I'm really confused as to how being able to ski 2 days a week automatically makes me upper class. I'm just a working stiff who has chosen to live in an area that allows me to do what I love. Hunt and ski.....that is what makes my world go around. And it's all pretty cheap around here. Anyone who has 400 bucks can buy a pass and ski anytime the hill is open. Anyone who has 40 bucks can go hunting. You don't need to be upper class for any of that. |
In reply to this post by Snowballs
Yes. But, by the very nature of that arrangement, where they live, they probably don't make very much money. In general. As a rule. But, yeah, it's much much more affordable to ski if you don't have to travel far. Generally speaking.
funny like a clown
In reply to this post by campgottagopee
Wow, super pyramid thread post. Because, if you have the luxury of two days off a week to just ski in the first place, (a lot of working stiffs don't, believe it or not, including those that make six figures plus), you are already living the life of leisure, relative to most middle class Americans. Most who are happy to have a job spend their valuable free time running errands and doing chores if they have that time off. Sure, they'll get in a weekend and a week, but, life calls, otherwise. And, 400 bucks? You mean a midweek pass? Working people can't ski midweek. More like nearly a thousand or more for one, furgetabout a family. Then there's equipment, clothes, a decent car you can drive in a storm, gas, bed, food, beer, beer, and, beer. It adds up.
funny like a clown
I don't think Benny spends a lot of time at smaller ski areas where snowmobile jackets and Carhartts are more common than Patagonia.
Heavens no.
funny like a clown
In reply to this post by MC2 5678F589
WORD!! |
In reply to this post by Benny Profane
Like I said, we just roll with a diff crew It's all good tho....enjoy your truffles, I'll stick with my venison jerky and blue light pounders ![]() |
Sorry, I didn't realize the argument included tiny ski hills with snow plowing carhartt wearers. My bad. I'm outta here. Carry on.
funny like a clown
LMFAO...Benny your really need to open your eyes a little
I ski with a carhartt wearin dude who used to be on the US Ski Team....he snow plows pretty darn good |
Banned User
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In reply to this post by Benny Profane
>>>> AHA !!! Are you into the edibles again Senor Profane ? |
In defense of Señor Profane, skiing is a very expensive hobby. Certainly there are ways to minimize costs, but the average skier is at least solidly upper middle class in terms of income. Especially at resorts like Stratton or Mount Snow. There may be skiers in snowmobiling jackets and work pants, but they are greatly outnumbered by the kjus wearers at major resorts.
I bet most of the people who buy the early tracks ski passes are on the "Bogner Ski Team." |
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Opposite to what many people say, the truth is that if you go to an expensive mountain like Stratton, you have very few so called "gapers". This is because most people can't afford to spend $90 dollars on a lift ticket just to try out skiing.
I've lived in New York my entire life.
In reply to this post by Benny Profane
not at gore in black jackets
Tele turns are optional not mandatory.
In reply to this post by snoloco
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
In reply to this post by Benny Profane
I'm white and ski 30-35 days. Have I arrived? ![]()
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
In reply to this post by snoloco
Disagree gaper A person found at ski resorts that: 1. is not from anywhere near the resort 2. Looks like an idiot on the mountain and takes gigantic turns on flat cat tracks 3. is totally oblivious to the fact that they look like an idiot and are skiing icy bumps directly under the lift when there is powder stashed all over mountain, or stashed in the trees right next to them. |
In reply to this post by CMR
Meh. You can make it as expensive or cheap as you like. I was wearing my $50 flylow shell last March at Stratton on a Fri/Sat/Sun were we paid $33/day for a 3 day pass. This was not part of a Stratton lodging deal. Certainly there is the "monied" set at Stratton, but that doesn't mean they are the only people who can afford Stratton. The same goes for Mt Snow. You can ski almost all the "expensive" places with deals. |
In reply to this post by Benny Profane
I am white, ski a lot I work a lot and hard. Sometimes I drive 2hrs one way work 12 hrs get filthy dirty ,drive 2hrs home and do it all over again the next day. I pack my lunch don't eat out at all during the week and save all extra money for skiing. I have worked every Saturday some years between May and November to hit the Snow hard in the Winter .I am far from the top 5%!
Want to spend special time with your children, teach them to ski or snowboard. The reward will be endless!
In reply to this post by x10003q
Of course you can figure out a cost-effective way to ski. I just agree with Benny in that I believe that most people who ski frequently are fairly well off. I ski at Gore and have a black jacket by the way. |
In reply to this post by skimore
To you, anyone who skis at Stratton is a gaper.
I've lived in New York my entire life.