I hear you. But when you have the choice between rib eye and chuck, can you blame anyone for choosing the rib eye? Usually a Powder Daize is rib eye, today it was chuck. Always good to eat steak though!
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Good analogy except from what it sounds like the analogy seems better as - you ordered a rib eye off the menu and they served you a tough piece of chuck and charged you for the rib eye as well. Sounds like Platty F'd up, if management has got any credibility they would come on this forum and offer anyone who has kept their lift ticket from that day a free one for another day.
Don't ski the trees, ski the spaces between the trees.
Because skiing cut up pow at a discounted rate midweek is equal to an overcooked steak? I am sure there were tons of fresh lines available to the keen eye if not wall to wall. Skiing isn't like ordering a meal at a restaurant, it's more like being able to pick the best apple out of the bin at the farmers market. They're all good, some are just perfect. |
When I started this thread, I wasn't harshing on Platte. If I take a mid week day off, it comes with a ton of aggravation and prep. I just wanted to be compensated for my aggravation.. No biggie..I'm sure conditions were fantastic...
"Peace and Love"
In reply to this post by ml242
I got no axe to grind here, but if the place led you to believe it was closed Monday or that it was only lightly tracked then they misled people. If it was unskied and you bought your ticket a few hours after opening, you F'd up.
Don't ski the trees, ski the spaces between the trees.
In reply to this post by ml242
Isn't that the point I made? Fine, use apples. The bin yesterday included the perfect apple (Magic) while other apples (Platty) has some bruising. You asked if we were spoiled, why not take a great ski day, where you could certainly search out some fresh lines, at Platty. I told you why. I chose to go for the prime rib eye, the perfect apple. Sure, my plans got buggered up, but that was a good call.
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In reply to this post by JasonWx
Which is exactly the point that I think some people are missing. Personally, I'll only get so many midweek opportunities. You gotta pick your spots, make the most of it. For some that might have meant passing on a less than ideal cut up Powder Daize and saving that precious day for a full on, untracked Powder Daize, like Platty normally offers. I won't criticize anyone for that. For others it meant driving further to get the kind of elusive goods that a Platty Powder Daize usually provides, but didn't yesterday. Nothing wrong with that either.
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In reply to this post by Glade Runner
Sick pics glade. Magic is a special place. One thing I wish magic would do is to GROOM the night before the powder or right when it starts snowing. It's so important. It would make it sooooo much better. That way when you sink to the bottom of the powder or it gets a little tracked out you don't have boiler plate/ice and it's butter smooth under the powder. Seriously, only negative thing I can think about magic is that one thing. I hurt my knee before when I was in a 8 inches of powder and then suddenly hit ice. Doesn't matter how good of a skier you are, you're going flying with that type of transition of conditions. That would not happen if it's groomed right before/start of the snowstorm. Nothing better than a foot of powder over soft groomer base. It's heaven.
14-15 Season:
11-22 Snow Ridge (opening day 35") 1-7 Snow Ridge (10") 11-28 Grand targhee 1-8 Telluride(12 inches) 11-30 jackson hole(10 inches) 1-9 Whistler(12 inches) 1-11 mt bactchelor(20 inches) 12-7 Vail(15 inches) 1-12 Mt baker(30 inches 12-10 Whistler(20 inches) 12-12 Whistler helisking(bottomless) 12-14 Big Sky(27 inches) 12-15 Mammoth(24 inches) 12-18 Kirkwood(50 inches) 12-21 Alta(37 inches) 12-22 Grand targhee(40 inches) 12-26 jackson hole(26 inches) 12-28 Chugatch backcountry(bottomless powder) |
Damn.......now it's not good enough to have powder on wide open trails, it has to be freshly groomed underneath! Sheeh....
We REALLY need a proper roll eyes emoji!!
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In reply to this post by ml242
Your analogies make absolutely no sense. Why eat leftovers when you can get a fresh 5 star meal elsewhere?(magic) Platty was cut up....simple as that. It was garbage compared to a normal powder daize. Only on the internet could you have an idiotic argument like this. Platty chose a private party OVER the public. The public was served the leftovers from the garbage bin after the private party had at it. I like to ski fresh. That's the first day. I'll come the second day to ski the chowda. But the first is much better and it sucks they screwed over their normal customers like that for a private party. Simple as that. EDIT......................................................................................................... READ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO I GUESS "POWDERFREAK" IS AN IDIOT AS WELL SINCE HE CLEARLY POSTED ON AMERICANEX FORUM IN THE SKI THREAD "NOTHING BETTER THAN SKIING POWDER OVER A FRESHLY GROOMED TRAIL" HAHAHAHA When did I say you can't ski powder on the east? Miss my posts about berkshire east/snow ridge/bromely and the list goes on? I was simply talking about how jay peak wasn't such a great pow destination due to wind blowing the snow off the trails. Grooming all the bowls? Do you know how much acerage that is? You really think ice is an issue out there the way it is here? They get WAY MORE snow. I don't like scraping sounds and I also don't like death cookies so yeah I like a freshly groomed slope with powder on top of it :) As does powderfreak ------------------------------------------------------------------------ It's common sense to groom before powder. It makes a world of difference and isn't even that hard to do. Most mountains groom every single day. It's one day before a mid week powder day. If enough people say something, magic will groom it's mountain before the pow day. Do you want a great day or an epic day? 63 bucks a lift ticket is not bottom rate. That's about as much as jay peak. You can ski midweek at beast for 40 bucks. That's what I love about berkshire east. Better grooming than magic. Please stop taking fair constructive criticism as an attack on a mountain. I'm not attacking magic. I even said it was a special place. If they improved grooming it would make it even better.
