Banned User
Weally ? U no reed sew good and U no speak sew good. Kindly remove the blinders. Put down the Kool aid. |
In reply to this post by Snowballs
I'm virtually certain those projects weren't funded, in whole or in part, through state grants. I think you're using terms of art and you're not even aware of it. that's more of the not knowing what you don't know thing. |
Banned User
What, are you trying to play tomato tomoto potato pototo patty cake ? |
In reply to this post by Noah John
No, there aren't. Just ORDA as a whole. I posted the link in my previous post this afternoon. That's why I questioned Scotty earlier. ORDA's P&L for the fiscal year ended 3/31/13 includes depreciation expense in the amount of $6.9 million. The previous year was $6.7 million. So yes, the cost of property, plant and equipment ("infrastructure improvements") is accounted for in ORDA's P&L. The infrastructure costs are depreciated over 20 to 40 years, the costs of assets with shorter useful lives (like vehicles) are depreciated over 3 to 10 years. |
In reply to this post by Snowballs
Not at all. Do you have a source for your claim that budget appropriations to Whiteface or Gore are never accounted for in some type of P and L statement? If the next thing you post is anything other than that source I'm not interested in continuing this conversation. |
In reply to this post by Adk Jeff
Thank you!
So ORDA accounts for its revenues and expenditures as a whole (not surprising and certainly valid). Within that accounting there is no breakdown by venue (or "department" in more general bureaucratic speak)? And surprise, surprise - those infrastructure appropriations are captured on an ORDA P and L statement. Did anybody really think they weren't - other than snowballs? |
Banned User
In reply to this post by Noah John
Well, I didn't say never oh deceptive one BUT before you run off here's an example ! Last paragraph...... That was easy ! ![]() |
Dude, you don't have a clue. I'm done with you.
Banned User
In reply to this post by Snowballs
Perhaps jeff will be so kind as to tell us if these additional income sources are reported by ORDA. Keep in mind that just because there's an entry or a P & L statement it does not prove much. Think Enron, Savings and loan, and hundreds of others.
" Unlike most state public authorities, ORDA also receives financial support from the state, the town of North Elba, and other state authorities: the Empire State Development Corporation and the New York Power Authority. " |
I just read the article.
It seems to be saying that last year with all the venues includes, operating loss was $7M and when you ad Bell to the mix this year you got a loss of $10M. If correct the article headline somewhat oversimplifies what is going on. That loss is moved from the DEC to ORDA.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
In reply to this post by Noah John
![]() Elude |
In reply to this post by Z
*my info is 5 years out of date, so take it with a grain of salt, or the whole shakerFull time seasonal orda employees in the bargaining unit received 4 paid holidays and 1 paid personal day over the course of the winter. With the withholding from paycheck over the course of Nov to April it basically was a wash. |
In reply to this post by witch hobble
Good one. When correcting someone's spelling, usage or grammar - don't make similar mistakes. ![]() |
Banned User
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In reply to this post by witch hobble
Ha ha ha ! Him no Noah what him thinks him Noah ! " I'm virtually certain that's more of the not knowing what you don't know thing. " Yea, that! ^^^^ ![]() |
In reply to this post by Noah John
The use of "allude" was obviously sarcastic Noah. Or maybe not so obvious? That said, while many of us may not agree with Benny's statements, I imagine that quite a few forum members are more displeased with the change in tone of this forum brought about by you and your cronies. |
In reply to this post by Snowballs
Snowballs, I'm not here to argue whether the ski areas or any of ORDA's other venues make or lose money on a stand-alone basis. My point was that we only have profitability information for ORDA as a whole, so anyone who says that the ski areas make money (or lose money) on a stand-alone basis is speculating. Many of your points are valid. You are correct that Gore & WF pay no state or federal income taxes and no property taxes. But they do pay for their improvements - the lifts, lodges, snowmaking equipment, groomers, etc - as we established a few posts back. They don't have financing costs for those improvements though. A private entity would have to fund those improvements from retained earnings (i.e. "pay cash") or fund the improvements with a stock issuance, bonds or bank borrowing. ORDA doesn't have to do that. But there's more to it than that. Gore and WF don't have revenues from resort lodging and real estate development that places like Jay or Stowe do. ORDA's also got some very high benefits costs, presumably due to post-retirement pensions and healthcare that state employees are eligible for. Look at their benefits ($8 million "payroll added costs") as a % of wages ($14 million hourly, mgt, OT and sick/vacation). That's well over 50%. Typical private business benefits run maybe 35% of wages. So trying to determine Gore's or WF's profitability or comparing Gore and WF to other ski resorts is a doomed apples-to-oranges exercise. And don't assume that other private ski areas are profitable. Do you think Jay, Stowe and Hunter for example are profitable? They may be, but we don't know because they are private businesses and their financial statements aren't publicly disclosed. There are only a few public companies in the ski industry. Vail Resorts is one. (Link). Peak Resorts (Mount Snow, Wildcat) was going to go public about 2 yrs ago but withdrew their offering. IntraWest (Tremblant, Stratton) used to be public but was taken private. Just because Vail Associates was profitable last year ($59 million before-tax profit on $1.2 billion in gross revenue) doesn't mean that Gore or WF is (or should be). A better debate would be the question of whether ORDA's operating loss of $8.5 million is "worth it." To me, it's a no-brainer win in terms of the $300 million (ballpark) regional economic impact. Yes, those additional revenue sources are in the P&L. Sponsorships and in-kind contributions provided $1.1 million last year. Well, these are audited by an independent CPA firm. They are certified to present fairly the financial position and operating results. I'll take them at face value in the absence of any specific information that makes the financials suspicious. One last thought, and I've said this three times now in this thread. The results quoted in the Adirondack Enterprise article are practically meaningless. They are 7-month results, April-October. The vast majority of ORDA’s revenue is generated in the other 5 months of the year. Full year results would be far more meaningful. |
This post was updated on .
In case you didn't guess Jeff is a pro and knows how to read financials. Thank you very much Jeff. The last time I tried to make my way through that stuff was about 3 years ago. (Now I leave it up to Jeff). What I saw was for all venues (I think), added up to zero and included something like $3M coming from the state. It made me assume that the whole operation needed a little help to make it all work. (No big deal to me). There were not infrastructure numbers in it that I saw. I am not clear on where money for new lifts comes from. Burnt Ridge Quad was 5M - was that completely financed or did the state help? I assumed there was tax money making that happen. Much of the new snow gun stuff at Gore has come through energy grants. But there was some cash outlay too. Not sure how that is paid for but in the long run those HKD lower operating cost.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
Thanks Jeff. This issue is actually not that interesting to me. Whether or not ORDA or an individual venue shows a "profit" is not the question because, as Pants pointed out yesterday, that's not the mission. The economic benefit to the area (which, incidentally, does increase state and local coffers through bed and sales taxes, income taxes from job creation, etc. none of which is captured in these financials) is clear and obvious and makes the state's investment a "no brainer" to borrow Jeff's phrase. I'm always more interested in what motivates guys like snowballs and Benny Profane. What axe are they grinding when they tote this issue out every year? Are they just offended that NYS is in the business of operating a few ski areas regardless of whether it does so well, efficiently or with some definable "return"? Are they bothered by the fact that a couple of their tax dollars may go to benefit some region of the state other than their own? What "kool aid" have we all supposedly drank? I just don't get their perennial angst over this stuff.
In reply to this post by Harvey
I thought it was my job to point out the obvious ![]() Thanks for that Jeff. |
In reply to this post by Noah John
![]() Oh crap ... I just spilled my Kool Aid.
It's easy to be against something ... It's hard to be for something!