Oooooooo! In one lump sum! Wow! I knew I could get you to post your annual income. And I also knew it wouldn't be that big of a deal. You're a fucking idiot. And your "Daddy" turned tricks at the truck stop for extra cash. "Annuities" my ass. |
Jezuz. Harv, is there an ignore list here? What a bitter man.
funny like a clown
This post was updated on .
That's your MO on TGR too: Post a bunch of outrageous, insulting nonsense and then hide behind the ignore feature. You're gutless. At least have the courage of your stupid convictions.
Listen douchebag - I'll make this so simple even you can understand it: You run your fuckin' mouth about things you don't understand. You're a silly, dickless little internet bedwetter. Now you want an ignore feature so you can avoid the natural consequences of your voluntary acts. But you're not getting one. Just sit still while I kick shit in your face. |
In reply to this post by Benny Profane
Benny's right ... screw the poor ... they deserve it anyway ... anyone who lives North of New York City is just a lazy good for nothing. Only people who live in New York City are useful, hard-working people. Holy crap ... what an arrogant, self-centered douche you are. What is it that you do for a living that makes you so much better and superior to everyone else?
It's easy to be against something ... It's hard to be for something!
This thread has gone FULL RETARD.
I think Benny is out of line here but Benny is pretty much sticking to his normal spiel ranting against any goverment spending of any way or shape along with his down state bias. That and his pro pot stance are pretty much all he ever posts about. Business as usual.
Noah on the other hand is not just out of line but waaaay out of line to the point that he really makes this forum a worse place to blow a few minutes between emails. Noah this act is wearing thin please stop before you ruin this for all of us that actually want to have a civil discourse. And no I am not going to engage you with a back and forth so you can get off on abusing people. If you have something meaningful to say fine. Just stop the abuse.
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
I don't have anything to say to you "coach"; you might want to reciprocate.
Banned User
Yea damnit....And don't give him any back talk.
![]() Ok, the wind blew and the crap flew..... Moving on |
This post was updated on .
In reply to this post by Z
Well first, I think I added value to that thread about snow tires. So that's three, at least. But, really, I'm no anti spending Tea Bagger. I just get pissed when I see a title like that to this thread, that some people think of ORDA and other state ski expenditures as some sort of business, that show profits and losses. It's a make believe fairy tale with a coat of BS on it. Tell it like it is, call it for real. That's all. It's a taxpayer supported recreational activity, funded like a park. Don't kid me it isn't anything more. Operating budget my ass. But, that's OK. Gore is awesome. I like it. I'd ski there all the time if I still lived up there. Tax dollars well spent. Just like, when I lived in Saratoga, I'd turn the corner on a road bike, and a freshly paved ribbon stretched out in front of me. Thanks, Joe Bruno, thanks.
funny like a clown
Benny I can assure you that from what I see as a staff member that Whiteface has and adheres to a tight budget and trys hard to make a profit. They cut our group lesson instructor pay in half this year to be more profitable.
The other Orda venues in Lake Placid may not make money but the town helps subsidize those venues which allow WF/LP to always rank #1 in off hill activities. The town makes a what they contribute back in lodging and other business. I'd compare NYS's investment in Orda for economic development in the same way that they invest in bridges, tunnels, and mass transit in the NYC area to support the business down there.
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
Sure, I'm with you. Although, in case you haven't been down here in a while, there's a ton of tolls supporting transportation infrastructure down here. The GWB is 12 bucks. Last summer I drove from the Jersey Shore to my home in Upper Westchester, and wound up spending 26 bucks in tolls. One way. sheesh.
funny like a clown
You also pay lift tickets and fees to use Olympic venues at Van Hovenburg... What's your point? |
In reply to this post by Z
Now this is really turning into a political argument/Battle Royale than one that has anything to do about skiing. |
In reply to this post by Noah John
I know I shouldn't encourage this, but this is both hilarious and awesome at the same time. God how I love a good takedown. Benny has no frame of reference, he's like a little child who has walked into a movie halfway through. |
+1 the sit still comment was larry off the charts! ![]()
I ride with Crazy Horse!
In reply to this post by MC2 5678F589
his only point is the one on his head.... hahahahahahaahahaa
I ride with Crazy Horse!
In reply to this post by MC2 5678F589
He'll tell you what his point is when he finally gets around to making it up. Your point is balls on though. He (whether he knows it or not) is talking about authorities (bridge, thruway, etc.). ORDA is also an authority. Generally authorities are state created entities that can float bonds and have income streams to service the debt. They're sort of end-run around NYS constitutional limits on state borrowing but they've been challenged (remember Robert Schulz?) and generally upheld. Benny, you're like a bag of jello; somebody squashes one dumb argument and you invent another one that pops out someplace else. You're all over the place. The only way in which you're consistent is that you're always wrong. NYS finance is pretty complicated; I don't pretend to really understand it. It's maddening though to watch it "discussed" in such an ad-hoc and unsophisticated way. There are many people, and I suspect you're one of them, who when faced with something they don't understand, fill that void of knowledge with simple generalities and/or tired old ideologies they've been dragging around their entire lives. It's annoying. I never thought I'd say this but why don't you go back to discussing the merits of various snow tires. |
In reply to this post by Benny Profane
Down at the Jersey Shore ... hmmm ... I sure hope that no taxpayer dollars were spent to support any tourism down there. What a douche.
It's easy to be against something ... It's hard to be for something!
Not a fan of the shaw, but, hey, I got laid, which, I tell you, sounds like a few cranky upstaters around here need. sheesh. Hey, Noah, get back to work. Seems like you can't afford internet access back at the trailer, so you get all nasty on your bosses dime.
funny like a clown
Easy there little Benny Boy. I could buy and sell you. In fact, given your negligible net worth, I could buy you - and then throw you away.