear is to give it to my brother or their kids.

We are dropping off food staples tonight but wish we could do more.

One thing we should all keep in mind - we can control what we can control, but not much else.  We can all control how much we go out (or at least control optimizing/minimizing trips), how well we social distance, how we support essential workers from cops to medical to clerks.  Staying home protects health care workers, which protects us.  

Harv - I loved your pictorial - you seem like a stoic (Seneca, Epictetus, and of course Marcus Aurelius and Jim Mattis).  Random fact: the name comes from 'Stoa', the painted columns supporting covered porches in Athens that they used to hang out under to avoid the sun.  Each of the stoics above (except Mattis) are from the Roman imperial period, as most Greek stoic writing was lost.  The main tenet was to control what you can, and not worry about what you can't, but strive for the best, focused on wisdom, justice, temperance, and courage.  

Some stoic sayings:  Premeditatio malorum (contemplate the worse case outcome) and Momento mori (remember we all die).  This aren't negative things, it really comes down to being mentally prepared and remembering all things pass.

Brownski - I believe at this point from all I have been able to read that social distancing will be in our neck of the woods until there is wide distribution of an effective vaccine, which trusted government mouthpieces state is a year to 18 months.  The current relative lockdown we are in, I think, we go on until at least August.  

All my best wishes to everyone to stay safe, stay strong, and support your neighbors, family and each other.  

Some good news on self improvement:  I planted a raised 8x4 garden (now I have to get pickling supplies!), am getting great at making pizza and dough, and trying to appreciate the extra time with family.

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Re: Coronavirus

Hang in there. My heart goes out to you and your family.  I hope you don’t take my comments the wrong way. I’m not advocating for people to get careless about social distancing. I’m just worried that we have a wave of poverty and isolation induced calamities on the way if we don’t get back to work.  I’m expecting a spike in suicides, drug overdoses, deaths from untreated strokes and heart events when people wait a little too long before seeking medical help, things like that. I appreciate the point of view that we have to wait for a vaccine to get back to “normal” but we need to find a middle ground before the shutdown starts killing people and ruining lives more then the covid. God bless you and stay strong.
"You want your skis? Go get 'em!" -W. Miller
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