How about its someone who enjoys doing something a few times a year. Maybe that's all he can afford or just all he has time to do. Or maybe he just wants to do other things. Either way the ski industry as we know it today would not exist.
There's truth that lives
And truth that dies I don't know which So never mind - Leonard Cohen |
Some people on here have talked about how much they hate gapers. I figured I would recommend where they should ski if they want to avoid them. Personally, I am not bothered by them as I can easily ski right around them. Those who are bothered by gapers should go to an expensive mountain that is hard to get to if they wish to avoid them.
I've lived in New York my entire life.
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Who said they hate gapers? What is a gaper? Do we have universal agreement on the definition?
As HPD said, the ski business requires beginners to survive. Gear, rentals, day tickets, lessons, lunch. Once I took a rafting trip with a guide who abused me for a complete lack of knowledge of rafting. I thought WTF dude, if everyone was an expert you wouldn't have a job. Any business that disdains customers is screwed. I'm a gaper. I'm the guy on the bump run under the lift, crashing and getting a raft of shit from the cool people above.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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I remember some rant about president's weekend crowds where the person writing it said how they hate that the mountains are filled with gapers.
I've lived in New York my entire life.
In reply to this post by skimore
No gapers at whiteface I guess |
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In reply to this post by Harvey
That was my point. Everyone could be called a gaper at some point..........but Stratton is all gapers and blows |
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In reply to this post by Thacheronix
I'm sure that there are "gapers" at Whiteface. It has been mentioned on this site.
I've lived in New York my entire life.
In reply to this post by skimore
No it is not. I skied there last winter, but I am pretty sure you have not. So you are making inaccurate generalizations with no prior knowledge trying to bash Southern Vermont. It's all skiing, so just accept the fact that not all mountains are going to be exactly the way you want them.
I've lived in New York my entire life.
In reply to this post by Gunny J
You are young and strong. I applaud your sprit and drive. Party on. Just put a little aside for your elder years.
funny like a clown
In reply to this post by Snowballs
Well, duh. Two months in Colorado next season. What a state.
funny like a clown
In reply to this post by snoloco
I've been there. We only went because of some free passes and it snowed. We skied the Shredwood forest trees or some name like that all day. No one was skiing it. The place still blows Oh......and I love Magic in SVT |
In reply to this post by Benny Profane
Doing a little research on the topic.
According to newschoolers top gaper mountains are: Deer Valley, Vail, Breck, Gore, Killington, Hunter Epic gives Stratton a heavy gaper rating: This guy is awesome. Sorta of a superhero from the seventies. ![]() Not a good outfit for a rope ducker.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
In reply to this post by snoloco
Here's some SVT love...........just not Flatton
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It's a generalization for sure and there are many many exceptions to the rule but the farther south you go the higher amount of gapers
Back when I worked at Killington the term was Herbs if they came from Jersey and Massholes from Boston That was a long time ago and my take is if you love skiing it's all good just respect the sport and don't make an behind of yourself to those that live the sport. And there is a big difference between loving it and living it. Oh and never wear a neon one piece or say that rear entry boots work just fine for you. The guy skiing on Olin Mark IVs that were the bomb when I was in high school about 100 pairs of skis ago for me - that is a gaper.
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
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In reply to this post by Harvey
The third or second day of my learn to ski package at Killington, way way back when, my buddy abused me by loading me on lifts I shouldn't have been on, but, he was and still is an impatient person. On that day, I was riding the Outer Limits quad for the first time, and I witness some dude, I swear, in a full body fart bag in bright, neon, ....... Pink. Could be buried five feet deep in an avi, and still find him, Pink, ripping a zipper line of Volkswagen bug ice moguls on said Outer Limits with a secret agent's smug smile on his face. Most amazing thing I ever saw on skis for years after, live, in person.
funny like a clown
Banned User
In reply to this post by Benny Profane
Hahaha ! Well, if your knee doesn't hold up at least the weed will !!!! |
It's all about the level of medication one can live with.
funny like a clown
This thread was stupid a long time ago, but I think it's finally reached its low point.
Really, there should be 4 separate threads here: 1. Single day lift ticket prices are high, only idiots pay for them, but we need those idiots to keep subsidizing our cheap season passes and Liftopia deals. 2. Tiered pricing, early on pricing, and VIP section pricing is coming, eventually. Let's hope that they don't start charging more to use certain parts of the mountain. 3. Southern Vermont sucks (except for Magic and select backcountry), mostly because they don't get much snow (about as much as certain NY mountains), but also because they cater to a clientele that doesn't have much representation on ski forums. I would like to say that I love skiing Bromley on a spring day. 4. Gapers, whatever the definition, exist. Real enlightening stuff. |
Well, thanks. Have a nice day.
funny like a clown
In reply to this post by MC2 5678F589
I've skied at list price at many mountains, including Stratton. Does that make me or my dad an idiot? Getting a discount ticket for a one time trip isn't easy, especially if you are looking for a specific date. Usually on most weekends the difference between liftopia price and list price is so negligible, that you may as well just pay list price and know that you can cancel due to r*in at any time. Before you tell me to ski midweek, keep in mind that I have to get off school and my dad has to get off work. We can't take 3 days off to go to Stratton. If we did take off a lot just to save a little money, I wouldn't be able to ski when I was older because I wouldn't be able to get a good job. My dad might loose his, and there goes our skiing money down the toilet. This won't happen. The places that tried it have been very unsuccessful. Park City sells tickets that let you skip the line, but it is rarely worth it to buy. Mountain Creek used to sell a VIP season pass for 1,200 dollars that let you skip the line. That option was discontinued because no one bought it. I've skied at Mount Snow and Stratton, and I plan to add Okemo or Bromley this winter. Does that make me any less of a skier than I am now? It's all skiing, so what does it matter what clientele they cater to. If you aren't that clientele, don't go.
I've lived in New York my entire life.