Lift Ticket Prices for 14-15

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Re: Lift Ticket Prices for 14-15

gorgonzola wrote
Not sure what year you're in sno but my son is a junior this year and there's a lot riding on it. last year he did junior instructing and a moguls program and probably had 75-80 days on the snow. We nixed both this season to focus on gpa and sat's  we have block scheduling and the classroom time lost to band and sports is tough enough to stay on top of  - there will no ski days off for him this year! last night our dinner discussion was laying down the law regarding weekend skiing and hockey privileges, they'll be evaluated weekly based on classwork, test and sat prep performance  
Woah! Contact from planet earth
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Re: Lift Ticket Prices for 14-15

You move to the mountains now and by your mid-twenties you could be a top five BRO.
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Re: Lift Ticket Prices for 14-15

In reply to this post by gorgonzola

Serious suburban parental overload syndrome.  You need to get some of Benny's edibles and relax on your poor kid.  Unless you have a slacker kid all that extra pressure does not assure you results.  Unless you are shooting for a full rude to An Ivy it seems pretty excessive to me.  You suburban guys need to chill out.

Taking skiing away from my kid would need to be punishment for burning down the house not getting a B+ instead of an A in biology.
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
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Re: Lift Ticket Prices for 14-15

In reply to this post by gorgonzola
gorgonzola wrote
Not sure what year you're in sno but my son is a junior this year and there's a lot riding on it. last year he did junior instructing and a moguls program and probably had 75-80 days on the snow. We nixed both this season to focus on gpa and sat's  we have block scheduling and the classroom time lost to band and sports is tough enough to stay on top of  - there will no ski days off for him this year! last night our dinner discussion was laying down the law regarding weekend skiing and hockey privileges, they'll be evaluated weekly based on classwork, test and sat prep performance  
As a band teacher, I fully support this point of view! I was raised this way- no activities until my academic obligations were fulfilled. But hey, now I can afford to occasionally go skiing! So I've got that going for me, which is nice.
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Re: Lift Ticket Prices for 14-15

No offense but starting the comment with as a band teacher does not help your argument
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
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Re: Lift Ticket Prices for 14-15

In reply to this post by snoloco
snoloco wrote
I am in 10th grade this year...
In that case listen to z and take a few days to ski!
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Re: Lift Ticket Prices for 14-15

In reply to this post by Z
Coach Z wrote
No offense but starting the comment with as a band teacher does not help your argument
I guess starting with a fifth of brown doesn't help yours? That's a lame attitude, who are you to judge him for his line of work? Last I checked, band teacher still meant teacher, not mopping the glass with extra windex on 42nd street.
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Re: Lift Ticket Prices for 14-15

In reply to this post by Z
Coach Z wrote

Serious suburban parental overload syndrome.  You need to get some of Benny's edibles and relax on your poor kid.  Unless you have a slacker kid all that extra pressure does not assure you results.  Unless you are shooting for a full rude to An Ivy it seems pretty excessive to me.  You suburban guys need to chill out.

Taking skiing away from my kid would need to be punishment for burning down the house not getting a B+ instead of an A in biology.
Yea ok......the only edibles in this equation is you eating your words in a few years.

 I think you should consider a moniker change, based on your interactions on here with certain members I don't think your worthy of your self proclaimed title.
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Re: Lift Ticket Prices for 14-15

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In reply to this post by ml242
My wife is a teacher and I value teachers for their contributions to society.  As a teachers spouse I can tell you you don't get in it for the money

If you followed this whole thread or at least the current tangent young Sno was worried about how missing a few days of school will hurt his income potential as an adult.  Some parents put so much pressure on their kids I guess i see why so many people are in therapy in the suburbs.  Let them be kids and learn without pressure.  I don't think band teacher is quite what Sno is reaching for income production wise.  Again no offense I'm sure he is a great band teacher.  
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
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Re: Lift Ticket Prices for 14-15

Yeah, then I guess I just didn't understand the comment because it looked like it should cause offense.

It is hard to make fun of people these days when sex, sexual preference, race, trade, and religion are all completely over the line but I still think it's better that way.
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Re: Lift Ticket Prices for 14-15

Banned User
This post was updated on .
Well OK guys, but it could be about more than just future earnings. It could be about getting scholarships, etc. Some people can't afford those college mega costs. Even if they can, it's better to get funding. Huge student debt is quite an issue now.

Why ? The more money you throw at education, the more expensive it becomes. Supply and demand. Economics 101.

Sno if you want to hammer the books then by all means do it !

Besides the lil whipper is getting a great number of ski days anyhow. We should be impressed with this and his great grades.

Way to go Sno !!!

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Re: Lift Ticket Prices for 14-15

Although Coach and I have gotten into it in the past, I have to say that I agree with everything he recently said.  I will agree with anyone who tells me to ski more.  I could get 100 days if I followed his advice.
I've lived in New York my entire life.
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Re: Lift Ticket Prices for 14-15

snoloco wrote
Although Coach and I have gotten into it in the past, I have to say that I agree with everything he recently said.  I will agree with anyone who tells me to ski more.  I could get 100 days if I followed his advice.
TBatt Jr.