14-15 Season:
11-22 Snow Ridge (opening day 35") 1-7 Snow Ridge (10") 11-28 Grand targhee 1-8 Telluride(12 inches) 11-30 jackson hole(10 inches) 1-9 Whistler(12 inches) 1-11 mt bactchelor(20 inches) 12-7 Vail(15 inches) 1-12 Mt baker(30 inches 12-10 Whistler(20 inches) 12-12 Whistler helisking(bottomless) 12-14 Big Sky(27 inches) 12-15 Mammoth(24 inches) 12-18 Kirkwood(50 inches) 12-21 Alta(37 inches) 12-22 Grand targhee(40 inches) 12-26 jackson hole(26 inches) 12-28 Chugatch backcountry(bottomless powder) |
Banned User
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I know it just worked out like that as they must have just been booked that day. But, to pass it off as a powder day isn't right. I had no problem with the price of their ticket. My only problem was how they evaded my questions and kept saying it's great conditions out there. Obviously it's good conditions, everyone got a foot plus. But, we have all come to know a powder day at Platty as untracked, or mostly untracked. Sure, I could have found powder in the woods. But, some of my favorite runs ever in my life were ripping first tracks down a double black at Platty on 18 inches of fresh. I had a free Platty ticket and passed it up. Instead, I chose to pay the highest amount for a lift ticket I've paid all season ($63) and drive twice as far. It's not all about money. There was nothing wrong with them opening and nothing at all wrong with the price. Just don't advertise a powder day with that picture of untracked snow when that's not what the public is going to get. There was almost no one at Magic. We never waited in line. I think there were more people at Platty on Monday for the private party from looking on the webcam than there was at Magic on an actual powder day. And PA, while grooming before the storm might be nice, I don't think Magic has the budget for that. Unfortunately the general skiing population is more concerned with heated bubble lifts and waffle huts than fresh untracked powder. And if the people don't show up and buy lift tickets, then that explains why they don't have the extra funds for grooming before a storm. What was even worse was how they were trying to tell people it was still snowing after 4 pm when the radar showed it was long gone from them, with no more headed their way.
In reply to this post by PowderAssassin
You obviously don't get to Magic much or you would know that the trails you are talking about, the ones you want to ski on a powder day, are NEVER groomed. They don't frequently groom the ones which are: Magic Carpet, Wand, Trick, Showoff, Hocus Pocus, Wizard and, on rare occasions, Talisman, Up Your Sleeve and one lane of Heart Of Magician. Once they groomed one lane partway up Black to facilitate access for the Black Magic comp. But Witch, Red, Black Magic, Magician, Goniff, Twilight Zone, Sorcerer, Slide of Hans? Not gonna happen. BTW, the locals never refer to the upper, usually closed part of Magician as "Master Magician." |
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In reply to this post by PowderAssassin
No, it's not simple as that. You are making a very unfair leap here. Sure, I think Platty could have been more forthcoming with their followers regarding the party and this particular Powder Daize, but your statements above are rediculous. What, do you think that Platty booked that party Sunday night, or threw it together on Monday am? The didn't choose the party over the public. They booked it long ago I'm sure, and had a business commitment to honor. It is as simple as that. So they didn't screw customers over FOR a private party, although some customers might feel they got "screwed over" by not being informed of the fact that there was a private party that tracked out the new snow the day before.
We REALLY need a proper roll eyes emoji!!
internet keyboard commander is funny
I ride with Crazy Horse!
In reply to this post by JTG4eva!
Pow Ass.....You missed my point on the 'grooming before powder' bs. First you say you can't ski powder in the east. Someone points out all the great powder skiing in eastern trees. Then you say you can't ski it on wide open trails, because it all blows in the woods. Someone gives you powder on wide open trails in the east. You say that isn't good enough because they didn't have it groomed underneath. Is there no end to your qualifications? You only ski powder on groomers? Are you serious? You, my friend, are no Powder Assassin. As Assassin would hunt down the target, and kill it wherever it is. You are a Powder Fish Shooter In A Barrel! You'll only slay the powder covered groomers you can get to on your cushy heated high speed 6 pack bubble. Bubble Boy, that's it!
Oh, wait, did they start grooming all the bowls and back bowls out west?
We REALLY need a proper roll eyes emoji!!
In reply to this post by JTG4eva!
Sometimes I think he is just trolling but then I look at his long winded posts and I think there is no way anyone would put that much effort into trolling an internet forum. I can't quite figure it out. Some of his points are clearly for a reaction and others I think are more honest. As far as the private party thing no one books a party for 200+ people a day in advance. They probably could have been a little more clear but whatever. I'm sure there was plenty of good skiing to be had. Better than here! |
In reply to this post by ScottyJack
Lots of them in this thread. I was just saying yesterday how much I love chopped up pow, even though skiers out west would scoff at it and call it tracked out garbage. We're east coast skiers. Be happy when it snows and QuitYerBitchin' |
In reply to this post by JTG4eva!
High speed, heated, bubble 6 pack with cushy chairs?! Who cares about the powder?! I'd just ride the lift up and down all day!!
I've lived in New York my entire life.
In reply to this post by raisingarizona
I hear you RA, hard to figure him out. My problem on any discussion board is that I have little patience for trolls, and even less for people who make rediculous arguments to make some point or further their agenda. Eventually I break, call someone Bubble Boy, and get myself in trouble!!
We REALLY need a proper roll eyes emoji!!
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