Don't ski the trees, ski the spaces between the trees.
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Re: Lift Ticket Prices for 14-15

In reply to this post by Z
Coach Z wrote

Serious suburban parental overload syndrome.  You need to get some of Benny's edibles and relax on your poor kid.  Unless you have a slacker kid all that extra pressure does not assure you results.  Unless you are shooting for a full rude to An Ivy it seems pretty excessive to me.  You suburban guys need to chill out.

Taking skiing away from my kid would need to be punishment for burning down the house not getting a B+ instead of an A in biology.
Seriously, who the hell are you to judge G's parental guidance. Do you knwo he and his kid??? I do. I've met them on several occasions, skied with them, drank beer with them and have lauhged or asses off. G has a great family and is a stand up should relax

Guess some people really shouldn't drink
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Re: Lift Ticket Prices for 14-15

MC2 5678F589
Okay, let's talk about another completely different topic on this thread.

88 days last year is pretty damn good for snoloco. Probably more than almost everybody here. If you think he needs to ski more, you're insane.

Just the kind of insane that I am.

Hell yeah he needs to ski more, and at better places. He needs to go out west, he needs to do some powder hunting, he needs a backcountry trip. I've forgotten almost everything about school, but I remember vividly the days I took off to ski with my buddies.

And if he wants to get into ski area management, he's just going to go to Sierra Nevada College or Colorado Mountain College anyway. You don't really need great grades for those places. I suppose if he really wanted to go to an ivy, the Hotel Administration School at Cornell would be a good springboard. But seriously, a couple of powder days isn't going to kill this kids' life. He seems to be doing pretty well.
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Re: Lift Ticket Prices for 14-15

In reply to this post by campgottagopee
In many occupational paths the college matters. I seem to recall that Sno was thinking something in financials. A top tier schools like Booth are looking for top students and it is those schools that Wall Street picks from. You drop down from that and you could find your self in some Podunk sales job in Lake Placid versus dialing up the chopper at Snowbird. 10th grade is probably the key year to build that college resume and somehow I doubt 100 days of skiing is a major bullet. Do what you gotta do and focus on the next step in life, there are a flood of kids from the Far East who are here working their asses off trying to knock you out of that slot and Dad may not want to shell out $300k for a ski bum.

So call me a middle aged tight ass (middle aged would be a compliment), but have put a few through school and working with a lot of large corporations and VCs, unless you are going into a trade (like engineering or even medical these days) the college matters.
Don't ski the trees, ski the spaces between the trees.
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Re: Lift Ticket Prices for 14-15

In reply to this post by campgottagopee
campgottagopee wrote
Guess some people really shouldn't drink
Said the guy who had a 12 pack of cheap beer last night

I had 2 beers and they had nothing to do with my posts

I was not the only person that pointed out G's loco parentis

I didn't tell Sno to become a ski bum.  I said missing a few days if he is willing to work to make it up won't kill him.  
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
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Re: Lift Ticket Prices for 14-15

In reply to this post by PeeTex
Better listen to Pee he invented the internet and made his billions when he is not busy climbing mountains and slaying powder. Pee is a legend in his own mind.

I have an MBA graduating with honors.  I have been in high level management in one of the largest companies in the world.  Been there done that and honestly it kind of sucked from a quality of life perspective. I now work for a different large corp and they let me live anywhere in the Northeast as a major account rep.  They would have to pay me double to live in NJ or Philly and I'd have half the quality of life.

Having a good job and living here is like winning the Super Bowl.  Sno can decide if he wants to listen to the old fart or someone that loves his job, lives where he wants and is happy with life.
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
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Re: Lift Ticket Prices for 14-15

In reply to this post by Thacheronix
Thacheronix wrote
gorgonzola wrote
Not sure what year you're in sno but my son is a junior this year and there's a lot riding on it. last year he did junior instructing and a moguls program and probably had 75-80 days on the snow. We nixed both this season to focus on gpa and sat's  we have block scheduling and the classroom time lost to band and sports is tough enough to stay on top of  - there will no ski days off for him this year! last night our dinner discussion was laying down the law regarding weekend skiing and hockey privileges, they'll be evaluated weekly based on classwork, test and sat prep performance  
Woah! Contact from planet earth
Just to be clear I was saying that to me it sounded like Mr gorgonzola was doing some good parenting. But I also think it's kinda crazy without knowing the kid for one parent to tell another what is appropriate
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Re: Lift Ticket Prices for 14-15

In reply to this post by Z
Coach Z wrote
No offense but starting the comment with....
... no offense is sure to offend.

None taken by me, having one kid wrapping up an accelerated 6 yr grad school program, another with special physical emotional challenges finishing her associates and likely moving on to a four year state program, and a third who's well on his way to understanding what commitment is necessary to success of his future, I certainly don't take offense to comments by some clueless blowhard on the interwebs.

if anyone were  to be offended I would think it would be mrs z if she were to read the repeated teacher bashing comments on this thread

oh and the poor stressed out kid will probably only get 40-50 days on the snow year, yea sucks to be him!
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